Any July 2017 Mummies?

Oh, i just did the lunar age thing ans i got girl to.

Oh and aurora, ive read if you have really bad sickness, 10× more likely to be a girl x

I keep thinking and panicing that the baby won't have a HB when I have my scan :( I've convinced myself that I've lost it. Plus my pregnancy symptoms well the ones i had are fading, boobs are slowly shrinking back down, not constipated anymore, now my bloating is going.
Hubby keeps saying if there's no blood everything is fine. But my progesterone pessaries could stop me from bleeding :( ugh. Gother more anxious cos the scan day is nearly here. Xx
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I'm the same Peanut, I'm hardly getting any symptoms now. I've got my fingers crossed for you.
A lot of my symptoms have eased off too, still get period like cramps and aching boobs, can't tell if boobs are hurting because off baby or go cold it is tho!

I keep thinking the same peanut, there's no blood so fingers crossed all ok!
Peanut I felt the same the past few days too, but this morning I woke up feeling really sick and had a terrible headache.... and I'm super tired again. once you reach about 8 weeks the placenta starts to develop and gradually take some of the burden off of us, so I'm sure that's what's happening. I dont remember feeling ill much with either of my boys, but had no reason to worry then. Now I'm analysing everything- try not to panic. No pain, no bleeding, that's all good. Fx for scan tomorrow, my next one is Monday xx
Hi ladies, I'm sorry I've been absent so long :( things have not been good I'm so stressed it's unreal, a friend is causing me
Problems basically placing too much on me and I'm done ive told
Her so she kicked off there's more too it but I genuinely don't want to discuss it anymore I need a holiday. Xxx
Hi Violet sorry to hear your friend is causing you so much stress, its nice to see you back.

Started taking cyclizine to help with my morning sickness. They have taken the edge off but not as effective as i'd hoped.
Have also booked a scan for december 4th i'm so nervous now wasn't worried until i booked and now i keep thinking what if i'm not really pregnant or i've lost the baby. Tri 1 sucks
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Tri 1 really sucks! Can't wait to feel movement so I can relax a little!!

Good luck for your scan tomorrow peanut x
Ahh that will be such an amazing feeling! I have forced myself not to worry any more and am just thinking positive. I've got super oily skin today so taking that as a good sign ��

I'm due 22nd July :-) at the moment, obviously will have to wait for dating scan.

Have already started shopping which is very naughty... Bought some bras today that don't fit (bugger) will take two of them back but will have to keep two!

How is everyone?
Hi i've been lurking since i first posted in here but thought i would say hi :wave:

I saw my midwife on monday and she was really confused on what to do with me. She has no experiance with a surrogate and doner eggs she want me to pay for a test that i've never heard of before. Harmony or something like that but the parents dont want to spend the extra money so we wont be doing that.

I'm really nervous this time as i had a mc earlier this year with my own baby so really hoping this one sticks. I'm more nervous than i was with the pregnancy after my stillbirth. :eh:
Can you please remove me from this thread. Second baby has died. 6th miscarriage :(
I hope you all have wonderful pregnancies. All the best xx
Nooooo. Peanut I'm so so sorry lovely. Such terrible news. I wish I had some words to help you but there are none. Sending you many hugs and strength xxxxxxx
Peanut i am so sorry for your loss.
I really hope the doctors listen to you now and give you progesterone from the start of ur next preganacy. I know it wont be long till you have your rainbow baby

Wishing you all the luck in the world that you will be back in tri 1 soon :hugs:
Hello ladies, is it ok for me to join this thread? Just got my BFP this morning.

I'm so sorry for your loss Peanut. Thinking of you at this sad time xxx
I'm so so sorry peanut x my thoughts are with you hun x x x x
Oh Peanut I am so so sorry :( absolutely gutted for you. It's been lovely talking to you on here. I am praying you get your rainbow baby soon. Sending you all the love in the world xxx

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