Any July 2017 Mummies?

So so sorry peanut, I had everything crossed for you today :( you'll have your rainbow baby soon xxx
Had some pink spotting today and cramps yesterday.

I'm 5+1 so I know baby is just burrowing
Had some pink spotting today and cramps yesterday.

I'm 5+1 so I know baby is just burrowing

I had a colposcopy on Thursday and they told me the bleeding I was having was normal.. Except I didn't even know I had any bleeding!! I'm 5+3 now and I've noticed some pink tinted discharge the last few days. Hoping it's just him getting comfortable too!
Eep Michelle our dates are so close!!

When did you find out about bubba?

I found out last Friday! It took me a year to get there so it really doesn't real real! Can't wait to actually have some appointments so it sinks in a bit more! My first one isn't until week 8 though as I couldn't get in due to being away with work.
they only steal your blood anyway ;-)

I feel like a pin cushion! Though I've cut them down to 2 blood tests maximum a week now
Eep Michelle our dates are so close!!

When did you find out about bubba?

I found out last Friday! It took me a year to get there so it really doesn't real real! Can't wait to actually have some appointments so it sinks in a bit more! My first one isn't until week 8 though as I couldn't get in due to being away with work.

That's good, I'm 8 weeks now and still won't have my app until 28th!
Well our scan isn't till the 29th of December so we decided to tell family now and well my hunbys family where over the moon my parents too but I'm annoyed my scan is so late tbh xxx I hope you're all well?
I got my scan letter this morning for December 19th can't wait.
Congratulations Michelle!

I took the plunge today and booked a midwife appointment for Wednesday when I should be 8+3... I've refused to book it until I got to 8+1 (today) as that's further than I lost the baby last time. I'm very worried that all my symptoms have disappeared though :( my boobs aren't really sore anymore. I don't have any sickness but I never did with my second son either so not too worried about that. But my main concern is tiredness, ie. I don't have any! I was exhausted with my 2 boys, i used to be falling asleep on the sofa at 6pm every night... This time I'm still wide awake at 9.30 pm :( I didn't have any tiredness with my MC either so it's worrying me sick. Trying to tell myself I have no bleeding so that's a good sign, but with my MC they reckon I lost the baby at 5 weeks but it took my body until 8 weeks to realise. So I keep worrying that the same thing could have happened again and there's no baby but my body just hasn't worked it out yet. I absolutely bloody hate Tri 1 it's just one long anxiety attack isn't it :( while I feel very sorry for the ladies who are poorly, i wish I could have a bit of the sickness just for reassurance.

Sorry for the miserable rant :( xx
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I've got my 12week scan and consultant appt Dec 14th but I've had another scan today (all still looking good) and will be having harmony test and scan at 10 weeks. Having regular scans definitely helps my nerves, I too thought my symptoms were disappearing but they seem to come back every couple of days. And less severe than they were a few weeks back so hoping it's all settling itself now the placenta is developing.
Congratulations Michelle! ��

My symptoms seem to be disappearing now and then too. Then come back after a while, never thought I'd be happy to get bad boob pain! They've gone a bit firmer already :o !

Got my first midwives appt booked, not until 20th Dec! So far away! I'll be 11 weeks exactly then.
Do they do the scan on the first appointment or is that after? I'm desperate to see baby and know everything's ok, wavering symptoms keep making me panic over and over.

Considering were meant to stay 'stress free' trip is so nerve wracking! Xx
Harleysarah the first midwife appointment is for booking in. You should get scan appointment soon after.
Can you not get a midwife appointment sooner than that as you may not get scanned untill january if they are busy.
No that was all they gave me :( I just assumed it was normal for my area or something. Just hoping it rushes by until then.
Fingers crossed they'll be able to do a scan quite quickly after it, was hoping to be able to see bubba before christmas :( xx
Ams25 my midwife appt is on Wednesday too!! I'll be 7+6 by then I think! My symptoms keep coming and going too. Try to relax and not worry too much (I know - easier said than done!) hope everything goes well for you!

HarleySarah, I was told they see you anywhere between around 8-12 weeks for your first appt, maybe ask if they definitely dont have anything sooner?

Not sure what to expect for my first mw appt ladies... Is it worth writing any questions down I have? What sort of things will the midwife do?
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All she said was if anything happens inbetween now and the appointment is to go to my doctors. 3 midwife units have been condensed into one in my town so I'm guessing they're busy constantly :(

I've been told to start writing any questions that come to mind so I'm a bit more prepared and to start getting mine and my partners family history of health or anything. My sister has history of unexpected stillbirths, one at 27 weeks and another at 37 weeks so I know I'll be dreading it throughout the whole pregnancy, especially if mine is a boy as both of hers were boys she lost, all 3 girls were ok so we're all still stumped by it xx
Hey everyone. Due on July 11th (my sisters birthday) with our 3rd baby!! We already have one girl (4) and one boy (2)!
Congratulations bright diamond! Same due date as me (unless it changes when I have my scan lol) xx
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