Any July 2017 Mummies?

Omg congratulations Syd that's wonderful! Keeping everything crossed for you all ♡

I'm in bed by 9 pm every night so tired, 6+1 today! I went off tea at this point with my boys though and haven't gone off it yet so that's slightly worrying me too. Tri 1 is so nerve wracking! I'm constantly knicker checking and mega anxious :(
Hi syd congratulations on your bfp x

I was worried about having no sypmtoms yesterday. I'm 6 weeks today and morning sickness has well and truly kicked in been sick 4 times this morning.
Thanks ladies. I have a complete phobia about being sick so I'd be very happy for that symptom to stay away but I'll happily take the rest :) So sorry you've been so sick this morning Aurora.
Omg Syd!! That is so bloody brilliant, so pleased to be here with you again! When your due date? Fx for a happy and healthy 9 months X
Violet did you have a section too? I was looking at vbac so fx this ones not breech and I can go for that too.

Hey Hun I did, he was in distress and the induction medication really really didn't get on well with my body then failure to progress after 22 hours I only got to 3cm hopefully
This baby isn't as shy xxx
Thanks Oneday. Here's hoping July mummies is a better place for us :) EDD 16 July.
Ladies, I'm very tentatively saying hi. I got a slightly dodgy bfp this morning (after the time had elapsed) but then went to the doctor who did a test and confirmed I'm pregnant. I miscarried in September, blighted ovum, that was my first ever bfp. Like Clementine, I'm in the older group - 44, will be 45 by the time this baby is born if all goes well.

To say I'm terrified is an understatement, debated not joining the thread for another week or so just to see what happens but I want to be in on all the chat about strange twinges etc so I don't feel I'm going crazy by myself...

I had no symptoms last time and I have none this time which doesn't help the nerves although I know 4 weeks (4+1 to be precise) is way too early...

Congratulations to all of you on your bfps.

Congratulations Hun, I can imagine you are hesitant in joining but just because you're older doesn't mean anything I have my fx for
You for a sticky bean. Do you know roughly how far you are? I'm apparently 6 weeks and 2 days xxx
Thanks Violet. I'm 4 weeks and two days so incredibly early days. I started bleeding at 5 1/2 weeks last time so just working on staying calm.
Welcome to July Mummies Syd xx this is such brilliant news xx

Aurora sorry to hear you're sick , hopefully it doesn't last too long x
I got a Phone call off the hospital they where going to scan me Thursday at 12:30 but rang and changed it to 3:20 today I'm now actually very scared I know that may seem daft but what if there isn't anything there? I've got a few hours to wait till I go up so that's
Gonna be a fun wait xxx
I got a Phone call off the hospital they where going to scan me Thursday at 12:30 but rang and changed it to 3:20 today I'm now actually very scared I know that may seem daft but what if there isn't anything there? I've got a few hours to wait till I go up so that's
Gonna be a fun wait xxx

Violet lots of luck for this afternoon it's probably better to have it over you rather than wait until Thursday.
Lots of luck Violet, I'm sure everythings going to be fine, try not to stress xxx
Fx violet. Sending good luck and hugs xxx
I just got back from my early scan. They were running 45 mins behind and I was getting more and more anxious. Then she could only see a sac externally so had to go internal....but immediately we saw the sac with a bean inside and a healthy heartbeat. Such a long way to go, but that was a relief for now anyway. They are scanning me every 2 weeks for the time being. Measuring 6wks 5 days, but that can keep changing so I'm still hovering between June and July threads! X
Good luck Violet.

Congrats bythesea, great news.
Hi everyone!

I've been hanging around for a few days so just thought I would say hello!!

I'm pregnant with baby number 3 and due on 9th July!!

Look forward to getting to know everyone xx

Good luck violet! x :)

Bythesea, great news!! :D xx

Congrats pringle xx
Welcome Pringle :-)

Great news bythesea great to see the little heartbeat so early :-)
Not looking good for me girls :(

progesterone has dropped by half... Hcg had not even doubled in whole week.

Going for a scan tomorrow to see whats going on.

Yupp so 6th miscarriage on the table. :/
Peanut butter I'm so sorry it's not looking good. I can't believe you've had more bad news. Pls keep us posted Hun. Someone said to me to get a laparoscopy done to check on scar tissue from previous miscarriages as this can be an issue with further pregnancies. Especially when getting pregnant without a few periods in between to help clear out the womb. Has anyone mentioned that to you? That's next on my list to do if this one doesn't keep cooking.

Sending hugs xxxx

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