Delivery of Placenta (TMI) and examination of uterus

It hurt with me. They took up to about 50 minutes to get it out with both Aimee and Nathan. Aimees had to be pulled out by the doctor, now that hurt. Nathans came out on its own eventually with a lot of pulling. Then they check it over to make sure its all come out.
After James came out I was far too preoccupid with him to notice, I completely forgot about the placenta! The first I knew of it was when the midwife held it up to show me. I was aware of some mild cramps, and the wetness of it slithering out but that was all.

I was surprised by the amount of blood in that you tube video, I don't remember there being so much blood. It looked like the lady needed stitches after though so it must have been from the tear.

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