WOW thank you to every single reply, It's been really intresting reading everyones thoughts , opinions and advice, every single one has great points THANKYOU. The world is very you either like cats or dogs lol!
See i feel confident with my cats as a couple of you mentioned, shut doors etc and without sound like a freaky cat lady yes i can see why the cats would be inquisitive ie for warmth , curiousity and i would deal with that thanks again for pointing that out
also i suppose my cats are my responsibilty and feel i know them and can control them etc.
I have got a moses basket and stand etc and plan on using that i am concerned really of just one of dogs behaviour. Not Boris as he is disabled (on wheels he slipped a disc in his back, he is 14 and has no teeth lol so all he would do is bark) But slinky is very snarly as as someone mentioned Ive heard sausage dogs suddenly snapping and literally biting peoples faces off!
When my mom and dad walk slinky if any child comes to stroke my parents have to say no. As she for some reason snaps / snarls at children but with adults she fine, even me, shes bowls me over licks my face, i trust her with me but its not like i have the authority to control her etc.
My brother and sis in law had the dogs at the time where she had an etopic pregnancy which resulted in hysterectamy unfortuntaly. This has meant that they literally treated the dogs like children to some extent (Hopefully you know what i mean) and because my mom and dad look after them like most the time and have done for about 7 years they are so so close to them too.
Just dont want to offend any of them but im also scared that if they start like holding the baby by the dogs to say 'hello' I will just want to get in my car and go home and do this by myself which will then result in lots of hurt people and tears. My mom n dad letting me stay there is a really big deal for me as I iwll have support and extra hands and if all is well will only be for a matter of days or a week after birth. But my dad seriously when he know something does your head in he does it even more for attention which when its something to do with someone else its funny but i dont wanna play when its to do with me lol!.
Just scared as no one has had a newborn in the family so firstly my dad may actually be really protective over lil one I suppose its the not knowing.
When i took the car seat there the other week I asked for it be stored upstairs in one of the bedrooms with shut doors as its beige and didnt want dog dribble on it me mom didnt look to pleased and said, well if you had kept it at home all the cats would have been over it etc
So I prob will mention it to my mom as one of you said, maybe mention how i think dogs will be etc? rather than make it an issue. I keep thinking i should not moan as its not my house etc but its becoming quite an anxiety for me now and really i may not have anything to worry about and all this was wasted worry! But its a big thing really cus if my parents hold the dogs by baby or vice versa i wouldnt feel safe baby staying there by itself without me in the future. I just really want to get off on the right foot without offending anyone in the family but overall knowing lil babas safe