Any July 2017 Mummies?

Hopefully i will be going home today. Miss my little boy so much never spent this long away from him.
Hopefully youll be home soon aurora.
Congrats to the new ladies :) xx

Is back pain normal?? Read online it's a sign of miscarrige, but never had it with any of my mcs. Getting more cramping to. Can't have a scan until the 19th :/ proper stressing over it.

Also the midwife said just go on my due date from my lmp, not on the scan date...? X
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Hi Hun, I'm suffering with back pain now and again too, think it's where all the ligaments and muscles are softening. Does it feel like stretching pains or period cramps? With both my successful pregnancies I had pains from early on,sharp pains, stretching, the odd mild cramp, as I got bigger the pains got more intense, and they can be quite scary, but ligament pain can be very uncomfortable and it's inevitable that as your uterus gets bigger it'll put pressure on organs and put a strain on parts of your body u never knew u had!! This early stuff is more concerning but honestly, it's totally normal. I only had pain with 1 of my miscarriages and that was significant enough for me to get to a&e.... I also had no idea I was even pregnant with that one.
Also, could you maybe need to poo?!!! That's a cramping and back pain symptom!!! Each time I feel like that I know it's prob time to try and go to the toilet and it always makes it better! Xxx
I've had cramping on and off since 4 weeks pregnant. It's gradually reduced over time and still comes and goes every now and again. Seen a doc 3 times over it... but the one I saw most recently reassured me that it's normal and that considering I have no bleeding and the pain is gradually reducing then she isn't concerned. If in doubt, see your GP. Hopefully it's just the normal (but worrying!) aches and pains that seem to come at the most worrying part of the pregnancy! :-(
Hi ladies.. can I join you? I got two faint BFPs yesterday... still doesn't quite feel real yet. I feel a little anxious if anything that it might not hang around - lord knows why. I'll go to the docs on Monday for what will hopefully be a nice little confidence boost :-)
I had to go hospital this morning for blood tests from midwife. Was in the queue for 30 mins my back was hurting loads. Then at work (subway) it started hurting again. Was abit worrying. But if it's fine I'll just take it lol. Have a water bottle on it atm :) xx
PB just ring midwife or see doc if you're concerned, hopefully nothing to worry about tho!

Congrats M1chelle!
I do get lower back ache normally when it's cold. So it could be that. Water bottle has worked wonders lol x
Hey ladies, sorry I've been on and off again I've been super ill I've got some kind of cold that's become a cough and all my sinus is blocked horribly. Why is it so much worse while pregnant? Haha xxx
Hey guys,
I ended up being sent for an early scan due to a full ache in my right side, they wanted to make sure it wasn't ectopic- when I got to EPU they said they can't scan me with only being 5 and a half weeks as they won't see anything under 2000 hcg so they did bloods instead and then rang me the next day to say my hcg was actually 9000 and got me in for a scan the next day where we saw a little sac and yolk- no heartbeat yet tho. Now I'm getting horrific cramps tnyt worse than period pains, it is what I'd imagine a contraction feels like it's awful and now I'm worried xxx
Hey Becca, sorry your suffering, it sounds awful! Can you go back to the EPU? Or go back to your doctors, if there that bad you need to see someone xxx
Yeah I agree with Keely, go to a&e or gp. A warm bath might help :)
This might sound so disgusting but does anyone get intense cramping before a BM? ive tried to google it lol but it seems to be when I need the toilet I get this cramping x
Tri hopping: At 5.5 weeks you wouldn't see baby yet unless very lucky or had a very good machine but the fact you saw sac and yolk is a very good sign. As for cramps they can be normal. Male sure you're having enough fluids as this can increase cramping x x x good luck x bm can be a bit more tricky. I've noticed that I no longer have a "need to poop/ need to pee" message being sent to my brain instead I have a belly ache or uncomfortable feeling and I have to stop and I "ooo that hurts when was the last time I went to the loo? Ah that will be why!" Then it usually stops afterwards. At my early scans they could see my uterus was obstructing a lot of toilet systems!.
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Welcome Michelle and congratulations!

Becca that's a brilliant HCG level! I get bad painful cramps when I need the loo, i used to get the same reaction after eating white bread, and I find it worse in pregnancy too. Hopefully that's what your cramps were xx I had a scan at 5+5 with my first son and couldn't see heartbeat, went back at 8+5 and saw a lovely jelly baby with a strong heartbeat xx

7 weeks here today! Feels like a milestone! I still haven't gone off cups of tea which is worrying me slightly as I went off tea at 6 weeks with both my son's but not with my MC. However I got a migraine this morning (i get the type with visual disturbances) and migraines are definitely a pregnancy thing for me, I got them as a young teenager but the only time I've had them in the past 10 years has been when pregnant with my boys. So that's reassured me a bit. I only got them from 20-30 weeks plus with the boys though, so didn't expect to get one this early! Hoping it means hormones are good! I've had quite a few nausea episodes but nothing too bad and I haven't been sick. Boobs have definitely grown! I'm going to book MW appointment this week for the following week when Il be over 8 weeks hopefully xx
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Happy 7 weeks Ams! :)

I am looking forward to being 6 weeks on Tuesday!.. still no obvious symptoms here, a bit tired and boobs hurt on and off but that's it, I've had no cramps or nausea.

I have my MW appointment on 21st Nov! They do it early here between 6-8 weeks, I bet my scan will be after christmas though! I think I will wait to get my date then possibly book a private before xmas!

How is everyone else doing? xx
It seems to affect everyone so differently! Yesterday I was extremely bloated, felt like a whale and had a sore tummy all day and night (I actually woke during Friday night with the pain). Decided to try and eat smaller meals more frequently to try to help but today the thought of food makes me want to throw up. I've also had quite a lot of cramping, feels like stretching but it gets quite uncomfortable at times. And spots and greasy hair, I feel like a teenager! 7 weeks tomorrow based on my calculations, although if I go on lmp I'm 7+3 I've got my first appointment on Thursday, think it will all feel more real then.

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