Any July 2017 Mummies?

Violet, wow possibly twins how exciting!!!
I've found that a&e are useless, they don't care if your not so many weeks. All i hear is "there's nothing we can do".
Everything is sounding good though :D yay! Xx

Is anyone else experiencing stitch type oain in thier hips? I think it's just everything stretching but jd feels weird! Hehe nit painful just i know it's there xx

Yes I get a really sharp twinge sometimes, if that's what you mean?
Violet glad everything is looking okay with HGC, sorry you got messed around! Ooh Twins would be amazing I'd be well jealous I love twins!

Peanut butter Sorry to hear you've been worrying hun it's so mega stressful in tri 1 but even more so after MC. There's a few rainbow babies on this group. Really hope this is your take home baby. I'm terrified this time too I hate going to the toilet, im convinced I am Going to see blood each time. Constant nervous wreck xxx
Violet blood results sound great and if it was twins it might explain the extra pains as you have two babies knitting in. Hope scan goes well on Monday can't believe they didn't manage it to do it yesterday.

Ams25 I'm the same I keep going to the toilet to check I have no spotting. I did another CB blue cross test today & it was definitely darker than the one I did on Thurs.

I have bugger all symptoms which is another thing to worry over, my plan is do another CB Digi next Wednesday & see if it goes to 2-3 weeks
I've had little to no symptoms what so ever other than faint aches actually did another test today which came up pregnant 1-2 weeks. I think I'm going to be removed from the forum though so I wish you all the best of luck
Violet- hope your scan goes well Monday and great news about the bloods x

Symptoms so far is being very emotional,nausea, on off cramping. Took a digi this morning and got 2-3 weeks x
Can't stop eating this week! And now really bloated (thought it was too good to be true I wasn't bloated...!) Also last couple of days been really snuffly and blocked up which I remember well with my successful pregnancies. Still feeling very anxious about tomorrow's scan- I just hope they see what they are supposed to. Not felt as nauseous the last few days so worried about that a bit.....
Still no symptoms here... been having a few little cramps here and there but that's it! I keep reading it's normal to have no symptoms at 4-5 weeks but still worries me... Have my doc appointment on Tuesday so hopefully get some reassurance.

Still no symptoms here... been having a few little cramps here and there but that's it! I keep reading it's normal to have no symptoms at 4-5 weeks but still worries me... Have my doc appointment on Tuesday so hopefully get some reassurance.


Definitely normal hun please don't worry! I've had a few symptoms at 4-5 weeks in this pregnancy but with my first 2 children I had absolutely nothing until 6 weeks and even then I didn't have many symptoms, nice easy pregnancies all the way through :) hopefully you will be same xx
Thank you ladies, I see some of
You are having the hungry hungry hippo effect as we call it haha I am too, I'm craving orange juice so bad I've gone through two cartons in a day! I've been researching vbac births and the risks are so much lower may even go for a home birth or just just ignore it all and see what happens later on tbh I can't wait for my scan this week coming xxx
I'm starting to worry about having no symptoms. 6 weeks tomorrow and so far nothing not even a single streatching pain or sore boobs.
I thought it would kick in by now but i dont even feel pregnant.
I called someone out for jumping in on people's threads with the same copy paste question all over the forum in tri one tri three etc just everywhere. They didn't like it. I assumed they were a troll. But apparently I'm the 'thread police' just gonna let people be upset by each other now. Not bother lol.

That mental Salisbury mum has reported me to mods. I'm not too good at biting my tongue and ill call it how I see it. It seems to rub too many people up the wrong way. I already got a warning over the whole Selina Blisa episode.

Just a matter of time. Sick of it all anyway. Still trying to run the November testing thread and support the people who I was testing with that got bfn this month. Apparently if you've convinced you're not allowed to be on those threads...
Violet did you have a section too? I was looking at vbac so fx this ones not breech and I can go for that too.
Hi ladies I'm was a june mummy this year and I told everyone I was expecting on Christmas jumper day by of course wearing a maternity x mas jumper from mothercare. Its a size small has a picture of a pudding and says I'm making my little pudding it's very cute. Was great wearing it to work some people looked at me funny to scared to ask and the ones who read it out loud took a min then said omg you're pregnant. I can't seem to upload a pic but if anyone is interested in buying it let me know and I can email a pic. Thank x
Omg blueclass I just suggested the same thing to my OH at dinner there. Cos we are having a big family Christmas dinner I could just imagine their faces when I take my coat off and see a cute maternity christmas jumper lol. Going to go look and see if I can find a good one haha!
Omg blueclass I just suggested the same thing to my OH at dinner there. Cos we are having a big family Christmas dinner I could just imagine their faces when I take my coat off and see a cute maternity christmas jumper lol. Going to go look and see if I can find a good one haha!

Your welcome to buy mine :) x
Feeling crap today, exhausted, nauseous and headache from hell and feel really anxious/stressed. Gone from no symptoms at all to this :(
Omg blueclass I just suggested the same thing to my OH at dinner there. Cos we are having a big family Christmas dinner I could just imagine their faces when I take my coat off and see a cute maternity christmas jumper lol. Going to go look and see if I can find a good one haha!

Your welcome to buy mine :) x

Have you got a pic? Will definitely consider it if I can't find one :)
Ladies, I'm very tentatively saying hi. I got a slightly dodgy bfp this morning (after the time had elapsed) but then went to the doctor who did a test and confirmed I'm pregnant. I miscarried in September, blighted ovum, that was my first ever bfp. Like Clementine, I'm in the older group - 44, will be 45 by the time this baby is born if all goes well.

To say I'm terrified is an understatement, debated not joining the thread for another week or so just to see what happens but I want to be in on all the chat about strange twinges etc so I don't feel I'm going crazy by myself...

I had no symptoms last time and I have none this time which doesn't help the nerves although I know 4 weeks (4+1 to be precise) is way too early...

Congratulations to all of you on your bfps.
HI Syd! Firstly, congratulations! :)

I am 5 weeks tomorrow and also have no symptoms at all! It is worrying but as you say I think it's perfectly normal so i just keep telling myself that! ... I'm sure when I'm feeling awful in a couple of weeks I'll be wishing I was feeling nothing again!

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