am i the only one?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i kno some of u ladies are getting a bit fed up and would hav ur babies like 2NITE if u could lol but although part of me wants 2 meet my little princess now i'm also quite sad that i havent got much time left. only 25 days- eek! i like feeling my baby move in my tummy its really comforting, i think i'm gonna miss being pregnant. and when i had those false labour pains on monday nite, i was petrified! i'm just not ready yet lol

I'm happy having him inside for a while longer too trixipaws :)
But I'm also very excited about the birth too :cheer:
yep your right about tonight

i do love being pregnant, but will love it even more when i see that cute little cubby face looking at me...
I feel sad that this will probably be my last pregnancy, but I must admit I'm ready for baby to be born. Mainly because being heavily pregnant with a toddler to look after is sooooo exhausting - every part of me aches constantly which wasn't a problem for me last time, and I'm soooo knackered yet can't sleep because I'm looking after her. Also the pain through the night is so severe that it keeps me awake.

So I'll probably miss being pregnant when I'm no longer pregnant and know we're not planning on any more LOs, but right now I'd give anything to have the magic medicine that would start labour off now!

I kind of feel both ways. According to the baby's due date, she should be arriving on Monday, but I have a feeling she'll be late. I can't wait to meet her, and I am tired of all the aches and pains that go with being pregant, but I do like feeling her move around inside me, and I am quite nervous of labour!
Yeah, I feel the same, a bit of both... I love being pregnant, and knowing this is the last (third) one, I am a bit sad to be coming to the end of this very intimate time for my little Anaïs and I, but I also want so much to have her in my arms...
Yes I also have mixed emotions. I'm sad it will be my last pregnancy too. I can't wait to hold LO but I love having him to myself at the moment. I'm never alone, when I feel sad or worry he's not moving enough he always seems to do something and reassure me. :)

I definetly feel the same hun.
I want to meet my little guy but then i want him to stay in for a while longer so im more prepared and i will miss all the kicks its such an amazing feeling
I won't miss being pregnant, this is my last and have never been in such pain and tired, i'll also be glad to sleep back in bed (10 weeks on the couch), how i haven't got bags the size off bin liners under my eyes i'll never know.
I actually like being pregnant too. I love feeling LO moving around (and kicking my ribs :lol: ), it's really a beautiful thing in my opinion. My pregnancy hasn't been too troublesom so I guess i'm lucky and can understand why people would just wanna pop right now!!

I'm very excited to meet my little one too though!! Can't wait!
I've had such a nice pregnancy and am really going to miss being pregnant and feeling LO moving around inside me. I am dead excited about meeting my baby though, not so much the labour :shock:


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