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anything i've forgotten?


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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Hi All,

Well as you may have guessed im completely obssessed with being organised for the baby. Im quite glad i did a lot at the earlier stages of pregnancy as i really have got to the cant be bothered stage.

OK this is what i have so far, anything else you can think of??

Baby clothes all washed and ready to go
Cot is up, moses basket is ready
Car seat is coming 13th October and push chair is being delivered to mum and dads
Hospital bag is packed
2 packet of nappies have been bought (think i may need more)
Matenity pads have been bought (again... having read the thread about bleeding for 4 weeks i think i need more.. would normal sanitary ones be ok?)
Tens machine has been ordered

Im getting a little concerned about where my waters are going to break.. did you ladies use those sheets to put on the bed and if so when did you start using them? Cant afford a new mattress or carpet!

This is gonna be a long 7 weeks!!

Claire x
Check your moses baskets instructions. We didn't know we had to wash the actaul basket until the day we brought Dan home. Luckily my mums husband had brought us a travelcot! :lol:
ooo... forgot about getting nursing bras! I stupidly made the mistake of getting one a few weeks ago and have already outgrown it! Why i didnt listen to you mums i dont know! When should i get that?
Sounds like you're pretty sussed with it all.
With maternity pads i bought 3 packs of Tesco value sanitary towels. They were something like 26p. You'll probably wear 3 or 4 at a time in the 1st couple of days. Then i wore ordinary night time pads til bleeding lightened up.

I forgot about protecting my bed, which was lucky coz my waters broke towards the end of labour.
Defo get a few packs of maternity pads, i went through about 6-8 packs before moving onto sanitary towels. Couldnt use normal towels too early as they irritated my stitches, i needed the extra soft padding of the maternity pads. I used tesco maternity pads.

Ooh and if you are breastfeeding get some breastpads and nipple cream

I didnt have any sheets on my bed but i suppose you could get some and pop them under your sheets just in case. My waters broke in bed but luckily i got up quick enough and made a dash for the loo :lol:

Sounds like you have everything ready hun :)

Maybe start to think about food for after you have the baby, like cook up some batches and freeze so you have quick meals on hand.

And i do advise you to now relax and get some 'me' time in before LO comes along. Enjoy lying in of a morning, long baths, a good book etc etc :)
Take a few pairs of knickers to the hospital with you for afterwards, as I seemed to get a lot of blood on mine (sorry tmi) and it was nice to keep changing them.Even with pads it seeps through somewhere.
Car seat is coming 13th October - Be sure to test it in the car first so you know how it fits - OH was responsible for this task (his car, I dont drive) and never did it - once we left hoispital we had to buy a base unit as the seatbelt didn't fit round it! :roll:
2 packet of nappies have been bought (think i may need more) We bought quite a stash - unlike newboirn clothes, you know you will use nappies, and may not feel up to running out for some. We just bought one pack of newborn and 3 big packs of the next size up. We only re-stocked today.
Matenity pads have been bought (again... having read the thread about bleeding for 4 weeks i think i need more.. would normal sanitary ones be ok?) I would say get more maternity ones but dont overdo it - every one is different and bleed for different lengths of time - for me, about 4 weeks on mat pads and then 1 week on sanitary pads. Make sure you have tampons/sanitary towels too, I just got my AF and as its been so long since the last, I only had 2 tampons at home! :wall:
Im getting a little concerned about where my waters are going to break.. did you ladies use those sheets to put on the bed and if so when did you start using them? I did have pads, but we had just changed the sheets about 2 days before my waters went (in bed at 2am) and OH hadn't put a new one down. I had noticed that night, but was too tired to replace it and thought id be safe. TBH, the amount of waters that broke in bed, a pad would have been useless anyway!! Besides, you never know where you'll be when it happens anyway.

ok.. more maternity pads, nipple cream and i will grab one more pack of knickers (got 2 packs of 4) Ive bought a couple of boxes of breast pads.. will that be enough for now?
Yeah a couple of boxes will do you fine, you can always send someone out for extra things if needed :)
Have you got a nighties suitable for breastfeeding (buttons at the front)? I have three and in the first days I changed them pretty often. I got mine from Mothercare.

I bought a waterproof mattress cover which I still use. In the early weeks it was very useful as my milk kept leaking (nursing pads don't always stay still at night) and it didn't matter if LO puked or peed in a bed. There aren't many leakages these days but I thought it doesn't hurt to use it anyway. I would rather not buy a new mattress :D
Hi Nori

To be completely honest i have never used maternity pads just the night time sanitary ones which did perfectly ok especially as you can get them in extra long now, having said that maternity ones are prbobaly cheaper :roll:

I never used bed preotector things either (god i just realised after 6 babies how unorganised i was) but didnt need them either :roll:

I buy nappies just about every time i see them on special offer, i have just bought 2 packs of midi ones from morrisons while they are on offer plus i had some vouchers so paid barely £2 a pack for them :D

How about things like a baby moniter maybe?
Im Getting some great feedback (thanks!).. sounds like buying more nappies maybe a good idea. Now i have two packs of newborns.. do i need more newborns or do i need to go to the next size up?
Hi all - dont get on much these days other than for a quick nose so hope no one minds me adding something :oops:

just wanted to make a suggestion about waters going in bed - i put a big bin bag on the mattress then a big towel on top of that then the normal sheet. the towel stops the bin bag from russleing or being uncomfy as well as abosrobing any waters. i also had a towel by the bed at all times.

as it happened i had only just dozed off when my waters went so felt a slight trickle and jumped up and stood over the spare towel (good job too there was loads!) i know a slight trickle wouldnt have really mattered if it had got throught to the mattress but my lo had already done his first poo so my waters were gross (sorry tmi!) and i would not have wanted that on my mattress :puke:

anyway just thought i'd mention it as bin bags are nice and cheap!!

Em78 said:
Hi all - dont get on much these days other than for a quick nose so hope no one minds me adding something :oops:

just wanted to make a suggestion about waters going in bed - i put a big bin bag on the mattress then a big towel on top of that then the normal sheet. the towel stops the bin bag from russleing or being uncomfy as well as abosrobing any waters. i also had a towel by the bed at all times.

as it happened i had only just dozed off when my waters went so felt a slight trickle and jumped up and stood over the spare towel (good job too there was loads!) i know a slight trickle wouldnt have really mattered if it had got throught to the mattress but my lo had already done his first poo so my waters were gross (sorry tmi!) and i would not have wanted that on my mattress :puke:

anyway just thought i'd mention it as bin bags are nice and cheap!!


LOL.. and i thought i was organised! Great idea!!
:lol: that was my first baby - its all gone to hell this time round!!

still not put the bin bag on the bed and only packed my hospital bag/sorted out the moses basket etc on sunday (baby due in 2 weeks!)

Just cant seem to get organized this time :doh:

good luck with everthing!

I would try buying different brands of breast pads, as I had to shop around before I found ones that i was comfortable with.

I found the best nipple cream was Lansinoh (worked wonders in easing the pain and discomfort of cracked nipples)

Perhaps buy some bottles just in case baby doesn't take to breastfeeding.

Reccommend a V shaped pillow for breast/bottle feeding (your arms/back will really ache otherwise)

Have comfy clothes ready for after baby is born, you prob won't want to get all dressed up and glamourous.

have thank you cards ready, (I wrote all these out while I was feeding my DD, we were inundated with gifts, I had to keep a list of who sent what)

I never used maternity pads, just sanitary towels, I didn't bleed much to be honest, but every woman is different.

Perhaps buy some arnica which is good for healing/bruising, I had a section and it was amazing how quickly the bruising disappeared after I started taking this.

Hope this helps, there is probably loads I have forgotten.

Do you have lots of bedding for the moses basket? Or muslins? We put a muslin over the sheets on her moses basket so that if she threw up we just had to take that off or replace it rather than changing all the bedding.

May be take the time now to work out which seat in your house will be best for feeding in. Look at guides on the internet as to how you should be sitting. I had extra cushions at my back and a dictionary under my feet to sit right.
thats a point, i always had tons of terry nappies (apparently muslins are now the thing) that i used for sick, i always had one under babys head in the cot or pram or moses basket etc to catch dribble etc it was much easier than changing bedding constantly :D
Re nappies

Don't go overboard and buy masses in one brand as you may find they don't suit your baby. We started in Huggies, he soaked out the side of them all the time, changed to Pampers was fine., Its trial and error till you find a brand you like and baby is ok with. I'd be prepared to change brands so don't stockpile.

Lansinoh nipple cream is the only way to go. £10 a tube but very worth it.

I'd do a fair few meals for the freezer. And also stock up on all your shopping other than fresh.

I never worried about having anything under me in bed. My waters broke in labour all over the rug in the bedroom :lol:
Sherlock said:
Re nappies

Don't go overboard and buy masses in one brand as you may find they don't suit your baby. We started in Huggies, he soaked out the side of them all the time, changed to Pampers was fine., Its trial and error till you find a brand you like and baby is ok with. I'd be prepared to change brands so don't stockpile.
I was just going ot post the exact same thing! I have one pack may get another but no more than that as I had to swap and change with all my children! Huggies were ok for one for the first few weeks, not for the other etc
I remembered that Tesco nappies worked great with my DD and seeing as Im having a girl again I got one pack but still may need to change so wont waste money stocking up! Pampers worked for Joseph but not Dillon etc! Then with each I had to change them again after a few weeks! As they grew into the next size they worked differently!? Nappies are crazy lol!

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