Any July 2017 Mummies?

Can gas cause severe cramping? Last night it felt like the gas git stuck around the pelvis, and had me doubled over in pain, was soooo painful. Then it would pass and I'd be fine. I'm notconstipated or anything x
Yeah it can. Gets worse in the later stages aswell.
Pregnancy is so glamourus
I would be fuming Violet, you have not overreacted at all. Movements for a second baby is anything from 14 weeks apparently x
Good luck for your scan Saturday Peanut butter I've got everything crossed for you ♡ the nearest private scan place to me is an hour away, so it would be 3 hours round trip with the scan time as well, which is a bit too long to just pop out on my lunch break from work and too long to take my other 2 kids on my day off. Otherwise I would be booking one straight away! I hate Tri 1 so nerve wracking isn't it.

Harley it's so scary when you see blood but try not to worry, plenty of ladies have had bleeding in pregnancy and been okay. I had a week of bleeding at 5 weeks with my son who's now 4 and all was fine :) I would definitely get onto your doctor though as they can refer you for an early scan to put your mind at rest, otherwise you will just be worrying for the next few weeks xxx
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Harley I had spotting twice when I was pregnant with my daughter, it was very mild, but worrying of course. Once in week 5 and again in week 6. It was nothing, although EPU did scan me to make sure, so do call them if you're worried x
Thanks ladies. I've talked to one of my work friends who's 24 wks along and she said she had it from 8 weeks now and then and she's reassured me a bit too :)
It was kind of like I'd just weed a pink tinge but I haven't had anymore since last night and my nauseas come back too.
I've got a booking in appointment tomorrow at half 2 to register at my new doctors then, I told the receptionist last week that I'd just found out and all she said was 'well they won't see you till 10 weeks anyway' gonna ask nurse when I see her about it as they receptionist pissed me off a bit xx
I've had trapped gas cause cramping in the past without being pregnant peanut, it can hurt loads. Hope it passes soon! Xx
Had my midwife appointment lasted about an hour. She tried to take blood from me but couldnt so i have to go up the hospital sometime before my scan to have my blood done.
Might also book a reasurrance scan as she was concerned by my symptoms being so severe that it might be twins.
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Harley glad your feeling better :)
Ladies, I got into this massive argument with a customer (in work at subway) and he was yelling at me and I was yelling athe him, then he started chucking stuff everywhere, so I was starting to ring the police and then he decided to leave, after he left and had some cramping???? Abit worried :(
I had my dating scan come through, for the 16th December. And my consultant meeting know the same day. I'm so excited. Just praying everything is ok on Saturday!! Xx
Ohhh twins! ♡

Like period cramping peanut? Still got that and had sharp shooting cramps yesterday, so hopefully normal! Fingers crossed you're ok! Hate customers like that, I'd of probably reacted the same to him xx
Do you guys not have a panic alarm in subways?
We get some rude customers where i work but nothing as bad as that we just press the alarm. Security and management run over and deal with the problem. Gets used alot on black friday and after xmas sales.
Oh twins wow I didn't see that! How exciting!! :D

No we don't, we have to use our own phones for evrything, so I'd be screwed if i didn't bring mine (after 4pm only 1 person works in the store). I was on my own the other day about 7pm and a guy high off his tits comes in, mental because of how expensive food is. Thought he was gonna beat me up or something, was so sacred. Called hubby ans he came and start in the store till I closed.
If everythings ok with baby I think I'll quit in the new year. Customers are giant arse holes these days, think they can get away with anything. Don't wanna risk my baby being there alone at night xx
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No thats awful. They shouldn't leave only one person on their own on a late shift!
Wow that's shocking and not what you need at all!

I am a bit gassy but not really having many other symptoms now. Boobs are a little tender but nothing like how they were when I first tested. Did another test today and it came up positive straight away.. must stop worrying!!
Fingers crossed for your scan peanut.

This week it's hit me full force, I'm exhausted, nauseous and tonight both those lovely things are added to by a migraine I've had since lunch time. I've tried tablets, eating, sleeping, water. Nothing is touching it :(
I've been googling gender prediction most are just old wifes tales like cold feet mean a boy and the wedding ring test.
So far have done the chinese gender chart.
Theirs a bicarb one where you pee in a cup and add bicarb and if it fizzes like beer its a boy and if it doesn't fizz it a girl.
Anyone tempted to try any gender test?
Aurora, everything points to boy for me, except the ramzi theory, lol. Also I dreamt of having a boy the day before my bfp. So apparently the ramzi test is 97% accurate (according to a study of 5.5k ppl), but I still think boy lol xx
I dreamed i had a little girl would be nice to have one of each (i refuse to believe it twins)
I think i did the chiness one wrong its by your lunar age so will have a look at that one again.

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