Anyone else just gone into 2ww? 1DPO @ 18th Jan


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Sep 20, 2011
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Anyone else got similar dates?

I am not due to test until 31st Jan / 14DPO.

I know there are a few similar threads but these ladies are a bit further along the 2WW!

Hey there, just wanted to say good luck for tww, I'm 7dpo today, goin so slow!

Fx for you :)
I didn't want to join up with all you guys that are a week ahead of me LOL!

Best of luck mrs v

Hiya. I'm slightly behind you and should be 1dpo on either thursday or friday. Fingers crossed for a BFP!x

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Hiya. I'm slightly behind you and should be 1dpo on either thursday or friday. Fingers crossed for a BFP!x

Sent from my BlackBerry 9700 using Tapatalk

Come and join me in a few days :)

Were testing on the same day carnat, tho I think I will prob test 28th tho! What are ur symptoms like so far? X

TTC our first baby since 6th Jan 2012
I should hopefully be joinging you in a few days too. Should be ov'ing maybe Friday and then due to test on the 2nd Feb! Determined not to test too early if I can help it, tested too early and too many times last month so ended up wasting loads of tests and kept getting dissapointed. xx
I have decided I'm not testing this month, I'm going to hold out and if af is late I will test. I always get upset and get in a bad mood. I really hope I can do it this month I have bd more than usual! But I've not had a positive opk not sure if I ov'd early or the cheap sticks don't work for me. Fingers crossed I have actually ov'd. Good luck girlies x

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Were testing on the same day carnat, tho I think I will prob test 28th tho! What are ur symptoms like so far? X

I'm only 2DPO ha ha so no symptoms as yet!!

I am testing 31st and that is still the day before AF is due... I'll be 14DPO though!

Your ticker says only 8 days until testing - how exciting!!

I think i OV on tues 18th, that was last day of CM so I'm guessing then or maybe early wed. If that is the case this puts me on track for a 30day cycle.... last one was 40 days and on average usually about 35 days so a wee short one this time. Have BD'd sat, sun and wed so typically will probably have missed it and should have dtd on mon/tue.

Just too tired after finishing work at 2330, wish it could go back to dtd for fun and not to a schedule!
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Hi Car, i am too testing on the 31st, im 4dpo today. No symptoms as yet xxx
Hi Car, i am too testing on the 31st, im 4dpo today. No symptoms as yet xxx

How exciting!!!

I am only 3dpo and so far nothing much to report... had a really gurgly tummy last night and some ov pain and cm yesterday but that's all stopped now!

Forgot to mention last night i had a really sharp pain on my right side, it was that painful it woke me up! Whats that all about???????

LOL not really symptom spotting!!!!!
Forgot to mention last night i had a really sharp pain on my right side, it was that painful it woke me up! Whats that all about???????

LOL not really symptom spotting!!!!!

It's going to be a long, long few weeks LOL!

Everything is a potential symptom :shock:

Today I'm 5/6dpo, had af like cramps and lots of watery cm 1-3dpo then thing since then until today when iv had a metallic/blood taste in my mouth?? Was feeling very disheartened until then! How's everyone else at this stage? Oh I also had a little creamy cm today (tmi sorry) :)
Think I'm about 8dpo, af not due until 3rd feb but will start testing end of this week I think! I havnt really had many symptoms, very easily annoyed (the way I get before af) and tiny amounts of creamy cm. The only symptom that I got excited over was a bloody/metallic taste in my mouth, very random I hadnt bit my mouth or anything? But we'll see!! X
AF is due on 1st Feb so I am testing on 31st - really, really don't want to test earlier than that!

My gums feel a bit sore (although I am waiting to be referred to hospital for some root panning - deep cleanising of the gums - so I can't read much into that!)

Was quite 'gurgly' in my tummy a few nights back and had what I would say is Ov pain and lots of CM

But nowt today or yesterday!

7dpo today, nowt much goin on, right booby feels abit tender thats bout it xxx

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