And now we wait... who's with me?

I don't think size 16 would be a problem? I think it's only if you're underweight or really obese and have heart problems etc that it would be a concern x
I'm unsure honestly? I sometimes over think a bit much, shouldn't be a problem I hope.
My midwife appt is booked for 29th Feb and that seems soooo long away. First scan 14th March.

Not sure when to tell people - neither of our parents know yet!
I haven't told anyone yet either Ginger, only me and my partner know. I tried to ring my midwives department today to arrange an appointment and nobody answered the phone all day, so will try again tomorrow. I just want a date so I can start counting down lol. I've only known for 9 days that I'm pregnant but it really seems to be going so slow lol x
My midwife is booked in 2 weeks time, 11th February. So I'm hoping that comes quickly. Also, got an appointment next week for my pregnancy folder and to meet my midwife.
Managed to get through to the midwife this morning, got my booking appointment on the 3rd, so only a week to wait, eeek!! :)
Got a scan booked for my 23rd birthday :D I'll be 9 weeks 6 days. So practically 10 weeks! So excited :D
6 weeks 4 days today and the wait is painful each day feels like a week lol we are having a early private scan at 9 weeks but still waiting until 12 week scan to announce the good news, all being well!
I'm still waiting for my booking appointment and first scan, almost 7 weeks now but did get work to scan me as I work in an ultrasound department :) x

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