Glad you're both ok! I agree with snr about the bed sheets - GADZ (think that may be a north east Scotland saying)
Maybe even if you are kept in long term they will let you out for a meal etc, you should ask hun
Awful . I can't handle this much longer. My hospital is in Stevenage. If any of you know what Stevenage is like you will understand. It's slob/chav central. Literally one in 5 women in Stevenage are slobs. My ward is full of women moaning that they don't want to be here - none of is do but it's for our own good ! They spend all day letting there screaming children run riot then all night snoring farting and talking in their sleeps. I'm averaging about 3 hours sleep a night. Only to be woken up in the mornings by children running riot. I'm having constant headaches an my bp is at a constant high. I'm putting out 10g of protien in my urine. It's only supposed to be 300mg. I've been told that they have to keep a close eye on this because my kidneys could be failing. I'm so miserable and tired I can't do this much more. The only thong keeping me from discharging myself is that my princess is growing healthier and stronger in my tum and I don't want to jeopardise her health.