Weaning- A Few Questions...

Jade&Evie said:
fifi211 said:
daftscotslass said:
Maybe we can all do it together and help each other along the way...........please!!!! :D

Thats a great idea!

Are you planning on using jars or making your own? I have a few jars in the cupboard left over from my baby shower but on the whole I think I will make my own stuff for Evie- I don't have much else to do and it'll be much cheaper in the long run!

Am off out to buy some icecube trays withlids- I'm boycotting mothercare. Do you reckon wilkos or somewhere would sell them? :think:

I'm gonna make my own, but use jars if we are going out.

Today, Charlie has had a bottle at 7.30am, 12.00pm, gonna give him baby rice and bottle at 4pm then bed time bottle at 8pm. Fingers crossed it works :D
not tried thomas on juice i doubtr i will he has water and loves it he has it in a similar cup to james' :)
he drinks out of it fine has done for ages now
:o I haven't tried Evie with a sippy cup yet. I might try her with some water in hers a bit later :D

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