Any other March 2018 Mummies :)

Thankyou L&P, did you find out how far along you are??? I have long cycles so I don't think can go my first day of last period?? X

Yes to my surprise at the scan last Thursday she said I was at least 7 weeks, at the most 8!! I was thinking more like 11 or 12 so I was about a month out! It looks like I actually skipped a period and we caught the egg at the next cycle, crazy! My last period was 24th April and going by that I should be 12 weeks but scan showed baby was only about 1cm and the yolk sac was still visable, so only 7 weeks or thereabouts. We got to see and hear the heartbeat though :-).
Due date they gave me is 28th February.

If you have long cycles they should take this into consideration and wont go by your last period. Congrats again! Wishing us both a healthy pregnancy. xx

Lovely to hear the heartbeat, I didn't realise you could hear that at 7/8 weeks, amazing. Will have to check Feb thread to follow your progress xx
I think they do go off of the date of last period yes. I'll find out on Wednesday and see what they say. :D

Lol it is so hard not to get carried away!! I've found myself googling for baby clothes here and there. We've agreed not to buy anything til 12 week scan though. Was also looking today for some new tops for me, not maternity but just some that are longer and floatier as I seem to be a bit bloated. :(

Good luck with the digi!
I've taken 3 digis so far, couldn't get a 2-3 on my last one, so gutted! Hopefully means nothing at all.. Not buying anymore!!!
Congratulations everyone. Know what you mean about not wanting to join too early. It's such a worry this first trimester. I'm only 6 weeks so still another 6 to go before a scan. Have felt quite sick the last week but tether today not really so then I worry. Got to think what will be, will be. Nothing I can do to change anything.x

So true! And exactly why I need to stop testing! No matter how many times I check for those lines.. if something was going to happen it would anyway!

I have not had many symptoms yet either. Have felt tired, a bit queasy and some twinges here and there on some of the days but that's it really. Then the rest of the days I've just felt 100% fine and start to wonder if everything is okay still! My mum told me when she was pregnant with her first she didn't get morning sickness at all so hoping I'll be that lucky ;)

Also, I've kind of gone off sweet things! Which is very unlike me, usually a sucker for some chocolate! But not bothered at all! Hubby picked up some of my fave last weds but it's still in the fridge!
And and another (slightly weird? Lol) the thought of cheese makes me feel sick!

Most odd isn't it? I usually love salad but the thought of that makes me feel sick! I love fruit though.xx
Hi girls, cautiously joining you guys after a getting a BFP after deciding to wait a few more years before next baby! Currently 5+2!
Is there a thread for March mummies yet? I'd like to see when everyone is due etc
I thought this was it?
But reading back I see Kangas didn't turn out to be a bfp, so sorry :(
Not been on here for a few days, congrats to all those with bfps!

I've finally had symptoms, been feeling horrendously queasy pretty much all day since the middle of last week. Only been sick once but can't eat much just because of the nausea. I've got very picky about what I want to eat, very small quantities of very plain food...hoping this phase goes away as quickly as it came!

I'm either almost 7 or almost 8 weeks - still need to get in touch with the midwife, so far been either working too late or feeling too ill!
Hi Merry, so sorry to hear you've been queasy but it's all for a good cause right? :D

I need a slap on the wrist
I just did my 11th test, it was my last Superdrug cheapie but I'm so so pleased because the line is LOADS darker! It's def reassured me! and it wasn't even fmu!
Still got one Tesco cheapie left.. ugh must leave it alone!!! LOL!!
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Hi ladies
Is anyone else bloated? I look like I've cleared an entire buffet. It's too early, what's going on?
Hi ladies
Is anyone else bloated? I look like I've cleared an entire buffet. It's too early, what's going on?

I've been bloated on some of the days! My current wardrobe doesn't seem to hide it well and I feel so self conscious if I can't cover it up! I won't mind when it's an actual bump though :D
Congratulations to everybody with BFP so very pleased for you all, I was super excited when i found out i was pregnant three weeks ago, I`am due on the 7th March 2018 if all goes well, Unfortunately ive experienced some early bleeding so ill be having a scan tomorrow to see if i`am still in the club, I`am hanging on to every bit of hope that i have right now X
Congratulations to everybody with BFP so very pleased for you all, I was super excited when i found out i was pregnant three weeks ago, I`am due on the 7th March 2018 if all goes well, Unfortunately ive experienced some early bleeding so ill be having a scan tomorrow to see if i`am still in the club, I`am hanging on to every bit of hope that i have right now X

Oh bless you. Fx all is well. Xxx
Congratulations to everybody with BFP so very pleased for you all, I was super excited when i found out i was pregnant three weeks ago, I`am due on the 7th March 2018 if all goes well, Unfortunately ive experienced some early bleeding so ill be having a scan tomorrow to see if i`am still in the club, I`am hanging on to every bit of hope that i have right now X

Oh bless you. Fx all is well. Xxx

Thank you GG ... Until i`am told otherwise i`am pregnant, I want my son to grow up with a little brother or sister as my 1st child grew up as an only child & is now 18 years old, I dont want my son to grow up like that as my daughter has always said she felt lonely & i really want my next baby close together, But we will have to see if its meant to be X
Congratulations to everybody with BFP so very pleased for you all, I was super excited when i found out i was pregnant three weeks ago, I`am due on the 7th March 2018 if all goes well, Unfortunately ive experienced some early bleeding so ill be having a scan tomorrow to see if i`am still in the club, I`am hanging on to every bit of hope that i have right now X

Oh dear. I hope the bleeding is nothing. I really hope that little bean hangs in there. Good luck
How are you doing Loopylou? Hope all is well with you and the little bean xx
Good luck for scan loopylou, I've been having very light bleeding, not sure if it's anything to worry about, with my son I bleed on and off trough 1st tri. I've had to fill in midwife form at doctors and wrote about it so not sure if they will ring to ask me about it or not.

In other news my hubby is out at football and I had sudden urge to use all the tests I have


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I'm sure some bleeding is normal though?
I haven't even had a single spot!! and I expected at least implantation bleeding but I guess not everyone gets that.

It's so awesome to see it on a digi right? :D

I have my first midwife appointment tomorrow which seems sooo early! but when I called my doctors they picked when I would be seen so I don't know! I'm kind of glad because I've got a mind full of questions and worries for them already!
Good luck for scan loopylou, I've been having very light bleeding, not sure if it's anything to worry about, with my son I bleed on and off trough 1st tri. I've had to fill in midwife form at doctors and wrote about it so not sure if they will ring to ask me about it or not.

In other news my hubby is out at football and I had sudden urge to use all the tests I have

Fab lines xxx

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