Any July 2017 Mummies?

Aw Aurora you poor thing! Hopefully it means your hormones are nice and high but I know that's not much comfort when you feel terrible! :( maybe a trip to the doctors might be in order if you can't eat? I was lucky with my 2 boys and had very little sickness and it looks like this one's the same but of course then I'm worrying that it's a bad sign, we can't win can we!

I'm 6+4 today... i'm pretty tired; in bed at 9 every night. Boobs still a bit sore which they have been since 8dpo, they look like they've grown a bit too. I feel nauseous sometimes but only quite mild and not actually been sick yet. I wake up with a fairly flat tummy (well not that it's been flat for a long time after 2 kids lol) but I definitely get mega bloated by the end of the day and look about 5 months pregnant after tea. Oh I'm burping and feeling gassy a lot, and i'm having food aversions too. So I've quite a few symptoms but none of them are really 'bad' so of course I'm still worrying. I definitely have more symptoms than I did with my MC so that's good, but I had pretty much no symptoms with my second son either so I know that can be just as normal.

Feel stuck in limbo at the min, i dont want to go to midwife until after 8 weeks, im desperate for an early scan but the nearest private place is an hour away. If they were in my town I'd get one but it's not just somewhere I can pop on my lunch break. I don't think the NHS would give me an early scan after just 1 MC would they? Ah well I'm going to get Harmony test at 10 weeks so that will involve a scan too, so not too long to wait xx

Hey Ams!

I haven't had any symptoms yet! My doctor said it was a good thing, not sure what she means!?.. I got so panicked yesterday I took another test and was super super positive so that eased my nerves a little bit!

What exactly is the Harmony test? (I'm a bit clueless!) How's did you go about booking it?

Thank you Hun he is! It's so fun and I suffer with anxiety issues so it's helping I've been 3 times now I'm training today working on cardio and practising my karate on my own because I miss it! I got black belt on go ju Ryu when I was younger weird how I've not forgotten haha want to do my kicks and punches blocks and get better again :) I'm gonna have a healthy pregnancy damn it xxx
Aw Aurora you poor thing! Hopefully it means your hormones are nice and high but I know that's not much comfort when you feel terrible! :( maybe a trip to the doctors might be in order if you can't eat? I was lucky with my 2 boys and had very little sickness and it looks like this one's the same but of course then I'm worrying that it's a bad sign, we can't win can we!

I'm 6+4 today... i'm pretty tired; in bed at 9 every night. Boobs still a bit sore which they have been since 8dpo, they look like they've grown a bit too. I feel nauseous sometimes but only quite mild and not actually been sick yet. I wake up with a fairly flat tummy (well not that it's been flat for a long time after 2 kids lol) but I definitely get mega bloated by the end of the day and look about 5 months pregnant after tea. Oh I'm burping and feeling gassy a lot, and i'm having food aversions too. So I've quite a few symptoms but none of them are really 'bad' so of course I'm still worrying. I definitely have more symptoms than I did with my MC so that's good, but I had pretty much no symptoms with my second son either so I know that can be just as normal.

Feel stuck in limbo at the min, i dont want to go to midwife until after 8 weeks, im desperate for an early scan but the nearest private place is an hour away. If they were in my town I'd get one but it's not just somewhere I can pop on my lunch break. I don't think the NHS would give me an early scan after just 1 MC would they? Ah well I'm going to get Harmony test at 10 weeks so that will involve a scan too, so not too long to wait xx

Hey Ams!

I haven't had any symptoms yet! My doctor said it was a good thing, not sure what she means!?.. I got so panicked yesterday I took another test and was super super positive so that eased my nerves a little bit!

What exactly is the Harmony test? (I'm a bit clueless!) How's did you go about booking it?


You're still early for symptoms hun I didn't have any until 6 weeks with my first pregnancy and about 8 weeks with second :) hopefully you will just have a nice easy pregnancy and sail through it!

The Harmony test checks for downs syndrome, Edwards and pateau (s? ) syndromes, it's a blood test so completely no risk to baby. It's not available on the NHS, you can have other Downs syndrome screening on the NHS but the Harmony test is more accurate. It's about £400 privately which is a lot of money but we have a bit spare from remortgaging our house recently so going to go for it. It can also tell you baby's sex at just 10 weeks which is a bonus! Xx
Hi everyone, awkward question really... what's everyone's experiences/knowledge about sex being ok in the 1st tri? Me and OH are obviously abstaining at the moment, but it does make me wonder..?
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Ab, sex is fine unless Dr has told you not to. x

My midwife appointment in the morning, never been what shall I expect?? xx
Ab yes we've still been DTD, there's no reason not to unless doctor has told you not to :) xx

Ab, sex is fine unless Dr has told you not to. x

My midwife appointment in the morning, never been what shall I expect?? xx

Aw exciting! If it's your booking in then urine sample, height, weight and lots of questions about your health history, family history etc xxx
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My OH would not be happy if I now suddenly weren't interested in having sex after all the months of badgering him to DTD at the right times and all the time!! lol.. We are careful though and keeping it on the gentle side lol!.. although I'm so bloated and tired it does feel like a chore ATM! Lol

Good luck for tomorrow Peanut, How exciting!! xx
Yeah, not supposed to have it until I'm 8 weeks, but my gp forced them to make me an appointment because of all my mcs. I'm supposed to be 7 weeks on sunday, so I didn't think she was too bothered about a week early but now I've been put back and I'm 6 weeks tomorrow, hope she won't just tell me to leave and come back later on xD xx
Mine is on the 21st Nov and I'll only be 6+6 weeks but that's just how they do it in my area, they like to see you between 6-8 weeks. Some areas it's much later around 10 weeks!

I'm sure it'll be fine xxxx
Yeah, not supposed to have it until I'm 8 weeks, but my gp forced them to make me an appointment because of all my mcs. I'm supposed to be 7 weeks on sunday, so I didn't think she was too bothered about a week early but now I've been put back and I'm 6 weeks tomorrow, hope she won't just tell me to leave and come back later on xD xx

I had an early appoint with mw this time due to my history. Mine was at 6weeks. She didn't do the standard booking in I had that at 10 weeks but she took some blood checked how I was feeling checked what mess I was on etc and booked me in with the consultant. X x not saying yours will be the same but it may be different to norm!
Hi everyone �� only just found out yesterday so still in a bit of shock/disbelief as it still feels like period is coming any day! Just thought I was getting a sickness bug and mainly took a test to rule it out(also to shut my best friend up��) now here I am! ���� going by first day of last period I'm due July 11th! ��
Look forward to getting to know you all xx
Congratulations and welcome HarleySarah!

I have the massive rage today, I've just woke up in a foul mood it feels like the worse PMS ever... is this pregnancy hormones? Xx
Congrats HarleySarah!! Welcome to the madness!!

I woke up like that yesterday ams25... I hope it's the hormones, cos otherwise I have no excuse!! Haha
Yes Ams def pregnancy, i have had a lot of anger last few weeks lol.

Congrats Harleysarah, that's 4 of us due July 11th. It's a popular day, lets hope it's a lucky one too x
Thanks ladies congrats to you all too! Apart from nausea I don't feel any different, waiting for the hormones to kick in lol.
Have to register with a new doctor soon as it's something I never got round to when I moved back in March �� also might have to tell my work today as I got sent home for being sick (now know why lol) and I work with fresh food, assuming I can go back onto my dept with pregnancy sickness! Xx
Congratulations! I'm due the 11th too atm :)

I've not had any nausea yet! I'm hoping it skips me! lol.. although my doctor said it doesn't usually start until 6-7 weeks onwards.

I do feel very tired and headachy today and sooo bloated, nothings fitting me nicely! Everything feels tight and uncomfortable.

Hi ladies
Congratulations harley.

Got back from my appointment, it was actually my booking appointment. She said I am going to me consultant led because of my history & the twin loss. Said I'll get an appointment for a scan cone through for 8 weeks :). It seeming more real now heh, fx baby sticks around.

Random question, is it possible to have a tiny bump on top of my pubic area/under my belly. It's feel like a big lump / bump there. Hubby said he can feel and see it popping out a little. But worried it's too soon for anything like that x
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Glad your appt went well Peanut! I have a small bulge/bump just above the pubic bone, it feels like the top of my uterus starting to pop up, I know midwife would say it's too early but I know my own body and it isn't usually like that! Xx
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So i've been admitted to hospital was not nice being here overnight. I've got a drip in my arm as i was dehydrated still being sick all the time though and have very little energy.

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