Anyone else expecting their 1st?

My first too and I think Im around 8 weeks, I have my first midwife appointment next week. My main symptoms are constant extreme tiredness and feeling sick most of the time. I've went off a lot of foods / drinks and craving things I don't eat :eh: I've had a few little niggles but nothing painful or sore.

I've been craving foods I normally don't have, as well! Like McDonald's... Usually if I have one a year that's excessive, but I've craved one for weeks! I've also been.craving more fruit though so I suppose it's had its positives too :)

I woke up from an afternoon nap the other day and wanted 'smash' I don't eat that :lol: yesterday it was crisps. I've went off most fluids apart from water and chocolate milk. I normally don't eat a lot of rubbishy foods at all.

Found out this morning that I am pregnant. It's our first too. We were trying for 13 months

Congratulations! So glad you finally got your BFP! Are you excited?!
I told them at 12 weeks. My mat leave is 90% salary for first 6 weeks then 50% salary plus smp until 26 weeks, then if I want to take more it's smp Only for the next 13 weeks then unpaid for the final 13 taking me to 52 weeks. U are entitled to a year that's strange? Xxx

I checked the Government website to see what they say, and it says we are entitled 'up to'. The first 26 weeks everyone is entitled to, the second 26 weeks depends on employer/how long you've worked for them. I'm going to ask for the full 52 weeks, but I'm not sure if I'll get it. I will have been working for them for 16 months when I take maternity leave!
My first too and I think Im around 8 weeks, I have my first midwife appointment next week. My main symptoms are constant extreme tiredness and feeling sick most of the time. I've went off a lot of foods / drinks and craving things I don't eat :eh: I've had a few little niggles but nothing painful or sore.

I've been craving foods I normally don't have, as well! Like McDonald's... Usually if I have one a year that's excessive, but I've craved one for weeks! I've also been.craving more fruit though so I suppose it's had its positives too :)

I woke up from an afternoon nap the other day and wanted 'smash' I don't eat that :lol: yesterday it was crisps. I've went off most fluids apart from water and chocolate milk. I normally don't eat a lot of rubbishy foods at all.

Me neither. We eat tons of fruit and all our meals have tons of veg. My only downfall is adoring an Indian takeaway! But that's only once every 4 weeks or so that we indulge in that!
my first too:) we'd been trying for 8-9months so I was super happy. Im having a lot of nausea and also terrible constant burping which is awful. also heartburn and fatigue. Im 9 weeks and 6 days ish. got my scan on 26th June.

my brother in law had a dream we were having twins! so Im a bit apprehensive of that too! they dont run in my family but my brother in laws are twins,

oh and how could i forgot the sore boobs! though not minding the increase in size at all:)

I'm dreading mine getting bigger as I'm already fairly big busted!

I'd love twins! Whenever I'd talk about kids when I was younger, I'd always say I wanted twin boys and then a girl. It'd be blooming hard work though! Twins don't run in our family either, but I do think I'd be pretty ecstatic if there were two in there!

haha well i had no problems with a big bust!! so any increase is a welcome bonus lol

i think twins are a nice idea but maybe best not for the first- as id be worried re complications and also double the sleeplessness and work! but of course if it did turn out to be twins id be excited too:)

have you guys got a name for the developing little one
mine is the munchkin:)
Remember twins come from your side
So whether you are prone to ovulate multiple eggs or not
Otherwise identical twins are a total fluke of the egg splitting after fertilising and its not a genetic thing that runs in families x

Found out this morning that I am pregnant. It's our first too. We were trying for 13 months

Congratulations! So glad you finally got your BFP! Are you excited?!

Excited and scared lol.

We're having to tell people earlier than we wanted too simply for the social life aspect...People are going to wonder why I'm not drinking and smoking but I'm telling them that it is early days.
How are we all doing today 1st time mums-to-be?

I'm 9+2 today and yesterday I went against my better judgment.... I said I wouldn't buy anything at all for baby until after my 12 week scan, and I know I have weeks to go yet, but every time I go into town I just can't resist looking at baby things!

I couldn't find anything clothes wise I liked yesterday, mainly because our town is fairly small without much option and I want things to be gender neutral - every shop was specific 'boys wear blue' and 'girls wear pink'!! Instead I found an adorable little teddy in Tesco, Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh, which is so soft and cute and would make the perfect little friend for baby when they're here!

Has anyone else bought anything for baby yet?

well i bought some cute baby bibs before we found out we were pregnant - I moved to scotalnd hubby is scottish and they said 50% mum, 50% dad, 100% scottish- whcih i thought was cute.
but not bought anything since - much too scared to jinx anything!

bu the teddy sounds super cute.

I think after my twelve week scan probably start making plans then- going to have to redecorate and make some room for baby stuff
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I'm expecting my first too, although this is my 3rd pregnancy. Unfortunately miscarried the previous 2 so taking each day as it comes this time and not thinking too far ahead - which is impossible!!!!

I'm 5+3, EDD 5th February and have a reassurance scan booked in on the 22nd June which will be 7+3. Also got our 12 week scan date through as well but managed to change it to the 24th July - will be bang on 12 weeks from my calculations, plus thats our 2nd anniversary :) also OH Dads 60th birthday on the 25th so perfect time to announce.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone xx
I'm expecting my first too, although this is my 3rd pregnancy. Unfortunately miscarried the previous 2 so taking each day as it comes this time and not thinking too far ahead - which is impossible!!!!

I'm 5+3, EDD 5th February and have a reassurance scan booked in on the 22nd June which will be 7+3. Also got our 12 week scan date through as well but managed to change it to the 24th July - will be bang on 12 weeks from my calculations, plus thats our 2nd anniversary :) also OH Dads 60th birthday on the 25th so perfect time to announce.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone xx

welcome to the group
miscarraige is my fear at the mo- its like each day is a blessing but just counting down the days to the scan.
hope it goes ok for you this time!

well i bought some cute baby bibs before we found out we were pregnant - I moved to scotalnd hubby is scottish and they said 50% mum, 50% dad, 100% scottish- whcih i thought was cute.
but not bought anything since - much too scared to jinx anything!

bu the teddy sounds super cute.

I think after my twelve week scan probably start making plans then- going to have to redecorate and make some room for baby stuff

I'm going to go into full blown planning mode after the 12 week scan! I don't think we'll buy stuff until quite late on though, esp as I'm due January and everywhere is selling summer baby clothes! I'll need some winter clothes for our little one :)
I'm expecting my first too, although this is my 3rd pregnancy. Unfortunately miscarried the previous 2 so taking each day as it comes this time and not thinking too far ahead - which is impossible!!!!

I'm 5+3, EDD 5th February and have a reassurance scan booked in on the 22nd June which will be 7+3. Also got our 12 week scan date through as well but managed to change it to the 24th July - will be bang on 12 weeks from my calculations, plus thats our 2nd anniversary :) also OH Dads 60th birthday on the 25th so perfect time to announce.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone xx

So sorry to hear you have had previous miscarriages. I hope this pregnancy is a safe and happy one!

I haven't had my 12 week scan date through yet, unsure when to chase up the hospital or how long I should even wait. I'm 9+4 today, midwife appointment was only at 8+3 so I presume it'll take a couple of weeks at least?

I'm planning to tell people on my birthday mid-July, when I would be 14+6!

I'm 5+2 weeks today. I've had pains and a small amount of bleeding, waiting until 2nd blood test tomorrow to know more. I'm not even letting myself be excited yet. This will be my 1st baby and I'd be due in Feb x

I'm 5+2 weeks today. I've had pains and a small amount of bleeding, waiting until 2nd blood test tomorrow to know more. I'm not even letting myself be excited yet. This will be my 1st baby and I'd be due in Feb x

I've been bleeding too -.small pink watery type yesterday morning. Red blood in the early hours and a gush of red this morning, now just light pinkish watery liquid. We have an appointment at the epu at 2pm to see whats going on. My only hope at the moment is that I've not passed clots. My gp signed me off yesterday for 2 weeks to bed rest. I'm not going to lie, I'm struggling hugely today x

I'm 5+2 weeks today. I've had pains and a small amount of bleeding, waiting until 2nd blood test tomorrow to know more. I'm not even letting myself be excited yet. This will be my 1st baby and I'd be due in Feb x

I've been bleeding too -.small pink watery type yesterday morning. Red blood in the early hours and a gush of red this morning, now just light pinkish watery liquid. We have an appointment at the epu at 2pm to see whats going on. My only hope at the moment is that I've not passed clots. My gp signed me off yesterday for 2 weeks to bed rest. I'm not going to lie, I'm struggling hugely today x

So sorry, I know how you are feeling. Good luck with EPU today, please let us know how you get on and how you are xx
The pregnancy is ectopic, so need intervention to end it and get it out.

All the best everyone xxx

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