Any July 2017 Mummies?

I'm so sorry Clementine, that's terrible news - FX'd, thinking of you :hugs:

I have a question girls - I have my midwife appointment next week and just planning what days to take off work, I only work 4hours a day so no point me going and coming back!

I know they will want to take bloods etc but when do they do those? My appointment is at The children's centre so they won't do them then and there will they? Do they send you to the hospital or do I have to make an appointment at doctors? I know it's probably different in different areas?

Thank you

Keely at mine they give you forms with the blood work they want you to have, then you take it to the hospital, then they take the forms and take blood. Ikno in some areas they do blood there and then.
My appointment was only half an hour, gave me this big folder that I have to take to every appointment xx
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Thanks Peanut, I think it'll be the same here, I doubt they'll take blood at a children's centre?? Did you just turn up at the hospital or do you get an appointment? I've never had them done at hospital only at my doctors?

Half an hours pretty good, I thought it took longer xx
Thanks girls sadly I started to bleed in the middle of the night.

Aurora will you please take my name of the list for July 11th on page 1.

Lots of best wishes to everyone for a happy, healthy pregnancy xx
Have taken it off clementine. Im so sorry your going through this again :hugs:
So sorry Clementine ♡♡sending you lots of love xxx

Keelygracey I've never had bloods taken at the first midwife appointment, i dont remember having them done until much later on in the pregnancy! I suppose different areas could do it differently though xx
Sorry to hear that Clementine. Look after yourself x

We have blood taken at the first appointment, but the midwife just takes it there and then, but like others say, not everywhere will work the same. I still don't dare arrange my booking in appointment!
Ams, I thought that was standard procedure? I'm pretty sure my doc said bloods, urine sample etc will be taken.. guess I'll see!

I just wanted to let you girls now I'm going to be leaving the forum, it has been a brilliant place to come when TTC and have met some lovely people but I find I become too consumed by it and I am constantly comparing and worrying that I don't feel this symptom and I haven't had that test etc.. and I feel I'll be better off experiencing everything 1st hand and taking each day as it comes!.. Wishing you all a very very healthy & happy pregnancy, good luck ladies xxx
I also had bloods done at my first appointment with my previous pregnancies? I thought they had to get it all on file,blood group etc.

Sorry to hear u are leaving the forum, I totally understand though.

Anyone else struggling to do their jeans up already? :roll:
Sorry your leaving Keely x

I'm not sure if this is a normal pregnancy symptom or not but i feel so hot all the time. I was stood in the garden in my pjs this morning trying to cool down but even that hasn't worked. Been eating ice poles.
My oh has complained that our bedroom is freezing so he went to sleep on the sofa last night but i honestly don't feel cold what so ever. Is this normal?
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Sorry your leaving Keely x

I'm not sure if this is a normal pregnancy symptom or not but i feel so hot all the time. I was stood in the garden in my pjs this morning trying to cool down but even that hasn't worked. Been eating ice poles.
My oh has complained that our bedroom is freezing so he went to sleep on the sofa last night but i honestly don't feel cold what so ever. Is this normal?

Aurora yes it's totally normal, pretty common actually. Increased blood, elevated heart rate, many reasons for it.

Weirdly I go the other way. When I was pg with my daughter I was always absolutely freezing, and I don't usually feel the cold really.
Sorry youre leaving Keely:( Hope you have a wonderful pregnancy xx
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:-( sad to see you go Keely. Happy and healthy 9 months to you. X

So sorry Clementine :-( x
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Totally understandable keely! Hope you have a fab healthy pregnancy xx

Not struggling to do jeans up yet bythesea, but my boobs have grown already! Major 4 Boob age going on out my bra! :o has anyone else's grown yet?! Thought it's too early for that lol xxx
I thought mine were looking bigger and then my husband noticed it. He's loving it ha ha
Yeah, my boobs are up and down! One min they're huge, the next back to normal. Can't wait for them to stay big. Heh. Hubby isn't a bug boob fan though:p x

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