when u feel you have it hard......


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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sometimes i feel sorry for myself when the babies are driving me nuts but i just spoke to my mums friend......................

she is 38 she has a

6week old girl
15month old girl
3 yr old boy
9yr old boy
11yr old boy

and her husbands just left her

her 6week old daughter crys none stop her 15month old is a terror
and her boys do nothing to help her

she was just telling me she is on the brink of giving up.

poor thing

i feel like i have no place to moan now
WOW that friend of your mums deserves a medal.
I couldnt imagine looking after all those children, I mean Ive always wanted a big family and dreamed of having 7, just because I love the Sound of Music, but in reality, I totally take my hat off to her.

I sat last night and cried to Andy about this, i feel like a useless mum and that the kids are benefitting from anything i do with them, blah blah

But then i started my period today, so thats probably what the outburst was!

I feel so sorry for your friend, thats terrible :( Does she have any family around her that can help? (mum and dad)
she has her mum but shes real old and not much use to the babies..
ild love to have her babies for the day while the boys are at school let her get some sleep as she says her 6week old dont sleep but she will need to give me her double buggy and i already have a double buggy ild never be able to do it. :wall:

ifind it tiring with a demanding toddler and a newborn never mind having to cook dinner for all the other kids and tidy house and do all that washing :talkhand:
she does deserve a medal, bless. How does she cope? well done to her i say
I certainly couldnt do it, she's a very brave woman

She gets my praise :clap:
Blimey. Were they all planned?

If they were then the old saying springs to mind..."you made your bed now lie in it"!

My aunty had 12 kids one after the other and her husband was a waste or space but she never used contraception so I have no sympathy.

So glad I only have little Isaac to drive me nuts lol (for the time being anyway)

Lou :)
Blimey. Were they all planned?

If they were then the old saying springs to mind..."you made your bed now lie in it"!

dionne said:
Blimey. Were they all planned?

If they were then the old saying springs to mind..."you made your bed now lie in it"!


No need for caps lol

My aunty's husband died but luckily all her children were grown up. I think I would struggle if Jarrod left me just looking after Isaac and I don't see my family much so I would literally be on my own. Scary.

Lou :)
wow hard work!! I heard of someone who had 2 babies with 1 year between them and then fell pregnant with triplets!! She had 5 kids that couldn't walk. how can you physically cope with that??
ToriElla said:
wow hard work!! I heard of someone who had 2 babies with 1 year between them and then fell pregnant with triplets!! She had 5 kids that couldn't walk. how can you physically cope with that??

oh no lol....

thats y im going straight back on the pill and making sure i take it every day ild be the type to get preg with triplets lol
You know what since I had Isaac my boyfriend says that dads have just as much rights as mums but why is it still the woman that gets left with the kids when men decide they've had enough?

Dionne I wasn't being offensive towards your friend. I'm sure she's a great mum. Just realised that you could've thought I was being a meanie!

Lou :)
lol its ok hun.
yeah i no what u mean about men, when ever me and kris row its always him that storms out the door and im left with 2 crying babies.
I would chop his nuts off and use them as windchimes.
She will get through it, she needs to get the younger ones into a nursery if she can afford it or get some kind of help. Its probably the sleep problem that magnifys everything else.
lauramum01 said:
I would chop his nuts off and use them as windchimes.
She will get through it, she needs to get the younger ones into a nursery if she can afford it or get some kind of help. Its probably the sleep problem that magnifys everything else.

lol windchimes. I'm trying to imagine the sound they would make in a light breeze. Alternatively you could have a cracking game of conkers with them.
lou said:
Alternatively you could have a cracking game of conkers with them.
Yeah, :twisted: but they would have to be still attached for it to be fun.
lauramum01 said:
lou said:
Alternatively you could have a cracking game of conkers with them.
Yeah, :twisted: but they would have to be still attached for it to be fun.

But they have to go in the oven first to harden them up remember.


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