Any July 2017 Mummies?

So i've been admitted to hospital was not nice being here overnight. I've got a drip in my arm as i was dehydrated still being sick all the time though and have very little energy.

Oh I hope your ok xx
So i've been admitted to hospital was not nice being here overnight. I've got a drip in my arm as i was dehydrated still being sick all the time though and have very little energy.

Oh, Aurora, I hope everything's ok xx
So i've been admitted to hospital was not nice being here overnight. I've got a drip in my arm as i was dehydrated still being sick all the time though and have very little energy.

Aurora I hope you are on the mend soon, the drip should help, do you think you will get home today, look after yourself xx
Thanks ladies congrats to you all too! Apart from nausea I don't feel any different, waiting for the hormones to kick in lol.
Have to register with a new doctor soon as it's something I never got round to when I moved back in March �� also might have to tell my work today as I got sent home for being sick (now know why lol) and I work with fresh food, assuming I can go back onto my dept with pregnancy sickness! Xx

Congrats Harley welcome to July Mummies at the moment I'm also the 11th
Hope you are feeling better Aurora, sounds like you are having a really hard time so far :(

Last week I felt nauseous constantly but was lucky enough that I've not been sick so far. It eased off for a couple of days this week, but has come back with a vengeance. I ordered some travel sickness bands which arrived today, and since putting them on I do feel better although it could just be a coincidence!
So today I told my 3 boys about the baby , only told them as my eldest who is 15 was concerned as I've been pretty ill for two weeks now with morning sickness. Two if my boys the 15 and 12 year old were fine, not exactly made up but not upset. On the otherhand my 9 year old who also has ASD, ADHD and mental health issues has refused to talk to me and won't even sit in the same room as me.
I told my 10 year old as didn't want him to hear me talking about it with David. I am putting on weight everywhere! It's really getting me down I don't know how I'm piling it on so quickly, I eat healthily and run. It's making me feel really crap I've always been quite insecure and it's making it so much worse :(
Hope you're ok Aurora! Xx

I've had twinge pains in my right hip area today too peanut! Xx

Thanks clementine! 11th could be a busy day haha xx
So today I told my 3 boys about the baby , only told them as my eldest who is 15 was concerned as I've been pretty ill for two weeks now with morning sickness. Two if my boys the 15 and 12 year old were fine, not exactly made up but not upset. On the otherhand my 9 year old who also has ASD, ADHD and mental health issues has refused to talk to me and won't even sit in the same room as me.

Oh, Amy that sounds awful, sorry his reacted that way. I have no other children or much experience so can't offer great advice but I hope he comes around and you can talk about it some more. xxx
Hope you're on the mend soon Aurora!!

Oh Amy, that must've been difficult! With experience of working with ASD/ADHD in childcare, I understand it's probably the change that has unsettled him! I hope he comes round to the idea soon, big hugs!

The nausea has began creeping back in... oh the joys!
Hey ladies. Just been having a lurk through the thread. I'm due 14th July by lmp, quite nervous as have 2 prior losses, but I also have a lovely little girl who just turned 1 yesterday.

No symptoms yet, although I still bf my daughter so the usual sore boobs symptoms wouldn't be so obvious. When I was pg with her I was sick ever day from 6 weeks, right up to 21 weeks. Hoping not to have a repeat of that!
Hi Catv33 - congratulations!! How are you finding bf? I'm 6 weeks pregnant with our first, and still undecided about that!
Hi Catv33 - congratulations!! How are you finding bf? I'm 6 weeks pregnant with our first, and still undecided about that!

Thanks Ab! Bf has been pretty good for us fortunately. I know it's not for everyone. The most important thing is to know where to get advice and support when things are tricky. FB support groups, or your local groups. There were loads of times I was convinced I wasn't making enough milk, or that she went getting enough. She always was, I just needed the support that showed me it was all normal.
Thanks Catv33! That's really helpful, it's nice to hear good things about it, too often people focus on the negatives, and I'd love to give it a go I think but things we're putting me off!

Congrats Megbeth!!
Congratulations cat and meg! Xx

Tiredness has completely taken over me now. Had 10 hours sleep last night, woke up about 9 and I'm ready for another 10 hours already!
Have to go work 8hrs soon and dreading it, the manager that's usually on Saturday nights is alays expecting the dept full and perfect so it's a constant rush around :( (I work on a deli counter in a supermarket) I'll be on my own from 5-8.30 so already dreading it incase nausea takes over :'( xxx

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