Any July 2017 Mummies?

Aw sorry to hear that Keelygracey you will be missed but I do understand! Maybe come back in tri 2 when symptoms aren't such a stress :)

My boobs have definitely grown aswell xx
One minute I'm happy they've grown as it's sign everything's going right, then get a pain/ache/tingle and think please no more haha
I don't deal with pain very well half the time!
I feel like this pregnancy has turned me into a horrible person.

I know i should be gratefull that i have all these symptoms but i just feel like crap 24/7 its not like me at all to be miserable. People at work are starting to coment about my skin and not being my usual cheerful self.
I really want to enjoy this pregnancy but honestly feel like i cant cope right now.
Aurora, it'll get better! :)

I keep getting period pain in my vag, not high where you would normally feel stretching and stuff. Feels like how I would usually start my period :( ... been having it all day. Get cramping when I walk to bend. I don't think is a good sign:( xx
Does it feel like 'fanny daggers'? Like your being stabbed in the cervix?
I remember them from my last pregnancy and keep getting them with this one. So painfull but nothing to worry about
No I had that yesterday though. Today it's more just a feeling in my vagina like i have before my period comes. Not cramping but that 'feeling'. Xx
Sounds normal PB, all sorts of aches and pains go on, especially in these first few weeks. And you'll kind of be 'looking' for it too, so you notice it more.

Aurora my skin was awful when I was pregnant with my Dd, that coupled with the awful sickness I had I felt constantly grim. I told people I had a virus and was feeling run down. Kept it vague for people I didn't want to tell.
I'm getting all sorts of cramps that I didn't get with my first pregnancy and my skin is bad, I look like I have aged 10 years. Nausea started last night and has been on off all day today.

EPU called and I have a scan next Tuesday when I'm 7 weeks. It's going to be a slow week lol x
I keep getting the feeling like it's just about to come too, kinda like how it'd feel when a dam breaks and the tide comes out....bad analogy I know lol, just how I describe starting a period too my bf :')

Just had a few bad cramp/twinges at work. Kind of felt like a pulled stomach muscle for about a minute on and off. Scared me senseless :'( anyone else having/had a twinge like that in the stomach region? Xxx
I have been having all of those Harleysarah so you're def not alone, all completely normal x
Yes harley, scares me to!! I love how you described the feeling! I couldn't tell hubby how it felt but I shall use that now ahaha :P

I don't feel myself today, very quiet, calm even though I had that pain, usually I would be going mental and crying but I was like what ever happens, happens not like me at all. Not really ate anything, usually I'm want everything like ice cream and crisps, I did have an ice cream that's just because I was bored not because I wanted it. So strange. Xx
Ahh feel a little relieved thanks ����was thinking it was my punishment or something cos I have caved and had a few cigarettes since I found out. Definitely no more tho, scared the beejesus out of me!!

It's the only way for me to describe it I think peanut :') xx
Maybe you'll get mellow mood swings peanut, make it a nice chilled pregnancy :) enjoy the quiet moments haha xx
Peanut butter do you mean like a 'heavy' feeling? I get that sometimes. I think it's just everything growing :)

7+2 today. .. I've been dreading this week as started bleeding at 7+5 in my last pregnancy so I'm just waiting for it all to go wrong. Feel like all my symptoms have gone, tiredness sore boobs everything. Feeling pretty fed up :( wish I could have an early scan to put my mind at ease xxx
Ams can't you find a private scan place? You can always ask your gp, explain why you want one etc?
I have my scan on Saturday. Very worried there will not be a heartbeat. I'll be 7+6, lost mine at 8 weeks. I've got past every other mc so far.
Fx we have our rainbows!! Xx
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Had a major bad shooting pain that lasted a while last night, that bad it made me lift out of the car seat. Plus went for a wee and when I wiped I had slight light pink blood. Immediately panicked and cried half the night, this morning there was only a tinge when I wiped(had to look really close. Has anyone else had this? Still got the period feeling cramps I had before but no big sharp pain.
Yesterday most definitely one of the scariest days of my life :'( xxx
Ams fingers crossed everything's ok!
Hope the scan goes well peanut!
Sending you both lots of sticky dust xxx
Have you been to docs to get referred to mw yet Harley? I would give them a call and they might get you in to EPU for a scan. I had slight pink/brown bleeding with my first around 6 weeks and all was fine, bleeding stopped within a week. Docs sent me for bloods so def worth asking if you're worried, especially with pain x
Harley, ive read alot of ladies having abit of spotting early on in pregnancy and everything was fine. When I had my mcs the spotting was didn't ease up, everytime i wiped was a fair amount of pink blood. If your is stopping thats good.
I'd still ring up epu and tell them you've had abit of a bleed, and they'll tell you to have a scan. Fx that everything is ok xx
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