Anyone else expecting their 1st?

after posting this just realised im 12 weeks and 2 days apparently- now thats exciting
scan on friday
I'm fasting too which hasn't been as bad as i thought it would be!
super moody with my husband right now- i live with my mother in law and his mum still treats him like a kid- hes had a sore throat for a few days and its like the world is ending, he gets petted so much by her its nauseating- honestly i just cant stand it- shes sooo over attached to her boys and shes like 'oh hes sooooo ill' and she wont let him do anything around the house
for gods sake its a cold- not even flu flu
problem is when she acts like that towards him i get annoyed with him too which isnt fair but he milks it as well.
I'll be like that as a mum one day excitednewbie
'Oh my boy its ok mama will look after you forever and ever'
Hello ladies! I'm so excited to be here- got my BFP (baby no 1) this morning after a few months ttc- so happy! It's been great reading about what to expect in the next few weeks. Looking forward to continuing the journey together :-) Ruby xx
Hello ladies! I'm so excited to be here- got my BFP (baby no 1) this morning after a few months ttc- so happy! It's been great reading about what to expect in the next few weeks. Looking forward to continuing the journey together :-) Ruby xx

Hello and a big congratulations! :) Welcome to the thread!

How far along are you?
Had my 1st scan today, I'm 11+1 (so need to amend my tracker, thought I'd be 11+4!). Feels so real now, it hadn't sunk in properly until today!
Hi everyone I'm expecting my first, due on 23rd of feb :)... Is anyone else terrified of everything lol ?
Me dmjh, petrified lol.

Phoned to make booking in appt today but had to leave message and they phone back

This is also my first, and unplanned. I have PCOS and was told that I would have real trouble conceiving, especially without help. So I guess that I just wrote it off. I then found out 4 weeks ago that I was pregnant. (Now 9wks +5) I believe that this is an absolute miracle, as we wasn't even trying and I ovulate around 3 times a year. We were very confused at first, unsure if we could do this. I then had a threatened miscarriage at 6wks + 2 and had to have an emergency ultrasound. I then saw the tiny bean with it's strong heartbeat, and my heart melted. I knew that I was meant to have this baby. My very loving partner agrees, and he couldn't be happier. I am very happy, but am absolutely terrified too - and find myself questioning and doubting everything. I was a real party girl before and kinda resided to the fact that I was going to live my life just for me, in the moment, attempting to have fun as much as poss. My hormones are all over the place at the moment, and I am so scared that I might not be doing the right thing. And feel slightly resentful to my partner that his life is still ticking along as it was. I am going through all these changes emotionally and physically, and as much as he is supportive, I can't help but over-think things and worry about the future. I just want to point out that I at no point would ever consider a termination - I just would like to know that others feel the absolute fear and slight doubt that I'm feeling. I am hoping it's just my hormones playing havoc with my brain. I do want this bubba ... I guess the fact that I haven't had a 12 week scan yet or seen a midwife is making me focus on the negative, and not on the fact that I have a little human being growing inside of me, that I know I will cherish. I can be a bit up and down with my emotions anyway, and probably am a little immature than my 28 years.

Does anyone else feel the same?

I just want to add - that I feel extremely guilty for this anxiousness. I want this baby more than anything - just can't shift the fear. I hope that's normal :(
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I'll be like that as a mum one day excitednewbie
'Oh my boy its ok mama will look after you forever and ever'

haha lol
i'm determined if i have a son i'm going to raise him with the thought that one day he will be someones husband! my mum had a no nonsense approach to illness- rarely took any of us to doctors and never fussed over us- so we all cope really well with minor colds etc and just get on with it. I can see a big difference in how children are treated in their chidlhood with regards to ill health and how this affects their illness behaviours as adults. definitely think my mums approach was best, but we'll see when munchkin comes along how ill react. :)
Hello ladies! I'm so excited to be here- got my BFP (baby no 1) this morning after a few months ttc- so happy! It's been great reading about what to expect in the next few weeks. Looking forward to continuing the journey together :-) Ruby xx

welcome and congratulations:)
Had my 1st scan today, I'm 11+1 (so need to amend my tracker, thought I'd be 11+4!). Feels so real now, it hadn't sunk in properly until today!

Hi SAHf! congrats on your scan! any pics? mine is today at 4- nervous

This is also my first, and unplanned. I have PCOS and was told that I would have real trouble conceiving, especially without help. So I guess that I just wrote it off. I then found out 4 weeks ago that I was pregnant. (Now 9wks +5) I believe that this is an absolute miracle, as we wasn't even trying and I ovulate around 3 times a year. We were very confused at first, unsure if we could do this. I then had a threatened miscarriage at 6wks + 2 and had to have an emergency ultrasound. I then saw the tiny bean with it's strong heartbeat, and my heart melted. I knew that I was meant to have this baby. My very loving partner agrees, and he couldn't be happier. I am very happy, but am absolutely terrified too - and find myself questioning and doubting everything. I was a real party girl before and kinda resided to the fact that I was going to live my life just for me, in the moment, attempting to have fun as much as poss. My hormones are all over the place at the moment, and I am so scared that I might not be doing the right thing. And feel slightly resentful to my partner that his life is still ticking along as it was. I am going through all these changes emotionally and physically, and as much as he is supportive, I can't help but over-think things and worry about the future. I just want to point out that I at no point would ever consider a termination - I just would like to know that others feel the absolute fear and slight doubt that I'm feeling. I am hoping it's just my hormones playing havoc with my brain. I do want this bubba ... I guess the fact that I haven't had a 12 week scan yet or seen a midwife is making me focus on the negative, and not on the fact that I have a little human being growing inside of me, that I know I will cherish. I can be a bit up and down with my emotions anyway, and probably am a little immature than my 28 years.

Does anyone else feel the same?

yeah totally:) mine was planned after 8 months of trying so very much a wanted baby but i still am petrified-keep worrying about all the things that can go wrong. i keep reading on news about cot death etc and i just think omg what lifetime of worry have i signed myself up for! but i think its natural- hormones definitely play havoc with us and then you feel all this responsibility and its like yesterday you were a kid yourself and now youre carrying one!
i thought i was a mature 29 but i feel so immature now!
yeah totally:) mine was planned after 8 months of trying so very much a wanted baby but i still am petrified-keep worrying about all the things that can go wrong. i keep reading on news about cot death etc and i just think omg what lifetime of worry have i signed myself up for! but i think its natural- hormones definitely play havoc with us and then you feel all this responsibility and its like yesterday you were a kid yourself and now youre carrying one!
i thought i was a mature 29 but i feel so immature now!
Good to know I'm not alone. Feeling much better already after rationalising a few things and speaking to people. This is a blessing, that I need to enjoy. Always been a worrier, so I guess I just need to be aware. Thanks for reaching out. I do feel waves of excitement too - just need to embrace it and focus on the good. I am super lucky afterall. Best of luck to you x
Hi everyone I'm expecting my first, due on 23rd of feb :)... Is anyone else terrified of everything lol ?

Hello and welcome to the thread!

Don't worry, I think that's normal. I am terrified of everything too! But excited, happy, nervous, giddy too.... :) All normal emotions I think, especially when expecting our first babies!

How have you found your pregnancy so far?

This is also my first, and unplanned. I have PCOS and was told that I would have real trouble conceiving, especially without help. So I guess that I just wrote it off. I then found out 4 weeks ago that I was pregnant. (Now 9wks +5) I believe that this is an absolute miracle, as we wasn't even trying and I ovulate around 3 times a year. We were very confused at first, unsure if we could do this. I then had a threatened miscarriage at 6wks + 2 and had to have an emergency ultrasound. I then saw the tiny bean with it's strong heartbeat, and my heart melted. I knew that I was meant to have this baby. My very loving partner agrees, and he couldn't be happier. I am very happy, but am absolutely terrified too - and find myself questioning and doubting everything. I was a real party girl before and kinda resided to the fact that I was going to live my life just for me, in the moment, attempting to have fun as much as poss. My hormones are all over the place at the moment, and I am so scared that I might not be doing the right thing. And feel slightly resentful to my partner that his life is still ticking along as it was. I am going through all these changes emotionally and physically, and as much as he is supportive, I can't help but over-think things and worry about the future. I just want to point out that I at no point would ever consider a termination - I just would like to know that others feel the absolute fear and slight doubt that I'm feeling. I am hoping it's just my hormones playing havoc with my brain. I do want this bubba ... I guess the fact that I haven't had a 12 week scan yet or seen a midwife is making me focus on the negative, and not on the fact that I have a little human being growing inside of me, that I know I will cherish. I can be a bit up and down with my emotions anyway, and probably am a little immature than my 28 years.

Does anyone else feel the same?

I just want to add - that I feel extremely guilty for this anxiousness. I want this baby more than anything - just can't shift the fear. I hope that's normal :(

Hello and welcome to the 1st babies thread! First off, big congratulations on your BFP!

I definitely get what you mean about the difference between what we do and our partners do. I suppose it's always going to be easier for them, because it's not them being pregnant and worrying 24/7 that we're doing everything right! It's completely normal to feel that way though and you're body will be doing everything it can for your baby. I am constantly telling my partner my worries/fears over the pregnancy, and he brushes it off now after two months of it because he doesn't get the same worries and concerns as I do! I think if it was him carrying our baby, he'd have the same worries!

I had my scan earlier this week and it has completely changed my outlook on the pregnancy. If I'm honest, I was CONVINCED I had imagined the entire thing and we'd get there and they'd either say I had never been pregnant, or that I would have had a MMC. After seeing our wriggly baby with it's heartbeat, it all feels so much more real now and I've spent the past few days like a completely different person!

All I can say is please, please, try not to feel guilty about how you feel. I honestly do feel that it's completely normal. I have anxiety so I know how easy it is to question everything you do or think, and to blame yourself, but we're all in the same position and I am sure as the pregnancy goes on and you see your baby again at the 12 and 20 week scans, you'll feel so much better about it!
Had my 1st scan today, I'm 11+1 (so need to amend my tracker, thought I'd be 11+4!). Feels so real now, it hadn't sunk in properly until today!

Hi SAHf! congrats on your scan! any pics? mine is today at 4- nervous

We got 4 photos, but I'm a bit adamant about not putting scan photos online (I don't know why, I've just always said I wouldn't!). The lady wasn't the nicest of people... she really rushed our scan and when we said we wanted 4 photos, not 2, she got in a huff and rushed the last couple of scan pics, so they're not even very clear unfortunately! We got 1 which is clear, 3 which are just a mess!

Not sure whether or not to make a complaint to the hospital or not....

I hope the person doing your scan is nicer!! I am sure they will be. Good luck and let us know how it goes :)
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Hi everyone I'm expecting my first, due on 23rd of feb :)... Is anyone else terrified of everything lol ?

Hello and welcome to the thread!

Don't worry, I think that's normal. I am terrified of everything too! But excited, happy, nervous, giddy too.... :) All normal emotions I think, especially when expecting our first babies!

How have you found your pregnancy so far?

Im ok thanks we only found out this week so spent this last week in a panicked mess cuss wasn't sure what was normal and what was a sign of early miscarriage but after reading alot on here and talking to lovly members...I'm chilling out a bit now and trying to enjoy it.... Come to conclusion that what will happen will happen and worrying won't help lol

How about u ?? When u due lv?
Hi everyone I'm expecting my first, due on 23rd of feb :)... Is anyone else terrified of everything lol ?

Hello and welcome to the thread!

Don't worry, I think that's normal. I am terrified of everything too! But excited, happy, nervous, giddy too.... :) All normal emotions I think, especially when expecting our first babies!

How have you found your pregnancy so far?

Im ok thanks we only found out this week so spent this last week in a panicked mess cuss wasn't sure what was normal and what was a sign of early miscarriage but after reading alot on here and talking to lovely members...I'm chilling out a bit now and trying to enjoy it.... Come to conclusion that what will happen will happen and worrying won't help lol

How about u ?? When u due lv?
Hi everyone I'm expecting my first, due on 23rd of feb :)... Is anyone else terrified of everything lol ?

Hello and welcome to the thread!

Don't worry, I think that's normal. I am terrified of everything too! But excited, happy, nervous, giddy too.... :) All normal emotions I think, especially when expecting our first babies!

How have you found your pregnancy so far?

Im ok thanks we only found out this week so spent this last week in a panicked mess cuss wasn't sure what was normal and what was a sign of early miscarriage but after reading alot on here and talking to lovely members...I'm chilling out a bit now and trying to enjoy it.... Come to conclusion that what will happen will happen and worrying won't help lol

How about u ?? When u due lv?

So far things have been surprisingly easy. The only symptoms I've had are growing/stretching cramps, sore boobs, tiredness - all of which have pretty much gone now as the placenta takes over! I'm wondering if our little one giving me an easy ride now, means we're in for a less-than-easy baby :lol:

I'm due January 12th :) Only 6 months and a few days to go, but it seems so, so far away! I'm hoping time goes super quickly what with the run up to Christmas, which usually makes time whizz by!

When are you due?
Lol yeah that really good... no morning sickness ?? I'm dreading morning sickness lol... Yeah it should go right fast once we hit December lol I'm due on 23rd of feb babe x

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