Any March/April 2015 Mummies around?

I don't know if it's different depending on where you live but I was told Arran would have a progress check up at 17 months, we're in Scotland.
We've not had anything, not seen the health visitor since Arran was 6 weeks old and that last appointment he was sent was for his routine vaccinations and we had a home visit from a nurse for a weaning chat when he was around 24 weeks. I haven't taken him to get weighed for a while either.

Hope it goes well. The sections you are struggling with do seem a bit advanced for 10 months, maybe it's just a general form?

It's usually for around 10-12 months I think!
We only see HV where I am if you go to the weigh in clinics x
I get on quite well with my HV because I've known her since my son was 5 months old. But yes, we have development checks at 10-12 months and 2 years 3 months here. Surely if my daughter was checked at 12 months rather than 10 her development will lots more advanced.
12 month questionnaire Is through. How are April babies 1 next month ������
Ladies I'm feeling so emotional about my baby boy being 1 soon, where has the last year gone? It's absolutely flown in far too quickly for my liking. It only feels like a few weeks ago we were all stalking the thread for birth announcements.

Arran took a few shaky steps with his baby walker tonight and it just makes me think of how far he's come. To think there was a chance both of us wouldn't make it through his birth, being 5lb 11oz and living in premature baby stuff to now being 21lb 6oz, noisy, boisterous and makes me smile and my heart burst with pride every single day. This time last year I knew I loved him, but I didn't realise how much you could actually love someone else and he's taught me so much about myself too.

Can we do it all again?
No! No more for me!

I can't believe she's 1 next month. The year really has flown by.
I not fancy having another 10 months of no sleep ������

Almost of year of crap sleep - I don't know how I'm still going!!
I feel the same CDx

Im back to work in next couple of weeks and having to leave LO is going to be awful. Really dreading it. Has anyone else left LO in childcare yet?

What is everyone doing for 1st birthdays?
I'm not sure I could cope with another yet either, or my mind would cope with pregnancy but I do wish I could just a few more of the newborn days with him. Being able to lie him in a moses basket and he will not have moved an inch when you come back a few minutes later instead of being upside down or trying to escape his cot. It's amazing how quickly i can shower and get ready these days.

Arran hasn't been left in childcare yet but it will be happening pretty soon just waiting to hear about his settling in days. We are really fortunate that I can cut down to working 3 days and we have family support so he only needs to go to nursery 1 day.

For his 1st birthday we are having a party which has spiralled and I think there is over 50 people coming now, I have quite a big family. I'm looking forward to it but didn't realise how expensive they can be so think his next big party will be when he is at school.

Nothing huge for LOs 1st birthday. Just going out with a few family members. Keeping it very low key. I find birthdays exhausting so not going to do anything big until school time - even then I'll be having parties at soft plays where I don't have to do any hosting!
Hi guys time has flown, crawling, pullin to stand and trying to stand independantly already! On one nap a day now (she started fighting the second nap) and can go 6-7hrs between nap and sleep! Into everything (especially the cat food bowls!) and loves her surestart classes (go to 7 a week atm)....she also loves to babble, has just learned how to hit her palm against her mouth while makin a noise (soo cute!) and has had a few baby kisses with other kids...adorable....

Atm not planning on a second, a) money, b) space and c) would prefer our lil miss to be a lot older before considering it lol...

Have a lowkey bday planned at our house with family dropping by, maybe a few mums and babies if I can get them..... have bought her a trike, some books and some clothes and got some decorations already,. just planning the cake....something brightly colored....
Haven't bought much for my daughter for her birthday. I feel kind of bad about it but it's largely because we have a lot of toys in the house already from her brother. We have a trike already, a cosy coupe etc. I searched on amazon for gifts for 1 year old and we already had most of the kind of things already - shape sorters, buses, fire engines, noisy stuff :lol:

So, I have bought her a couple of books, some Galt skittles (though her brother will probably enjoy them more!) and a couple of baby puzzles. I've also bought her and her brother a Trunki each ready for the two breaks we'll be having later this year. That'll do for me and she'll obviously get more gifts from relatives.

1 next month. Wow.

Oh, does anyone else baby hate nappy changes? She REALLY hates them. Wriggles, squirms, squeals and cries. Nightmare.
Nappy changes a nightmare these days! Gabriella likes to crawl away with her bum out.
Nappy changes aren't too bad most times if we can find a distraction but others he just won't stay still and disappears with the nappy hanging off.

Haven't planned birthday yet but need to quickly as its pretty soon. I cant believe its been a year. Definitely the quickest, most enjoyable and rewarding so far. It can be hard work being a mummy but its the best job ever☺

We have settling in days next week and im trying not to think about it. LO is so good and everyone tells me he is so social and will enjoy the company but i still dont like that he will be away from me so much (3days to begin with but eventually 5). Breaks my heart!

About another baby- would love one and with click ticking we csnt wait too long but my body definitely couldn't cope (last 3 months were awful and i spent a good month in bed). Obv couldn't do that again. Also im new in job and would dread telling them but hopefully things will work out and we can have another LO
sometime soon(ish).
Argh. My daughter is driving me crazy!

I'm a lucky lady as I am a SAHM and my OH works from home. So so lucky to have the help on hand. Anyway, for the first time in a year my OH has had to go to London for work so I've got both kiddies on my own all day. It's been going okay overall but my daughter was awake when my son was asleep so I've had no down time. She hasn't taken her nap this afternoon either. Argh! I'm finding this age quite difficult with the sofa surfing and her wanting to eat everything... And I mean everything, she picks up specks of dust and eats it! Any spare crumb or anything at all is got! I can't keep up!!

It's two hours until DD bedtime and three until DS so looking forward to them both sleeping at the same time at last! Plus my DS has preschool then going to my folks for lunch and nap tomorrow so easier day tomorrow!

Right, time to get my DD up from her cot since napping is not on her agenda!
How are all you ladies? So Arran is 1 next week and I can't help but cry at the thought sometimes. He's such an independent little man and I feel like he needs me a little less each day. He's cruising around the house but just isn't quite there with his confidence to walk alone. It's true what they say they don't stay babies for long do they?

It's undoubtedly been the best year of my life waking up to his little face every morning and I'm dreading the thought of returning to work, but my work just announced on Thursday they are looking to half staff levels and want volunteers for redundancy so I might end up with a little extra time with him.

It's so hard to get my head round this time last year we were all on baby watch.

Hi CDx you're totally right, independent most of the time but still relies on me for her nighttime bottle (the only time she is a true baby! bless her).

Can't believe this time last year I was in the final weeks and counting down...what a blur the last year has been and yet I feel like I can remember every moment at the same time...wierd eh?

She has become such a character especially over the past month or so, what with cute babbles and facial expressions...makes you wonder if you were like them at their age lol...

We've just transitioned to whole milk and she has her morning bottle in a sippy cup, so far no allergies, we gradually gave her a bit more in with her milk each day until today we went cold turkey on it...what a timesaver no preparing bottles lol...

Can't believe its her first birthday in 12 days time...also like you CDx our lil miss is confidently cruising and pulling to stand on most objects but notyet walking be honest quite happy with her cruising at the moment as when she is walking it will all change again lol like with crawling...

Oh it would be interesting to know how many teeth everyone's LO's have...Phoebe has seven as of yesterday...(she's had the top four arrive within 6wks - yikes!)
Hi girls! I can't believe all our babies are turning one soon. My lo is 11 months today and today she took her first unaided steps!!! I couldn't believe it, only a couple but was so lovely, she did them straight into my arms.

My lo has 5 teeth, and like yours kitten those tops ones have come in fast.

This last week we've been mastering a "hi 5" to go along with waving and clapping, it's so cute when she gets it

I can't wait for my Lo's birthday, it will be the bank holiday weekend and fingers crossed we will be about finished lambing at home. I'm hoping for a family tea party or, dare I say it... A BBQ depending on the weather. I'm buying my lo a play kitchen as well as a big bag of more building blocks and I'm going to start working on the garden, I want to make her a proper fairy garden and plan on turning the garden into something really cute, we've got a couple of rabbit and mice holes so planning on making some signs for those... I'm going to get so carried away but our garden will really suit it, it's full of wildlife.

Anyone's babies turning into divas? My lo has such an attitude at times, I can't believe some of the tantrums we already have, yesterday I wouldn't let her dive over the arm of the sofa so she threw such a fit! And God help me if I take her out of the bath too soon!

Loving this age, the interaction is brilliant
HI El1en, omg I could have written this myself...the tantrum and diva part that is lol, oh and bathtime is great fun until its over! She absolutely hates getting dressed and having her face wiped lol...yeah we're had the tantrums too...mainly food related ones lol, had a scene at a group once where she wanted to get to the food served for everyone and wasnt happy with her own bowl, she went rod straight and screamed lol...she loves her food! She seems to have a bit of a tummy bug atm tho bless so keener on milk than food....

Yep she does hi-5 and has recently started clapping at the intervals in the song 'if you're happy and you know it' so adorable when she gets it! Today she started bringing a toy to my hubby to play with with her and also tried copying moving it around like daddy does bless her....oh and asking to be picked up to 'zoom' around the room, everytime put her down she would throw a tantrum and put her arms up bless her...

hmm babrbeques...cant believe its getting to that time of year, feels like it was Christmas just the other day....
Hiya all, all your little ones seem to doing great. My dd had her 1st birthday a few weeks ago and I have no idea where the year went! Had a lovely party with grand parents and aunts and uncles a few days before her birthday then we took her out for the day as a lovely family trip. She loved her party and loved being the centre of attention. She slept well that night!

We now have four teeth but two more on the way. She's almost walking, just needs more confidence but doing quite a bit on her own now.

We have major tantrums too over all sorts like the door being closed, not allowed a hot cup of tea, a toy not doing what she wants etc.

We are planning on trying for a second one next year after we get married. Can't wait :)

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