overdue ladies


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2008
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overdue ladies i was just wonderin how many of us there are on here,
i mean i feel sorry 4 myself lol so 4 all u ladies that are more overdue then me PLEASE BABIES GET OUT!!!!

Post here if u are overdue and we can all moan together lol

i think i might be one of a minority now as most overdue'ers are being induced either yesterday or today... ive postponed mine until saturday. Today im term+11 (or 41+4 if you want to put it that way).
I was due 2 whole weeks before my SIL & now it looks like we will be having our babies around the same time! I hope to god its not on the same day though....
I am 5 days overdue today 40+5......sooo fed up, ready for this baby to come out. I am hoping for a sweep tomorrow-so hopefully there will be some progress ??

looks like im in the lead with overdue-ness hehehe.... just had my 2nd sweep this afternoon. MW said cervix now "admits a finger" rather than a tip like it did on monday. Doesnt it all sound so undignified! So things ARE moving along but very verry slowly. I personally think ill be going in for my induction as planned on saturday now which is a bit disappointing but hey i gave it 3-4 more days to try than the consultant had planned :) Ah well at least ill be a mum by next week :D

if its any help to you other ladies the 40+week was THE most depressing week for me... but i seemed to perk up at 41weeks, or maybe it was because i made my own MW appointment & had a dam good chat with her about how i was feeling at the time & possibly getting it all off my chest made me feel better.
kerry i think u are more overdue then any1 here god i feel 4 u hun, but at least u know u will b a mummy by next week. :hug: and maybe u will have a really easy labour like riot girrrl

prickleyfairy is this ur first baby? i was talkin with mw and she told me many women having first babies are 6 to 8 days overdue and this is normal apparently

so at least there is hope lol
not to say that MW's just wanna make you feel good but most of mine said at first "most 1st babies come the week after they're due"... NOW i hear them tell me "most 1st babies come at term+12 if you let them".
Term+13 will def be my cut off! I dont care if they try & tell me baby is fine & happy... this 1st time mum wants to meet her baby god dam it!

As for easy labour... can only hope, 3 mins.. i mean crikey! She surely has to go into a record book somewhere :D wouldnt it be wonderful to wait this long & only have a labour of 3 mins!!!
but then u get the lucky ones with first time babies who come early or on time

i think its like a lottery lol, i went 2 see mw wed and she said she wud give me a sweep next wed il b 10days over,
but she did say il prob go into labour b4 then fingers crossed.
kerry do u feel like u are gonna b pregnant 4eva lol i do, i cant imagin myself without a bump

and yes i do think mw r crap nowadays and try and fob u off mine tests my piss and does my bp but doesnt even tell me if its ok i hav 2 ask everytime lol

i really hope ur baby comes b4 ur induction xxx
I'm 40 + 4 and not even getting the slightest twinge although can hardly seperate my legs to walk anymore.. dunno what thats all about!!
It seems like its never going to happen now and sick of feeling sorry for myself. I've had 2 sweeps and did bugger all, my MW is phoning me monday morning to check i'm ok then booking me in for the friday to be induced which is scaring the hell outta me
vicky my mw wong even atempt a sweep b4 im 40w10d. so just gotta wait around lol. but by the sound of yours they dont sound very successfull at 40w4d

im tryin 2 keep active so the days go quick lol
but im so fed up of ppl txtin and callin sayin have u had the baby yet or hurry up and have that baby!!!!!!
i mean dont they think im FED UP :wall:
cant believe she wont sweep you before then.. why? my first one was before my actual dd but i cheated a bit there as went in thinking my water had broke, so while she was in there checking that out she did the sweep as well :rotfl:

I'm totally fed up really keep thinking i'm dreaming and not really pregnant as seems he is never coming out, least this tme next week i'll be in the hospital to be induced :cheer:

and what is it with people texting every morning and night asking if there are any signs yet, i have told em all i will let them know... but NOOOO lets keep ringing and texting to ask :wall:

Oh the joys of pregnancy xx
:rotfl: i think if ppl stopped askin every 5min i wouldent b so pissed off and maybe the time wud go abit quicker
i mean its me having the baby do they not think im soooooo pissed off
we will hav are babies soon vicky COME ON LITTLE MONKEYS OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is my second baby, and everybody kept saying your be early.....and now look i'm 6 days overdue. I've had the endless phone calls and texts, it's soooo annoying don't people think i will call or let them know if anything happens. On the plus side, have had a show today and was examined at my midman appoimment, and i'm 2-3cm dialated and in pre-labour!!!!! Lots of BH, but no pain as such. Just hoping something happens soon :pray:
i think it was the constant asking that got me really peeved... and snappy. I still get it now but not as much as i went mad at some people for asking all the time or "suggesting" curries, sex etc do they think you dont try all that?!

anyway ive now heard a lot of "youve still got until 8am on saturday to have it at home"... (we were planig a home birth) grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ive admitted defeat & resigned to the fact ill be going in tomorrow for a weekend trapped in a hospital, why cant others?!

Has ANOTHER antenatal check today strapped to a CTG machine & was again told "ooo baby is perfectly happy in there isnt it" I KNOW THAT!!! & this was after people i work with saw me & i got the usual "ooo you look big" or "thought you would have been due by now" :wall: :wall: :wall:

Ah well, im now in the process of packing more in my hospital bag seen as ill be there a while now rather than it being ready "just incase". Seems after 41wks+12days of being pregnant, 3 weeks of being fully engaged, 2 sweeps, at least 2 plugs coming away this baby is going to need to be TOLD to come out as its just toooo comfy! Hope all you others dont have to wait as long a i did.... fingers crossed the hospital have a bed for me in the morning now!!! :lol:
good luck kerry if any1 deserves their baby u do hun.im sorry a home birth hasnt worked out 4 u :hug:

keep us posted hun im so excited 4 u now :cheer:

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