Annoying Neighbours!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
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Last year we got some new neighbours after the house had been empty for about 2 years. To start off with they wasn't so bad, but then they started getting really noisy, you can hear them some mornings at about 3am playing computer games etc, they have got 3 kids so I would have thought they would keep the noise down for them but obviously not! That's not what's really bothering me though, for the past few days there had been a smell of cannabis in our kitchen that is obviously coming from next door, you can smell it as soon as you walk into our house, sometimes it smells worse than other times. Do you think they are smoking it or growing it? Dies it smell when you grow it? What does anyone think I should do about this, I don't really want to go round and say can you stop it lol. But it's really annoying me now, the smell of it gives me headaches and makes my morning sickness feel worse. We have to constantly burn candles to try and cover the smell. Help please! X
Ring the police and say that you think this is going on or do it anonymously through crime strippers xx
^wss - Phone the police on the non emergency number and report it. Let them do their investigations.

It smells very strong if you are growing or smoking tbh.

Is it a council house? Can you phone the council?
Agree with the above posts hun!

Pretty sure it smells either way so they are up to no good either way spesh with kids in their house and the fact your pregnant!
Id defo get on the phone to the police hun. They dont have to know its u that made the call. Its that strong that passers by would be able to smell it xx
My next door neighbour grew it and we got a waft of the smell sometimes, I thought he was smoking it. Personally I think it's most likely growing and would suggest you report it.
Regardless if you theyre growing or smoking it
The bottom line is - if you can smell it - so can their kids

The outcome for those kids is shitty either way
They're either cultivating it to sell - so their parents are effectively dealers
Or they're smoking it around them where those kids can breathe that air

I'd phone 101 and report it to the police
^^^ what they said, also keep those windows closed u shouldn't b breathing that rubbish in even of u weren't pregnant!
Thanks for all the replys, have spoke to my mum about it as she works in probation so knows a lot of police and she's going to have a word with someone for me! X

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