Weaning- A Few Questions...

:? do you have to sweeten things/ I thought the idea was they got used to savoury and sweet tastes seperately?
Jade&Evie said:
:? do you have to sweeten things/ I thought the idea was they got used to savoury and sweet tastes seperately?

Nah you don't have to sweeten things... It only helps encourage a sweet tooth.... babies usually prefer jar foods to home made because they are smoother and tend to be sweeter anyway. Its important to let them try a flavour without adding others to it at first so that they get used to it... :D
:talkhand: Evie's not having jars- I can't be affording them!

She better get used to my shit cooking sooner rather than laer anyway :twisted: :rotfl:
i brought 1 carrot today to try him on tonight should i just mix it with milk or with his rice?
Squiglet said:
lisa&alex said:
all jar foods add apple or pear to main meals to sweeten them.
er... why do that? it seems a tad unnecessary :rotfl:

babies naturally have a sweet tooth, breast milk is sweet, its why sugar is added to formula and why banana is said to be the best first food as it is sweet like breastmilk. I used to mix apple into savoury stuff as Seren was more inclined to eat it. She eats savoury foods fine, but it helped to add it just to get her used to savoury.
beanie said:
Squiglet said:
lisa&alex said:
all jar foods add apple or pear to main meals to sweeten them.
er... why do that? it seems a tad unnecessary :rotfl:

babies naturally have a sweet tooth, breast milk is sweet, its why sugar is added to formula and why banana is said to be the best first food as it is sweet like breastmilk. I used to mix apple into savoury stuff as Seren was more inclined to eat it. She eats savoury foods fine, but it helped to add it just to get her used to savoury.

I never bothered with either of mine... :think: It was something my mum told me in order to help prevent sweet tooths... because babies naturally have a sweet tooth... Thats why carrot is an excellent weaning food.. It doesn't cause constipation like banana can sometimes, its sweetish yet savoury at the same time :)

I can understand adding fruit/ or fresh fruit juice to sweeten some savoury foods when they are home made, I did it with leek as lil miss doesn't like leek...but as its to jar foods thats what puzzles me because they tend to be preferred by babies anyway above home made... :think:
Following on from what Squig says (and we do all listen to you still!) I would also be careful with the cereals, my friend started on them and had a awful time then introducing veggies as her LO had already got used to the sweetness of the cereal.

Ella has baby rice for breakfast made with her formula, and mixed with either apple or pear. To begin with she had it plain, and she now prefers veggies to fruit (the only thing she has refused so far has been banana)

For anyone who is clueless, I would definitely recommend Annabel Karmel. I think she is fantastic and answers all your questions! I say that as someone who was completely clueless to begin with!
When I first started weaning Ellie I used only homecooked foods and found that she wouldnt eat savoury foods at all (we started with savoury) so I mixed pear with everything and slowly reduced the amount of pear until she would have the savoury veggies on their own :) It worked for us anyway as now she will eat a wide range of savoury and sweet although she does still prefer sweet like her mummy :lol: :D x
:( 3 days to go

I have made up some meal planners for the first few weeks and tomorrow I'm off to get all my veggies :(

I'm still doing a bottle every 2-3 hours and it's absolutely knackering- hopefully once we've got the weaning thing figured I can get some sleep again :pray:

Saw the GP earlier and he asked why I was not already giving her baby rice- I just said I wanted to hold out as long as possible to let her little belly get bigger :D

On one hand I'm looking forward to the challenge and on the other I don't want my bubby to grow up :cry:
Following a long conversation with my HV I think we may be joining you on the adventure.
daftscotslass said:
Following a long conversation with my HV I think we may be joining you on the adventure.

Me too :(

Gave Charlie his first bit of baby rice today and he devoured it, so is obviously ready. He has been lot more settled today and I am looking forward to him being more settled through the night.

I am still really confused how to fit bottles in and be introducing meals as well, I know I did all this with Jamie but I seem to have forgotten what I did (it was 5 years ago :wink: ), also I think I had more support from my HV.

Maybe we can all do it together and help each other along the way...........please!!!! :D
fifi211 said:
daftscotslass said:
Maybe we can all do it together and help each other along the way...........please!!!! :D

Thats a great idea!

Are you planning on using jars or making your own? I have a few jars in the cupboard left over from my baby shower but on the whole I think I will make my own stuff for Evie- I don't have much else to do and it'll be much cheaper in the long run!

Am off out to buy some icecube trays withlids- I'm boycotting mothercare. Do you reckon wilkos or somewhere would sell them? :think:
Manda&Thomas said:
i might just be being really thick but why do they need lids?

I suppose it keeps the food in. :think:

I think I might get some of these to take the food out if I'm going on a day trip somewhere.

:shhh: I like this weaning accessory shopping! :lol:
hmmm i was just going to scoop it into the trays then freeze :think:
if you go to wilko's i got 3 tommee tipee pots with lids for £2 :)
Boots do all the AK trays and things. I'm not sure about the little pots but you can get the Tommee Tippee version in Tesco and they're only a couple of quid, we got them yesterday.

Having been up twice a night almost every night for a couple of weeks now I think we're going to try one meal a day. She can sit up supported, is interested in food and is starving allllll the time. Perhaps it is a growth spurt but the HV says one small meal a day will do her no harm so I'm going to go with it. I did want to hold out but at 8oz of milk every two hours, sometimes twice a night, where do I draw the line after almost a fortnight of it?

Going to make all her food. Was looking at the jars in the supermarket and even the organic ones I'm shocked at the preservatives and things in them. Ella's kitchen stuff looks fine, just the fresh ingredients, but very expensive when I can make a weeks worth fresh with not much more than what one packet costs. Rice for dinner tonight to start off with, will let you know how we get on!
James loves everything I have given him to try so far but it feels wrong to wean him just yet. I want him to stay a baby :lol:

he has the hang of a cup though - its empty at the mo :D

the little monkey :lol:

yep he has tried juice and screws his face up and shudders :rotfl: HV said to try that about a month ago when he was dehydrated. Il have to try him again soon :D

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