3 days after BFP and lots of anxiety

Glad you had a better sleep Ceebee. Hopefully it'll carry on (I could sleep all day and night lol)

Pleased the doctor put your mind at rest hun, its much better chatting about it than keeping it all bottled up. x
Glad you are feeling better hon :) First few weeks I couldn't sleep, was wide awake from 2 am onwards. Seems to have settled alot but still get up a few times to wee. The joys of pregnancy :)

Thanks Charlie bear :) I do feel much better after all you PF girls lovely words or support :) Just taking one day a time...

Tara - I get up to go for wee and then my mind turns to pregnancy thoughts and I can't get back to sleep! Hopefully this will pass soon - it's still early days... Glad to hear things have settled for you now anyway :) xxxx
Hi ladies

I just got my BFP last Friday and I am so happy about that. I'm now approx 2 weeks PG (if you take it from when I ov'd).

Thing is, I am a very anxious person but until recently, my anxiety has been well under control. Then, for various reasons (some BFP related and some not) I am now on my 4th night of not sleeping well and my anxiety is going through the roof. :(

I'm so terrified about what effect this anxiety is having on my bean that it's just exacerbating the anxiety, so I'm getting myself in a right state and can't seem to get out of it. I've tried rationalising things and breathing exercises, but as I'm so exhausted due to lack of sleep it seems impossible. The more it happens, the more anxious I get. I'm so scared I'm going to lose my bean because of the anxiety. I know I'm a bit of a nut job at times, but any words of comfort would be much appreciated. I'm going to see a dr tomorrow anyway, as this can't go on, but right now, I thought I'd get on PF and try and reduce the panic a bit at least...

Thanks for listening xxx

Hi Ceebee, I recently had a mmc and this is my first 2ww since. Yesterday I started cramping all day on&off and im only 7dpo and the only other time I have had this happen was the month I fell pregnant where it carried on as mild for the rest of the 2ww until I got my bfp...so ill wait and see if I get anymore cramps and twinges!! Fingers crossed! Anyway the reason im writing to you is because im quite an anxious person, and have been sleeping really well, however since ive had this cramping and therefore a potential bfp (very premature I know, but I want my baby so very much) my stomach has been churning/getting.butterflies and last night I just could not sleep. I am SOOO relieved to see all that anxiety&sleepless nights did not garm your pregnancy!! :-) Did you take anything/what did doctor say? Did it ease off? I just feel when I do fall pregnant again im going to be a bundle of nerves and as you say, the fear of this affecting my baby makes me even more anxious!! Thank you so much for reading this, and congratulations, I hope I follow in your footsteps very soon :-) xxxx
Hi ladies

I just got my BFP last Friday and I am so happy about that. I'm now approx 2 weeks PG (if you take it from when I ov'd).

Thing is, I am a very anxious person but until recently, my anxiety has been well under control. Then, for various reasons (some BFP related and some not) I am now on my 4th night of not sleeping well and my anxiety is going through the roof. :(

I'm so terrified about what effect this anxiety is having on my bean that it's just exacerbating the anxiety, so I'm getting myself in a right state and can't seem to get out of it. I've tried rationalising things and breathing exercises, but as I'm so exhausted due to lack of sleep it seems impossible. The more it happens, the more anxious I get. I'm so scared I'm going to lose my bean because of the anxiety. I know I'm a bit of a nut job at times, but any words of comfort would be much appreciated. I'm going to see a dr tomorrow anyway, as this can't go on, but right now, I thought I'd get on PF and try and reduce the panic a bit at least...

Thanks for listening xxx

Hi Ceebee, I recently had a mmc and this is my first 2ww since. Yesterday I started cramping all day on&off and im only 7dpo and the only other time I have had this happen was the month I fell pregnant where it carried on as mild for the rest of the 2ww until I got my bfp...so ill wait and see if I get anymore cramps and twinges!! Fingers crossed! Anyway the reason im writing to you is because im quite an anxious person, and have been sleeping really well, however since ive had this cramping and therefore a potential bfp (very premature I know, but I want my baby so very much) my stomach has been churning/getting.butterflies and last night I just could not sleep. I am SOOO relieved to see all that anxiety&sleepless nights did not garm your pregnancy!! :-) Did you take anything/what did doctor say? Did it ease off? I just feel when I do fall pregnant again im going to be a bundle of nerves and as you say, the fear of this affecting my baby makes me even more anxious!! Thank you so much for reading this, and congratulations, I hope I follow in your footsteps very soon :-) xxxx

Hi hon :) tried to send you a private message as don't want to discuss everything here, but it said you didn't accept private messages... Maybe you need to change settings?? Hope you're feeling a bit better now anyway.... xxx
Your post count may not be high enough to have the PM function just yet. x
Post a few more times hon and then message me :) I want to chat, but there are a couple of things I'd rather not post on a public board.... Get posting!!! xxxx
Ha ha ok! At work atm but will get onto it later!! I would give you my private email but don't want to post it on here as full name etc and I can't PM you either obv-I did try!

Well I hope this counts as an extra post ;-) Is this site linked to baby&bump? Only I saw the icon below which takes you to their webpage? x
Ha ha ok! At work atm but will get onto it later!! I would give you my private email but don't want to post it on here as full name etc and I can't PM you either obv-I did try!

Well I hope this counts as an extra post ;-) Is this site linked to baby&bump? Only I saw the icon below which takes you to their webpage? x

I've never seen a babyandbump icon?
But to answer your question, pregnancy forum is babyandbump's sister site :) x

P.S scrap that just seen it, well you do learn something new every day! :lol:
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