Anyone else expecting their 1st?

How's everyone's weekend been? We told my dad and oldest brother and sister-in-law today. I was SO nervous! Honestly I couldn't find the words and kept putting it off... Ha! They were all happy though!
I've just slept most of the weekend, never been as tired in my life. I'm so lucky I've not really had much sickness..yet! x
ive had it extra rough yesterdy was feeling miserable couldnt eat a thing then had a little cry as so fed up with feeling this way!
today feeling better though
ive had it extra rough yesterdy was feeling miserable couldnt eat a thing then had a little cry as so fed up with feeling this way!
today feeling better though

Oh babe know how your feeling...came back of holiday yesterday and felt so crap all I wanted to do was hide under cover and cry ... Which is silly cuss im so happy were having our first little bean.... he/she is already loved so much but i guess its just cuss my moods are everywhere... Im just so tired all time and hot and bothered, I'm feeling sick altime, i been get really bad headaches that paracentamol don't tuch :( pregnacy sucks lol

Sorry for moan
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I've just slept most of the weekend, never been as tired in my life. I'm so lucky I've not really had much sickness..yet! x

I went through a week or so of feeling unbelievably tired when I was around 6-8 weeks. I was literally struggling to keep awake at work and just wanted to cry constantly because all I wanted to do was sleep! It does pass, so hopefully you'll feel more awake soon :)
ive had it extra rough yesterdy was feeling miserable couldnt eat a thing then had a little cry as so fed up with feeling this way!
today feeling better though

Awh so sorry you had a rough day excitednewbie - hopefully you're feeling better today! There have been plenty of times when I've ended up in tears, and I'm not usually one to cry!
ive had it extra rough yesterdy was feeling miserable couldnt eat a thing then had a little cry as so fed up with feeling this way!
today feeling better though

Oh babe know how your feeling...came back of holiday yesterday and felt so crap all I wanted to do was hide under cover and cry ... Which is silly cuss im so happy were having our first little bean.... he/she is already loved so much but i guess its just cuss my moods are everywhere... Im just so tired all time and hot and bothered, I'm feeling sick altime, i been get really bad headaches that paracentamol don't tuch :( pregnacy sucks lol

Sorry for moan

We're all allowed to moan! Are you getting enough water? I get headaches and migraines and 99% of the time, it's because I've not been drinking enough water!
Thanks lv I'm trying to drink lots but might not have drunk as much as I should have over weekend but will try drink more and see if any better x
I've made a thread in the Second Trimester, for us all to keep chatting in as and when we move over there! :)
hi, been reading for a while but this is my first post

doctors current have me on 11w 2d, but I could be a week or two ahead due to some other things. got my first scan on Friday, really nervous about it. I've not had many symptoms so have worried about whether or not there's actually anything going on in there! also my OH and I haven't told anyone either so nervous about doing that if everything does go ok as well!

hope everyone's doing ok
hi, been reading for a while but this is my first post

doctors current have me on 11w 2d, but I could be a week or two ahead due to some other things. got my first scan on Friday, really nervous about it. I've not had many symptoms so have worried about whether or not there's actually anything going on in there! also my OH and I haven't told anyone either so nervous about doing that if everything does go ok as well!

hope everyone's doing ok

Hello and congratulations!

Don't worry, I was exactly the same. Barely any symptoms, no 'bad' ones at all, I was convinced I was imaging the entire thing but nope, there is definitely a baby in there!!

I hope your scan goes well for you :) You'll have to keep us all updated! It's natural to be nervous - I was terrified - but when you're there and you see your baby on the screen, all those nerves will disappear!

We're planning to make it 'public' this Friday, I am SO nervous. It's been 'our secret' between us and close family and friends for 9 weeks now, it seems strange to be sharing our news with the world.

This is also my first, and unplanned. I have PCOS and was told that I would have real trouble conceiving, especially without help. So I guess that I just wrote it off. I then found out 4 weeks ago that I was pregnant. (Now 9wks +5) I believe that this is an absolute miracle, as we wasn't even trying and I ovulate around 3 times a year. We were very confused at first, unsure if we could do this. I then had a threatened miscarriage at 6wks + 2 and had to have an emergency ultrasound. I then saw the tiny bean with it's strong heartbeat, and my heart melted. I knew that I was meant to have this baby. My very loving partner agrees, and he couldn't be happier. I am very happy, but am absolutely terrified too - and find myself questioning and doubting everything. I was a real party girl before and kinda resided to the fact that I was going to live my life just for me, in the moment, attempting to have fun as much as poss. My hormones are all over the place at the moment, and I am so scared that I might not be doing the right thing. And feel slightly resentful to my partner that his life is still ticking along as it was. I am going through all these changes emotionally and physically, and as much as he is supportive, I can't help but over-think things and worry about the future. I just want to point out that I at no point would ever consider a termination - I just would like to know that others feel the absolute fear and slight doubt that I'm feeling. I am hoping it's just my hormones playing havoc with my brain. I do want this bubba ... I guess the fact that I haven't had a 12 week scan yet or seen a midwife is making me focus on the negative, and not on the fact that I have a little human being growing inside of me, that I know I will cherish. I can be a bit up and down with my emotions anyway, and probably am a little immature than my 28 years.

Does anyone else feel the same?

I just want to add - that I feel extremely guilty for this anxiousness. I want this baby more than anything - just can't shift the fear. I hope that's normal :(

Hello and welcome to the 1st babies thread! First off, big congratulations on your BFP!

I definitely get what you mean about the difference between what we do and our partners do. I suppose it's always going to be easier for them, because it's not them being pregnant and worrying 24/7 that we're doing everything right! It's completely normal to feel that way though and you're body will be doing everything it can for your baby. I am constantly telling my partner my worries/fears over the pregnancy, and he brushes it off now after two months of it because he doesn't get the same worries and concerns as I do! I think if it was him carrying our baby, he'd have the same worries!

I had my scan earlier this week and it has completely changed my outlook on the pregnancy. If I'm honest, I was CONVINCED I had imagined the entire thing and we'd get there and they'd either say I had never been pregnant, or that I would have had a MMC. After seeing our wriggly baby with it's heartbeat, it all feels so much more real now and I've spent the past few days like a completely different person!

All I can say is please, please, try not to feel guilty about how you feel. I honestly do feel that it's completely normal. I have anxiety so I know how easy it is to question everything you do or think, and to blame yourself, but we're all in the same position and I am sure as the pregnancy goes on and you see your baby again at the 12 and 20 week scans, you'll feel so much better about it!

Oh my gosh - how right you were!! I had my 12 week scan yesterday, and I can't convey how overjoyed, relaxed, happy and less anxious I am. All those worries and concerns melted away as soon as I saw my really active wriggly little bubba. Legs and arms flailing all over the place :) I feel a real sense of relief - and has made all this anxiousness worth it. I too feel like a completely different person :( its the best feeling!! so over the moon. Feel a little emotional even writing this now - in a good way :) Thanks for reaching out - and hope that everything is going well for you xx
I've just found out I'm expecting my first as well, but I think I'm only about 4 weeks at the moment.
I'm expecting my first bundle of joy too! 11 weeks today, and this is the first week I've been able to enjoy food again :D My symptoms are also wearing off a bit which did worry me slightly (as we all do I'm sure) but after reading on Bere that many other women have experienced this then I'm a bit more relaxed about it :)

I'm only 20 (21 in a few months) and definitely wasn't planning a baby with my lovely boyfriend but we're over the moon! Just wondering if there is any other younger first time mummies here? :) x
I'm expecting my first bundle of joy too! 11 weeks today, and this is the first week I've been able to enjoy food again :D My symptoms are also wearing off a bit which did worry me slightly (as we all do I'm sure) but after reading on Bere that many other women have experienced this then I'm a bit more relaxed about it :)

I'm only 20 (21 in a few months) and definitely wasn't planning a baby with my lovely boyfriend but we're over the moon! Just wondering if there is any other younger first time mummies here? :) x

I'm a younger first-time mummy too, I turned 21 in May :) Congratulations and welcome to the young mummy club :)
Oh my gosh - how right you were!! I had my 12 week scan yesterday, and I can't convey how overjoyed, relaxed, happy and less anxious I am. All those worries and concerns melted away as soon as I saw my really active wriggly little bubba. Legs and arms flailing all over the place :) I feel a real sense of relief - and has made all this anxiousness worth it. I too feel like a completely different person :( its the best feeling!! so over the moon. Feel a little emotional even writing this now - in a good way :) Thanks for reaching out - and hope that everything is going well for you xx

Awh I am so glad to hear it! You're more than welcome :) We all know what each of us are going through, this may only be my first but if my experience so far can be of any help to anyone, that's good for me!

Hopefully see you in tri 2!!
hi all how you all doing? i know we restarted this thread in tri2 but doesnt really seem to have taken off there so thought id just post here

How is everyone doing

i feel as if everything is going really fast! cant believe im 18 weeks
started to feel movements last few day which is amazing
got my 20 week scan in 2 weeks juts praying everything is ok on the scan

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