Anyone else expecting their 1st?

We got 4 photos, but I'm a bit adamant about not putting scan photos online (I don't know why, I've just always said I wouldn't!). The lady wasn't the nicest of people... she really rushed our scan and when we said we wanted 4 photos, not 2, she got in a huff and rushed the last couple of scan pics, so they're not even very clear unfortunately! We got 1 which is clear, 3 which are just a mess!

Not sure whether or not to make a complaint to the hospital or not....

I definitely would hun, that is not acceptable. At the end of the day they are there to provide a service and to do it properly. You shouldn't have to put up with sub standard.
We got 4 photos, but I'm a bit adamant about not putting scan photos online (I don't know why, I've just always said I wouldn't!). The lady wasn't the nicest of people... she really rushed our scan and when we said we wanted 4 photos, not 2, she got in a huff and rushed the last couple of scan pics, so they're not even very clear unfortunately! We got 1 which is clear, 3 which are just a mess!

Not sure whether or not to make a complaint to the hospital or not....

I definitely would hun, that is not acceptable. At the end of the day they are there to provide a service and to do it properly. You shouldn't have to put up with sub standard.

I think she was just having a really bad day. She snapped at me when we got in the room and acted as if I was stupid if I asked a question. I'm a 1st time mum, I don't know anything yet!!

I said to my partner if we have another bad experience, I'll make a complaint sooner rather than later. Otherwise, I will say something after the baby is born as it's not a huge hospital and I don't want us to be treated badly at future appointments for complaining. I know we're lucky to get free healthcare in the UK and we all have our bad days. I'm just said we only got 1 good photo (at £18, too!!). That 1 clear photo is really clear as well, so it's not like it wasn't possible, it was just so rushed and she really wasn't happy when we said we wanted 4, not 2.
Lol yeah that really good... no morning sickness ?? I'm dreading morning sickness lol... Yeah it should go right fast once we hit December lol I'm due on 23rd of feb babe x

Nope, no sickness at all! Which is really good for me because I can count on one hand how many times I've been sick in my life and the sheer idea of throwing up terrifies me haha! Hopefully you won't get it either :) There's a lucky 25% of women who don't get symptoms especially sickness!

I hope January and February roll around quickly for us. Honestly, it seems years away right now!!
Lol yeah that really good... no morning sickness ?? I'm dreading morning sickness lol... Yeah it should go right fast once we hit December lol I'm due on 23rd of feb babe x

Nope, no sickness at all! Which is really good for me because I can count on one hand how many times I've been sick in my life and the sheer idea of throwing up terrifies me haha! Hopefully you won't get it either :) There's a lucky 25% of women who don't get symptoms especially sickness!

I hope January and February roll around quickly for us. Honestly, it seems years away right now!!

Oh that's so good lv hate been sick as well..... Felt a bit dizzy and sicky earlier at work (it felt kind of like a bad hangeover) but maybe it was cuss it was busy and hot ..... I'm hoping im one of lucky onces like you and don't get it lol ..... And i know what yoy mean it seems so long away to my first medwifes appointment, never mind February lol
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hi all. had my scan yesterday:) thankfully all was well. It was soooooo amazing to see munchkin:) i couldnt help get a bit teary. baby kept wriggling and turning away from the probe so took ages to get measurements- my hubby was like oh no stubborn just like its mum:)

so beautiful:) can see the little fingers and everything:)
im actually a little bit further ahead i think 13 weeks and 3 days and due date 30th december!

I was hoping symptoms would settle by 13 weeks but still having terrible symptoms.
Had my 1st scan today, I'm 11+1 (so need to amend my tracker, thought I'd be 11+4!). Feels so real now, it hadn't sunk in properly until today!

Hi SAHf! congrats on your scan! any pics? mine is today at 4- nervous

We got 4 photos, but I'm a bit adamant about not putting scan photos online (I don't know why, I've just always said I wouldn't!). The lady wasn't the nicest of people... she really rushed our scan and when we said we wanted 4 photos, not 2, she got in a huff and rushed the last couple of scan pics, so they're not even very clear unfortunately! We got 1 which is clear, 3 which are just a mess!

Not sure whether or not to make a complaint to the hospital or not....

I hope the person doing your scan is nicer!! I am sure they will be. Good luck and let us know how it goes :)

thats such a shame- im so glad i had a lovely lady- she was laughing with us at babys antics. the best bit was we got three lovely photos- for free! didnt have to pay a penny.
hi all. had my scan yesterday:) thankfully all was well. It was soooooo amazing to see munchkin:) i couldnt help get a bit teary. baby kept wriggling and turning away from the probe so took ages to get measurements- my hubby was like oh no stubborn just like its mum:)

so beautiful:) can see the little fingers and everything:)
im actually a little bit further ahead i think 13 weeks and 3 days and due date 30th december!

I was hoping symptoms would settle by 13 weeks but still having terrible symptoms.

Awh congratulations! It's so lovely getting to see our babies for the first time, isn't it? I was 11+1 on the day of my scan. I bet they've already changed so much since then! I can't wait until the 20 week scan, it's going to be amazing seeing the difference!

Hope your horrible symptoms disappear soon! x
Apparently no sickness early on can mean you'll be sick during labour. I hope this isn't true as I've not had sickness either (just nausea) and tbh I'd rather have it now than during labour!
Apparently no sickness early on can mean you'll be sick during labour. I hope this isn't true as I've not had sickness either (just nausea) and tbh I'd rather have it now than during labour!

I haven't heard that before! I do know though that 25% of women don't get morning sickness (or many symptoms at all!). My mum didn't have it, nor did my partner's, and neither of them were sick during labour :) So hopefully that's just a myth!
Everything in pregnancy is a myth as every pregnancy is different :) it's just what my mil told me.
Has anyone else got really funny with food ??? I seem to have gone from been hungry all time (im a big girl) and enjoying eatting everything to not even been bordered about eatting at all... So strange thought been pregnant would increase my appetite not reduce it to nothing :/
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My appetite increased when the nausea started at 6 weeks but eating was the only thing that helped it. At the moment I'm not too fussed - this morning was the first morning I woke up and didn't feel really sick until I had my breakfast so here's hoping the nausea is leaving!

A lot of people lose weight in the first trimester which I think is probably due to not eating because of sickness or lack of appetite.
I lost about 20lbs from nausea
I couldn't even listen to people talk about food let alone eat it lol
Has anyone else got really funny with food ??? I seem to have gone from been hungry all time (im a big girl) and enjoying eatting everything to not even been bordered about eatting at all... So strange thought been pregnant would increase my appetite not reduce it to nothing :/

I'm a curvy girl with a big appetite. I'm still eating as much as usual, but I have found that I am having to force myself to finish meals sometimes. I don't know if that's because they say instead of 3 normal meals you should have 5 smaller meals, which I'm not doing, or if it's something else, but I get half way through my main meal and just have no appetite and no interest in what's on my plate!

I think anything that happens food wise is normal, so long as if it gets to a point where you are not able to eat or drink anything at all, you see your midwife who can help.
I'm glad I'm normal then lol been drink absolutely loads always feel right thirsty but never bothered about food or I'll make somthing and be like right don't want that now lol but hopefully it will pass :)
The thought of most food turns my stomach but eating helps with the nausea. I'm almost 12 weeks and I'm not eating as much this week. It was crisps that helped me last week. I am really thirsty an awful lot. I was a size 8 but I already have a belly on my and all my leggings are too tight already.
Sounds like it's time for some maternity leggings!

I think I'll get away with not wearing maternity clothes for quite a few months - I'm a curvy size 14 anyway, and wear very baggy/loose clothing. When it does come to maternity clothes though I have no idea what to do! Do you just get the same size you are now, and cos it's maternity it allows for the shape/size change? Or go up a size? I hate trying clothes on when shopping....
We got 4 photos, but I'm a bit adamant about not putting scan photos online (I don't know why, I've just always said I wouldn't!). The lady wasn't the nicest of people... she really rushed our scan and when we said we wanted 4 photos, not 2, she got in a huff and rushed the last couple of scan pics, so they're not even very clear unfortunately! We got 1 which is clear, 3 which are just a mess!

Not sure whether or not to make a complaint to the hospital or not....

I definitely would hun, that is not acceptable. At the end of the day they are there to provide a service and to do it properly. You shouldn't have to put up with sub standard.

I decided to make a complaint after all and I heard back from them today. They asked the sonographer for her account of what was said to me and how she feels the scan went, and she admitted speaking to me the way she did and saying what she did. She asked an apology get passed on to me, and the matron also apologised.

She said they had taken note of the directions in the maternity unit needing to be better laid out, and they are discussing adding more signs so that it is clearer to 1st time visitors.

Unfortunately nothing was said in response to my comments about the quality of the scan photos, due to the sonographer rushing, but I can't complain - I got an apology which is more than I expected.

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