

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2016
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Hi ladies, I've struggled on and off with anxiety for quite a few years most of the anxiety as been controlled up until this past few weeks of pregnancy, I'm 32+4 and having a section at 38+6 I'm so nervous and anxious as this is my 4th c section, I keep having intrusive thoughts about dying on the theatre table and stuff and now can't get it out of my head about this happening. As anyone else had multiple c sections or suffer with anxiety what's the strategies to try and deal with things a little better?

Hi! I have been on medication for a few years but when we decided to TTC I came off all but one tablet -my beta blockers :( I stayed on them til we got our BFP then stopped. I've found going to my counselling sessions more often have really helped and doing a lot of mindfulness (Google for books/courses in your area) I've also started using essential oils around the house that are calming and stress relieving.

I still get bad thoughts and worry a lot but you've almost got to work on kicking yourself out of it, especially if realistically you can't control it. Focus on the here and now xxxxxx
Haven't had c sections but this last few weeks I've been extremely anxious and in tears almost every day, I've had fears of dying, baby not making it, all I can say is my friend had 5 sections, she was told after 3 children she shouldn't have any more and they advised her to have a hysterectomy, she was fine and babies were fine too, childbirth is scary whatever way they're coming out i think there would be something wrong if you weren't anxious either way
Yeah mummy that's true a think every mum to be is nervous of the unknown. My fear is leaving my boys behind and something bad happening to me. So far tho hasn't been any complications and placenta is normal not for placenta accreta thank goodness. I'm tearful all the time over thinking, consultant wants me to be sterilised at same time but it's not something I want to do tbh x
Yeh I worry about my little boy and of something happens to me but everything will be ok, I 100% have faith in the hospital that they'll take care of me and baby! Think past the delivery think of when ur holding baby and hubby brings your children up to meet the new addition x
Yeah I've faith in the hospital my consultant as even booked his self to be in theatre just incase he's needed,which is scary but good. I think it's the waiting and the unknown about surgery tbh, the pain doesn't phase me just everything else. Am sure I'd be monitored more closely if something was about to go wrong. I suppose there's risks associated with everything even going across a road. I think we're waiting til I'm home for my boys to meet the babty, my eldest as autism and sometimes freaks out at hospitals and seeing doctors/nurses about, plus 4 children around the bed I don't think nurses and midwifes would be impressed. I'm hoping to be out the next day like I was with my youngest. X

I was an anxiety sufferee for ten + years. Diagnosed in 2014, now technically cured (no meds now).
I changed the way I thought by research of you tube videos, blogs and a bit of CBT.
Try reading the book 'Happy' by Derren Brown, its a hard read (intellectual!) but truth and a good opinion are very good within the book.
I find now, if i have intrusive thoughts, (they used to be mainly about first DD) I say to myself - ''thats not going to happen - touch wood''. I then drag my mind to think about something else.
This gets me through the bedtimes easily where I would have stayed up all night worrying.

In the daytimes, I now dont worry about negative experiences, I accept them for what they are. A bad day, then I move on.
I now appreciated the cuddles, the bedtime stories, just getting my 4 yr old DD dressed is a special moment.

I found I had to stop being selfish, which was odd, as I thought I was least selfish, having all this crap happen to me all the time. But I was just seeing everything in the wrong order.

I now think about when my DD will be 10, 12 - 21 yrs old etc and think the times I have that are special now - the middle of the night cuddles, the bathing, the reading together, it is all going to end the more she grows up and I keep that thought constantly in my mind, that I need to cherish these so called 'hard days' that some parents find a struggle and know that it is upto me to be there for my DD.

Try googling ALan Watts or Dr Wayne DYer, both have helped me a lot.

Hope this helps

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