TV is out to get me!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2009
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All I see are adverts for bleach and toilets (makes me sick) Chocolate (makes me sick) as does most food, and that horrible saturated fat advert!
And if its not that I can smell the neighbours cooking too.
I think they're baking cakes, it smells gross LOL
Anything to do with raw meat is getting me at the moment. I mean EWWW barf!
That morrisons advert with Richard hammond makes me sick, I can't bear the way the butcher slices the meat.
my daughter's poopy nappies! :puke:

and i agree that sat fat advert knocks me sick too :puke:
Oh my god I know what you mean :lol: I can't watch anything on TV at the moment that even has anything yucky in it at all. There's an advert for some toilet freshener on a lot at the moment and at the beginning the sound effects sound so like someone throwing up, i have to turn over straight away. Also the adverts for Gordon Ramseys kitchen nightmares USA, ugh!!! There's a bit where they show the dirty kitchens and all of the grease :puke:

I usually pride myself on my strong stomach, I work as a community health worker and I see (and smell) some stuff I can tell you but recently I've become an absolute wimp. The sight of loose hair is really getting me at the moment as well. Nighmare when I have really long hair and 2 long haired cats!
lol arent we funny! i love clementines but now i cant bear to eat them just in case they have pips. even just one pip would make me gag and heave!

and the other nite i didnt wanna kiss my boyf because of the toothpastey smell on his breath!!! thats fucked up! hahaaah the freshest of breath made me feel ick thats so crazy!
I was cooking mince last night, for a chilli and had to keep stopping to heave until it had cooked off. Barf central here last night!
I dont watch much tv over here but have been watching the 'black books' series.. there is a lot of drinking and smoking in it and the thought of being drunk makes me feel sick... plus any raw meat

i cooked chicken fried rice last night, first time i've cooked since my BFP (bad wife, I know) and when I was eating the chicken, even though I KNEW it was cooked through, all I could taste was raw. It tasted like i'd imagine raw, slightly off chicken would taste.

It made me retch and I had to give the rest to Mr B :lol:
i think the only way i'm going to eat meat again is if its completely burnt. And still then i'll think mmmm this tastes a little undercooked.
That toilet air freshner ad makes me want to :puke: especially with that little kid going on about how stinky his poo is....totally unnecessary!!

The smell of minced beef cooking makes me feel quesy too, which is a pain cos I live on spag bol.
My dog thinks she's in heaven....everytime I cook something with chicken in it I cant bring myself to eat it and she ends up getting it for breakfast the next day.

I attempted mince for the first time since my bfp the other night. The fact I didn't gag made me realise that my morning sickness must finally be on its way out (an I no longer have any excuse for only eating sandwiches)
I had a ham sandwhich for my dinner yesterday, the mustard on it tasted like cigs..... ewww.
Isn't pregnancy weird when it comes to taste? All orange juice tastes really bitter to me and I KNOW it's just me as I've had several people try it just in case :lol:

If I have a bowl of cereal the milk in it just sits in the back of my throat all day, like that horrible taste you get when you first wake up but added to stale milk. I still drink milk but it's not very pleasant.

Do you lot have phantom smells too? I keep smelling onions everywhere... And yesterday I could smell really REALLY strong ketone/pear drop smells which I remember from A level chemistry. Mystery!
I keep smelling cakes, but my sense of smell was the first thing I noticed.
We were at the new kids on the block concert and the smell of popcorn made me heave. Then when we came home I did the test and got my BFP. if it hadn't have been for that smell I would have ended up waiting another couple of weeks.
My freezer smells funny too, and I'm really sensitive to the smell in my shower gel which is lemon and ginger, The ginger is really strong.
just looking at things is getting me now. I imagin the smell and then :puke:. Ive just walked to the shop to get some juice and even a rubbish bin turns my stomach!
I remember my biology teacher telling me years ago that when she was preggers she couldn't go into her lounge for 9 months because the carpet smelled so bad it made her sick. Everyone in her family swore that it didn't smell at all.

I have to hold my breath when I open the fridge at the moment :roll:
The smell thing is only recent for me..

I do hold my breath when I open the fridge and freezer too. For some reason the smell of ice makes me a little green.

We have a pizza in the fridge left over from Mr B's tea last night. It smells of onions and is making me heave :lol:
Della Mack said:
just looking at things is getting me now. I imagin the smell and then :puke:. Ive just walked to the shop to get some juice and even a rubbish bin turns my stomach!

I can't change the bin for that reason, and if the lid is slightly open I can smell it before I even get in the kitchen.

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