Can't decide if I'm annoyed after weigh clinic?!

Hellywelly I shouldnt worry to nuch! Im still yet to meet anyone with a child like my joshua! He jumped from the 50th centile at birth to an inch over the 98th centile for height and weight at 4 months!!! Ive become acostom to the underhand comments about his weight! I dont give a sh*t any more cos I know he is healthy! He has his 2.5 yr check tomorrow with hv's that have never met him before! That should be fun lol

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Omg Tor she is just adorable! I wonder what Albert would look like in a tutu :D. My youngest nephew was nicknamed Theo-pottamus cos his cheeks were so fat he couldn't lift his head up til he was 6 months lol. He was 9lb born at 36 weeks though lol
Tor Im so jealous, all the docs said I wud have a big baby but he was only 7lb 13 at birth (2 weeks over) so didnt get my lovely chubby baby!! He is now very tall and broad but not chubby!!
She doesn't look quite as fat in real life bit she is a big girl lol.

Infact, helly I don't think she's even up that high on the length chart, maybe 75th percentile.
I have noticed that they don't seem to want to measure her length all that much either.
YOu have to demand it, H has times when he doesnt put on weight but grows in height and as he has weight issues if he hasnt gained much weight then I ask them to measure his length!!
Ah, might try that then, would be interested to know how long she is now. Thanks :)

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