Any July 2017 Mummies?

Jams 2-3 on a Digi sounds perfect as it works from date of conception not last period :-)
all the baby hormones are probably making you have weird dreams, I hate having horrible dreams.
I'm of fat to a and e after ringing my Drs again he's suggested I go straight up and get seen to paracetamol isn't touching it xxx
Ive only just managed to catch up on here,
I'm due around 9th July.
I hope everything's ok violet, I had a niggling pain in my right side the other night it was so so hard to sleep, I've noticed a lot of cm and it's a little bit discoloured (tmi sorry!) so I think I possibly have a uti but I'm not in the doctors until monday, could yours be a uti that's been unseen and maybe just getting angry until it's treated? It's so worrying being pregnant isn't it, i keeohaving a tightening feeling in my stomach and period like pains and it makes me terrified xxx
Good luck violet when's your scan? Keep us updated lovely!

It's definitely a long 12 weeks of worry Becca! I hate tri 1! Xx
Keep us updated violet good luck! And you Becca, get yourself to the drs for some anti b's sounds like a UTI :(
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Can i join you? I'm pregnant with my second surrogate baby. Today is surro baby 1, 1st birthday.
I have 3 children of my own and earlier this year i mc my own baby which was really difficult even though the baby wasn't planned l.
I was sure i didnt want any more children of my own but my oh and i have been thinking we might once im done being a surrogate.

I have been lurking for awhile but thought i would say hi as its always nice to chat to other women going through the same things.
I'm due july 4th xx
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I think tri 1 is nerve wrecking, this is my second pregnancy but my first sadly ended in mc in June this year, me and my partner carried on trying using date etc for 3 months and making sure we dtd plenty over the fertile days to no avail so I was sure I wasn't going to get pregnant again, it was heartbreaking, after not seeing bfp we decided to stop trying because it was torture thinking we possibly did it but then af would show, we ended up dtd once this month and to my amazement BFP! Such shock. Now I'm terrified I'm gonna mc again, do you ladies get twingies and niggles all over your stomach/side? I sometimes feel like af is gonna come as I get mild cramps, I'm 4 weeks and 5 days, the sickness has just started I feel sick waves throughout the day and my boobs are so sore when I take my bra off ... ouch �� We are occupying ourselves by arguing over names haha! Xxx
I'm 4w+3d I have lots of twinges, cramps, pains plus my tummy is really gurgley. I'm also going to the toilet alot to check I'm not spotting, I think cramping etc is all part of Tri 1, it's practically impossible not to worry, I sorta wish you didn't find out you were pregnant until you were 3months along!
Hi Aurora, will you please add me to July 11th (which happens to be our wedding anniversary), I am cautiously sticking my toe into Tri1, I got my BFP yesterday, I think I'm 4weeks +2 days.

Lots of congrats to everyone x

I'm an older Mum-to-be as I'm 44 and I don't have any other children, married my DH in 2012 we tried to have a baby up until March of this year, I got pregnant twice since 2012 but both times it ended up in a Missed Miscarriage at 11 weeks and 10weeks. It was all a bit head wrecking and we decided to give up back in March, then we went on holidays in October and it was during my fertile time so we said we'd give it one more go & unbelievablely it seems to have worked! It's early days but I'm really hoping that this is a strong healthy baby bean & will stick with us :dust:

OMG honey I've just happened to have come across your post ... WAHOO huge congratulations to you. I'm so pleased for you. )
Here's to a very happy and healthy 9 months xx
Congratulations new BFP'ers!! Hope Violet is getting on OK xx
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Violet i hope everything is ok!! Xx

Getting my bloods done again monday. Had a panic attack today that I was gonna miscarry, called up hubby crying down the phone, was on my break lol. All symptoms are fading even the sore boobies :( i also had a mc dream last night jams mom, it's was awful, woke up to a few cramps and went to see if i was bleeding (think my dream caused the panic attack tho lol).
6 weeks on sunday, and no spotting still, hubby is convinced this one will make it, don't want him to have his hopes up this much :(

Congratulations on the bfps ladies!! :)
Violet i hope everything is ok!! Xx

Getting my bloods done again monday. Had a panic attack today that I was gonna miscarry, called up hubby crying down the phone, was on my break lol. All symptoms are fading even the sore boobies :( i also had a mc dream last night jams mom, it's was awful, woke up to a few cramps and went to see if i was bleeding (think my dream caused the panic attack tho lol).
6 weeks on sunday, and no spotting still, hubby is convinced this one will make it, don't want him to have his hopes up this much :(

Congratulations on the bfps ladies!! :)

The dreams are horrible, I can understand why you're so worried though but really 6 weeks and no spotting is good, my symptoms are a lot less now than they were at 4 weeks too and I did the same last night cramping. Maybe that's what caused the dream cramping whilst asleep?? I know when I have bad AF pains when coming on I sometimes dream about it, so weird!!

Try to stay relaxed, if you like reading find a good book to get your head into or an addictive game/TV series. What you've had to go through is so sad but there has to be a good result somewhere and fingers crossed this is your sticky baby!!! :dance:
Hope everythings ok with baby Violet.

This tri is the worst. So much uncertianty.
Wish there was a way we could be sure babies are ok. So much easier when they kick.
I ended up in a&e via ambulance with one sided pain that was severe at 6 weeks. I was just very dehydrated and my wrm bowels were on the border of becoming immovable. They had to iv some fluids in me and pain relief. But all was fine hope yours is similar violet.
I've been crippled with pain been decorating my little girls bedroom which I've planned to do with this week way before we were even ttc. It's a horrific pain right across my csection scar. I don't know what's going on. I'm so stressed out. I go back to work on Monday too straight into a meeting with my boss, which is just more stress. I'm having a melt down
That was a ball ache of a day! A and e messed me around something chronic, by the time I got to the ward for a scan they'd stopped doing them so I let them take more bloods and I said I had to get home with my son who hadn't eaten properly all day. I'll be booked for a scan on Monday but I'm irritated by their lack of giving a toss bloods indicate I'm further on due to hcg levels she said possibly twins going off them. The reassurance I got was a few butterfly movements in my tummy haha xxx
Lol they said the same to me but they were wrong I was only 3 days ahead bit at 6 weeks my hcg was 95000 but there is just the one in there! Hope all is well on Monday x x x
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Lol they said the same to me but they were wrong I was only 3 days ahead bit at 6 weeks my hcg was 95000 but there is just the one in there! Hope all is well on Monday x x x

Thank you hunny it sounds bad but I'm glad you know what this is like I don't feel alone on this forum and I'm so glad I've got all of your support xxx
What a mess about! Glad the levels are good though, good luck for the scan! Xx
Violet, wow possibly twins how exciting!!!
I've found that a&e are useless, they don't care if your not so many weeks. All i hear is "there's nothing we can do".
Everything is sounding good though :D yay! Xx

Is anyone else experiencing stitch type oain in thier hips? I think it's just everything stretching but jd feels weird! Hehe nit painful just i know it's there xx
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