anencephaly found at scan.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
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well just to update i prob wont be on the forum much longer, but i wish you al lthe best and happiest pregnancys ever that you can have, we went for our late first scan yesterday and sadly our baby has anencephaly (im 15 weeks mon as thought) which means that the baby would only survive for a very short time if it lasted till full term and was born. every parent has the right to a decision and i respect those who choose to continue their pregnancy but we feel no option of viable life to our baby (as can be mins to hours to days maximum if it manages to survive the birth) and are now making the hardest most upsetting choice/ decision of our lives deciding whether to have an induced labour or a surgical removal we have until monday to decide as the procedure needs to be done next week should we choose surgical, we are weighing up the options and please dont condemn us whatever we choose iv never been so upset in my life or known my husband to be so heartbroken please know i took folic acid and did everythign i was able to to ensure a healthy pregnancy and we both loved this fetus very very much. we are doing what we feel is right and will never condemn anyone for thier opinions but cannot take critiscism now at such a hard time. many thanks to all those who have been supportive and helpful during my pregnancy so far and for the short time we have been with the forum. x

as id never heard of it either before having it thought should edit post, its when babys skull doesnt form correctly so the brain is exposed and cannot continue to form properly, the baby has beating heart etc but often has other complications if allowed to go to term many enver leave the hospital if survive the birth, it is linked to folic acid intake but is not known why it occours for sure its similar to spina bifida but more fatal. it is often advised to terminate. it is not usually found or diagnosed until 20 week scan but can be detected from 13 weeks. we had it confirmed by 3 people looking at our scan but are going to ask to confirm it by having the scan shown and explained to us too. it only affects one in a thousand babies a year. x
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What a dificult decision you both have to make, but whatever you decide just remember no one else can make that decision for you and ultimately it is your decision.
I hope you're getting all the support you need from the staff at the hospital, and that you are both able to keep strong and support one another through this very dificult time.

Sending you and OH big hugs:hugs:

aw massive hugs to you both, whatever desition you make will be hard it is really down to you how you want to deliver the baby xx
oh im so sorry your going thru this hard time but what ever you decide we will all support you no matter what sending hugs your way xx:hugs::hugs:
So sorry for your news...and please don't think anyone here would judge you. Lots of love and thinking of you both at such a difficult time x x x
oh wow thats really horrid. im very sorry to hear that. wishing you all the best for the future, i guess its just one of those things, and it cant be helped, dont blame yourself. xx
So sorry to hear your news, sending hugs to you and your husband :hug:
thankyou to all, yes its a very hard decision one we never in a million years expected to be making. we do apprichiate the support and will think carefully about the "choices" we have. we have been given counselling numbers and can speak to our parents and the few close freinds who did know about the pregnancy. for now we have both taken some ime off work and will spend it being as supportive to each toehr as we can be. we are very lucky to have each other and yes its a sad thing the hospital did say its not something anyone can predict and there was nothing we could have done differently. we had no medical history of any abnormalitys or misscarriages in either family so it was a shock. thank you to all for support x
its good that you and your OH can talk to each other about this its times like this that make you grow strong together, please stay in touch on the forum xx
I am so sorry that you have to make such a massive, difficult decision about your baby. I really dont know what to say apart from give you my condolancies and hope for the best in whatever your decision may be, I cant imagine how you must be feeling at the moment.

Deepest Condolencies from myself and my partner xx
Do take care of yourselves. It sounds like you are finding strength in each other.x
My heart goes out to u hun! No one should condem ur decision as I can imagine it would be the hardest thing u will ever do!
I will be thinking of u! Good luck with everything!
so sorry to hear your sad news. no one will judge you on your decision as it is that your decision. i feel very sad for you big hug xx
im so sorry you had to go through
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So so sorry to hear your news take care of each other sending you lots of hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
So sorry to hear your news huni, our thoughts are with you xxx
really sorry to hear, good that you and hubby get some time together, thoughts are with you :hugs: x
So sad, stay strong and support eachother and make the decision thats best for you. huge hugs :hug: xxx
I send my love to you and your OH.
I don't agree with terminating after 10 weeks UNLESS it's a health risk or detrimental to the mothers health, which it is as u have discovered.
No mother wants to make such a decision but you know what is best.
I wish I could give u a massive hug. I know it won't make it easier.
Just make sure you know within your heart of hearts that this isn't something you did.
I will keep u and ur family in my prayers xxxxx

*massive hug*
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