Another weaning question...


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
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week 3 and Isla is having two 'meals' a day - lunch and tea.

When should I be introducing a third meal - in our case breakfast?

Also, Isla generally sleeps in till 9/10am and when she wakes up she has a bottle. So when would I fit in breakfast? Will I have to start waking her up about 8am to have breakfast (after a 6am bottle)...?

I'd do it at the same time she would have a morning bottle? After the 6am bottle when is the next one? I am thinking of introducing another "meal" in a day, may I ask why you chose lunchtime as your other option? Jay to give me ideas as what mealtime to introduce to next :) x
At te moment Isla's having 4 bottles a day - roughly every 4 hours. She has her solids 2 hours after a bottle (have tried to give it an hour after a bottle but she's not always interested). So, her routine is something like this:

5/6am Bottle
10am Bottle
12pm Porridge with fruit
2pm Bottle
4-5pm Rice & veg purée. Fruit.
6-7pm Bottle
11pm Bottle

So, it was easier to do lunch than breakfast as she sleeps in so late! Although she is having porridge for lunch!! Really it would be ideal if she had breakfast about 8am but it doesn't feel right waking her up. But there's no other time!
I think id probably wake her up, to start with it seems like all you do is feed them Tegan has started waking at 5 for the day. her day goes a bit like this
6am bottle
8.15am weetabix with fruit
11am bottle
12pm lunch
3pm bottle
4.30pm dinner
7.30pm bottle

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