Any July 2017 Mummies?

Becca do you feel better now? I hope everything is ok, levels seem great!! Xx
Evening ladies:)
I just went to the loo for a number 2 :blush: and it stang so bad, wiped and there was blood. Not had this before. I think i tore my bum heh :blush: ... it really stang yday to but there was no blood. Idk what to do? Still hurts now I'm sitting down but not alot.
Embarrassed to see the docs but I will if it's necessary? Xx
I've had that before Peanut.. I'm sure it will get better fairly quickly :-)
I was a little paranoid earlier today that things weren't going so well as my boobs stopped hurting anywhere near as much as they had been but a test showed a much darker line than before so I'm feeling much better now!! Guess my bath had just helped to soothe the pain a bit!

Docs tomorrow... eek!!
Michelle, symptoms come and go, so don't worry if they don't hurt xx
Michelle, my boobs are tender one minute and then fine the next, other then that I have no symtoms at all so don't worry! lol..

Good luck at the doctors xxx
P.but- could be a sneaky pile or 2 causing the bleed and discomfort? It's a very common pregnancy ailment!
My tenderness is on and off too. I am having on and off hip pain but that's about it. Lines have become very dark so I'm happy with that :dance:
Feeling a bit happier today, after the bad reaction from my son over the pregnancy news, he's now starting to come around. I think my ex husband has been chatting to him and putting a positive spin on it. I've now told my close family as I didn't want my boys to spill the beans. Oh and my morning sickness wasn't too bad today, got medication for it and touch wood its helping.
That's great news Amy I'm glad things are settling down a bit xxx

Peanut are you constipated? I had a terrible time with constipation after my first baby and I kept tearing my bum when going for a number 2 :-0 and the worst thing was it wouldn't heal because every time I went again it would do it again! What helped me was I took Movicol for a bit to make the stools softer (eurgh) to give it time to heal, then drank plenty of water and ate rehydrated dried apricots from the health food shop every day to keep things regular. It's all so glamorous lol xxx
I don't think I am. I've been going to the loo once a day which is still alot for me. I do feel like I need to the toilet and get cramps but they only last a few seconds but then feels like I don't need it if that makes sense lol. X
My skin looks awful. Woke up this morning with so many spots on my face, i could cry.

I'm getting sharp cervix pains makes sitting down uncomfortable
Sadly I think our baby bean isn't sticking, I did another Clearblue Digi tonight and it has gone back to 1-2 weeks (I was 2-3weeks last Sunday), when I opened the test the lines were lighter then the original one when I found out I was pregnant. My tiredness & my need to pee had stopped on Wednesday. I have had no spotting but my lower back is sore and I've had some slight cramping. My consultant has a scanned booked for Wednesday 23rd Nov, I had to have D&c's with both my previous losses as my body didn't recognize I'd lost the babies, hopefully this time my body does what it needs to do naturally before my scan.

Lots of sticky baby bean dust and a happy healthy 9months to all the July Mummies xxx
Oh Clementine, im so sorry, big hugs. I really hope it's just a faulty test or something but equally I think you do right to prepare for the worst. Thinking of you ♡♡♡ xxx
Could it just be a case of your pee being too diluted? They do advise doing them in the morning. Also have read about the hook effect which is why some doctors reccomend to stop testing.
Really hope thats just the case xx
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Keeping all my fingers and toes crossed it's a faulty test Clementine. Try not to worry about loss of symptoms either. Big hugs xxx
Sorry clementine:( sending hugs. The girls are right though, your pee could be too diluted or other factors making it says that. Have my fx thst it's not a loss x

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