Any advice ??? :(

How are you and your little lady doing Jodie? Been thinking of you lots xx
Thanks everyone. We are doing just fine thanks. Im no closer to knowing when iwill be Induced but I'm thinking that ISA good thing because I want her to stay in as long as poss. As much as i sulked about bei g in Spain it was much better thAn this place. I've been here since Sunday and not once have they changed my bed sheets ! Despite me asking 3 times. I'm just all a bit fed up really. Missing stupid things. Would love to have a night off to go for dinner with my Oh. My bday is coming up in a few weeks. All I want as a pressie is my little girl to be healthy. X
Glad your doing ok Hun, the longer she stays cooking the better :hugs: x
Glad to hear you are both doing well! As for the bed sheets - Gadz! in this heat they must be stinking by now? sorry! just ask your oh to bring you in some new sheets and change them yourself. you could have the nicest looking bed on the ward! heehee

Glad you're both ok! I agree with snr about the bed sheets - GADZ (think that may be a north east Scotland saying) :lol:

Maybe even if you are kept in long term they will let you out for a meal etc, you should ask hun


Glad you're both ok! I agree with snr about the bed sheets - GADZ (think that may be a north east Scotland saying) :lol:

Maybe even if you are kept in long term they will let you out for a meal etc, you should ask hun


oops I never realised - its a good word though. :lol:
Aw, Jodie, so sorry. I can't beleive how brave and strong you've been since all this happened.

Your baby will have a great chance if born early. In fact, I read somewhere that babies born at 32 weeks rarely need any intervention just a stay in the hospital for monitoring.

Which hospital up there are you in?
In Jan I was staying in Ely outside Cambridge and had to go into Addenbrooks - it was fantastic in the bit I was in. Are you close enough to ask for a transfer if it gets to the point where you might wanna move? Not that I think moving is a good idea - but still. Hope littlun is ok xxxx
Welldone for being so strong Jodie, you are doing so well! Try and keep as calm as possible, and remember every day your little princess is getting that bit bigger.. Thinking of you and little one xxx
Hi all. My bp is still high. Between 94 and 108 most of the time. I'm on 6 tablets a day for it and I've just started to get headaches and dizzy spells. I know this is all part of the pre eclampsia. I'm waiting for a doctor to come see me but that could take all day. I'm just curious to know of anyone else has or knows of anyone who has experienced this before? As I know it's now getting worse. I'm just wonderig how long they leave it until they get bubs out? Unfortunately I've developed it early on so she's still small :( I do worry for her. X
Sorry didn't want to read and run but I don't have any experience with this. Big :hug: every day inside is a bonus but the docs will know what's best xx
You're doing really well Jodie. To get to 31 weeks for your little one is a huge achievement and had given her the best chance. Loads of twins are born smaller than your little one and are fine. Keep positive Hun. Xx
Jodie ur gettin on to 32 weeks now!!

I bet she's bigger now then on last scan, your doing a great job chinn up x x x
Hi hun no advice but i was in hospital for my blood pressure yestoday it was 104 but it went back down...hope yours does too! Even if LO was born early she would have a massive chance of surviving as your not early on. Hope everything is ok...try to relax too and get OH to give you a nice massage. Just read its a good way of bringing blood pressure down lol. Good luck hun xxx
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Im sure LO will be fine Hun my mum had pre Eclampsia with me it started at 35 weeks But they didn't induce her till 39 weeks and i was born weighing 5lB 4oz x
ah honey big hug. hope everything gets better for you soon. xxx
Awful :(. I can't handle this much longer. My hospital is in Stevenage. If any of you know what Stevenage is like you will understand. It's slob/chav central. Literally one in 5 women in Stevenage are slobs. My ward is full of women moaning that they don't want to be here - none of is do but it's for our own good ! They spend all day letting there screaming children run riot then all night snoring farting and talking in their sleeps. I'm averaging about 3 hours sleep a night. Only to be woken up in the mornings by children running riot. I'm having constant headaches an my bp is at a constant high. I'm putting out 10g of protien in my urine. It's only supposed to be 300mg. I've been told that they have to keep a close eye on this because my kidneys could be failing. I'm so miserable and tired I can't do this much more. The only thong keeping me from discharging myself is that my princess is growing healthier and stronger in my tum and I don't want to jeopardise her health. :(
Awful :(. I can't handle this much longer. My hospital is in Stevenage. If any of you know what Stevenage is like you will understand. It's slob/chav central. Literally one in 5 women in Stevenage are slobs. My ward is full of women moaning that they don't want to be here - none of is do but it's for our own good ! They spend all day letting there screaming children run riot then all night snoring farting and talking in their sleeps. I'm averaging about 3 hours sleep a night. Only to be woken up in the mornings by children running riot. I'm having constant headaches an my bp is at a constant high. I'm putting out 10g of protien in my urine. It's only supposed to be 300mg. I've been told that they have to keep a close eye on this because my kidneys could be failing. I'm so miserable and tired I can't do this much more. The only thong keeping me from discharging myself is that my princess is growing healthier and stronger in my tum and I don't want to jeopardise her health. :(

Aww hun :( that sounds horrible - is there no way that you could be moved into another room or something? I don't know if that's possible but just an idea! It can't be good for you getting hardly any sleep because of the people around you.

Your being so strong, and your 100% right to not discharge yourself.. It must be horrible for you just now but it's for the best that your in there.. At the end you will have your little princess and it will all have been so worth it :hugs: xx
Jld - I have just been looking for an update on you lol

I am glad you are ok and that baby is doing well. But it sounds like you are having a terrible time of it! I really can't imagine having to put up with all that and surely it cannot be doing your blood pressure any good! Have they not got maybe a seperate side room they could put you in? Getting that upset and eat up having all that going on around you can't be good for your blood pressure.


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