I was an anxiety sufferee for ten + years. Diagnosed in 2014, now technically cured (no meds now).
I changed the way I thought by research of you tube videos, blogs and a bit of CBT.
Try reading the book 'Happy' by Derren Brown, its a hard read (intellectual!) but truth and a good opinion are very good within the book.
I find now, if i have intrusive thoughts, (they used to be mainly about first DD) I say to myself - ''thats not going to happen - touch wood''. I then drag my mind to think about something else.
This gets me through the bedtimes easily where I would have stayed up all night worrying.
In the daytimes, I now dont worry about negative experiences, I accept them for what they are. A bad day, then I move on.
I now appreciated the cuddles, the bedtime stories, just getting my 4 yr old DD dressed is a special moment.
I found I had to stop being selfish, which was odd, as I thought I was least selfish, having all this crap happen to me all the time. But I was just seeing everything in the wrong order.
I now think about when my DD will be 10, 12 - 21 yrs old etc and think the times I have that are special now - the middle of the night cuddles, the bathing, the reading together, it is all going to end the more she grows up and I keep that thought constantly in my mind, that I need to cherish these so called 'hard days' that some parents find a struggle and know that it is upto me to be there for my DD.
Try googling ALan Watts or Dr Wayne DYer, both have helped me a lot.
Hope this helps