12 hours at night but not gaining enough weight!


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2010
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Hi All,
Just wondered if anyone elses little one is sleeping through the night or not gaining weight according to growth charts. My lo is 2 months old and sleeps between 12 - 13 hours at night and has been for weeks. However when i weighed her today she has gone done two percentiles. She was on the 91st so she is not small by any standards and i have just put away all her 0-3 month old clothes as they no longer fit. I can't help wondering if her slowing of weight gain is due to her sleeping. Any comments welcome
Well, I have no experience of the sleeping through the night stuff (
you lucky thing) but Austin is 91st as well, and was telling someone who said her girls was also at 3 months, but by 6 was back down to 50th. No reason or worry, but probably had a growth spurt.
She's still way up there on the chart, and it's not yet a consistent week by week loss so I wouldn't worry.
Hi Eva,
Jealous of the 12 hours! Though my Lo has done 8 hours in a row for a fair while now too so I can't moan at all really.
How old is your daughter now? If you're baby was really small to start with then poss be concerned, but otherwise I wouldn't really worry. They will go up and down in the growth things for a while. Cian was 8lbs 12 when he was born, went down to 8lbs 2, at 4 weeks was 9lbs 15 - so he had grown but they thought he would have grown more... but not worried. Then last week (7 and a half weeks) he was 12lbs 2, so suddenly grew a fair bit.
If she eats well during the day then don't worry. If she sleeps 12 hour nights I would estimate they would aim for her to eat about 6oz every 3 hours... poss 7 if poss, just as from what I understand (which could be totally wrong!) they should eat around 24-30 ozs in a 24 hr period?
Hope that helps
I breast feed so its so hard to tell! She certainly dropped a feed when she started sleeping through - thought my boobs were going to explode. She has 4 - 5 feeds a day now, but i always give her a little milk before she goes down. To be honest i've never known a baby sleep so much. She does her 12-13 hours - i've started getting her up after 12 as she was sleeping 13! Then she is up for an hour at most and goes down for 3 then up again for just over an hour and goes back down for 2 then she does tend to stay up til bed time.
I think i'll weigh her again on wed so she has had a week and see if her weight is staying on same line.
She was 8lb 13oz when born and at 5 days had put on 7ozs! She is 9 weeks so like you said their weight gain varies x
I did reply, but it didn't post, so apologies if it comes up twice!
I don't breast feed, but I'm sure I remember hearing breast fed babies don't drink as much/often as they get more from your milk.
Also I've never been one to follow all the books that say wake a baby to feed them and follow a strict routine etc etc. Our lo's will let us know if they are hungry, so I'm sure your LO is doing great! How much does she weigh now?
Lol at the boobs! I never breast fed, but when my milk came in a few days after the birth, I literally felt like my chest had been slammed against a brick wall! OW!
She was 13lb 3oz last time i weighed her at 8 weeks x i didn't know that breast fed babies take less and feed less often than bottle fed babies. I did read the contented baby bokk - well looked at it, but when it started talking about getting a one week old into a routine i put it down, they are so tiny for such a short time i wanted to enjoy all those feeds especialy the nighttime ones!
Your avatar looks lovely leanne x
She's def growing well then! My son is nearly a pound lighter and that was when he was 7 and a half weeks and the GP def wasn't concerned.
Yeah thats kinda how I feel. I want to enjoy him now, not be rushing him off to bed and making him fit into a routine. At the moment, he seems to follow his own little routine, which suits us fine! Hes growing well, and except for the colicky time, hes a happy little boy. We know our own kids so I just go with my instincts!
And thanks Eva!! I think hes so cute, but Im biased!!
Maybe she is settling into her weight, not all babies will follow the charts. If you are worried, maybe you should wake her up and get an extra feed in? Xxx
I have been making sure i get her up after 12 hours - but forgot to set alarm last night and she slept 13 again! Have been giving her a little pureed fruit just to make sure she is getting enough - and she is loving it!
Lol. Don't feel too bad, enjoy the extra hour! Glad she liked the fruit! I love it when they first eat something new! U can imagine in their little heads them wondering why the he'll they have to have milk compared with actual food x
lol - they reacon you learn more in the first year of there lives than any other time! amazing x
Evajo I just started a thread about Ross's weight as since he was born he's dropped two centiles, and he sleeps through, 8-10 hours. I think his weight is more to do with how sick he is as he brings up a lot of his bottle. Our HV was visited yesterday and suggested weaning early (she said 17 weeks but we're starting slowly now). He loved his baby rice today and kept it down!! onwards and upwards (or outwards!!)
How do you weigh your LO? At home?

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