anyone else overdue?


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2011
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3 days overdue and I'm really fed up :( I've tried everything to get her out and having a 2nd sweep today.

Anyone else overdue? how are you feeling?
Hi Steph, I'm not overdue yet but just popping in to say hope something starts happening for you soon, I've got a feeling I'll be in the same boat as you in a couple of weeks as my LO seems quite snug where she is at the mo! Good luck xxx
I'm not over due yet, i'm due on Saturday but i just get a feeling little man isn't thinking of making any movements yet. I am already soooo fed up so really feel for you!

Hope your LO gets moving soon!! :)
Yes I'm overdue steph!!!!! If baby doesn't arrive over weekend Im getting a sweep next Wednesday! Xxx I just want baby out now... I have had no signs either ! Xx
thanks guys.

I've just had my 2nd sweep and cervix is still posterior and thick. Midwife is not very hopeful :(

3rd sweep booked for monday - induction booked for friday 18th

Hope you ladies have better luck when the time comes xxx
hope something happens really soon for you Steph and alicia xx
thanks Katie!!

Alicia - you'll have to keep me updated, you are only 2 days behind me (I'm 40+3 - my ticker is wrong) good luck! xx
I will. How was your sweep? Are they painful? Is it a quick procedure? X
It wasn't painful the first time but it was a little bit this time because she was trying to pull the cervix down. I've agreed to have my 3rd one though so I guess they can't be that bad!! it's very quick, a little bit longer than a smear test. Just feels strange, like you need a wee!!
Oo good not too scary! I hate that feeling like you need to wee but don't lol x
I'm not overdue just yet either, but only 4 days left and I can see me going over!

Glad to hear sweeps aren't too bad. When did you have your first one?

I've got mw appointment Friday, and I think she'll book me for a sweep next week some time...
I'm not overdue just yet either, but only 4 days left and I can see me going over!

Glad to hear sweeps aren't too bad. When did you have your first one?

I've got mw appointment Friday, and I think she'll book me for a sweep next week some time...

my first one was on monday at 40+1. 2nd at 40+3 and my 3rd will be at 40+8 xx
I'm still here :-(
Totally understand how you feel!!! Going hospital for sweep and induction assessment, but they are sending me 1hr away to the hospital so got a feeling they may want to induce!
Really really feel for you as ppl don't understand how just 1 days is sooo long and upsetting!!
Good luck with sweeps! Xxx
OMG Kayelle, are you really as far as your ticker says? I can't imagine what it's like to be that late, I really feel for you. How come they haven't incuced you after going 2 weeks over? xx
I thought they didnt let you go over 10 days late?

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