Am I slowly gong insane? Desperate for your opinions.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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So on march 2nd at 5 weeks and 3 days pg I had a massive bleed bright red blood clots and cramps. I didn't go to hospital as I had already had 2 mc before so I just made an appt with gp and she did a blood test 48 hours apart. My hcg went up. But these tests were before big bleed. It lasted a couple of days and then went to brown discharge. I never had another test and gp told me to do another hpt a week after. I never did cos I didn't want to see bfn. So since then I has positive opk etc but I am still feeling nauseous sometimes and very tired. Also my boobs r sore which they usually are around Ov bit my nipples r darker than when pg almost black with v prominent veins I never get this during cycle. Also still getting random cramps and back ache. Also I have noticed that my clothes are getting tighter round the middle but just tummy.
Now am I just getting bad Ov symptoms? Or is there a chance that mAybe by some miracle there is a miraculous bean still? Haven't hpt'd as I feel stupid. My hcg was only 150ish on 2nd teat so gp said it would drop v quickly back to 0.
You should have gone to epu and double checked with a scan chuck, I know you have had m/c before I've had three off them and I still went for early scans to make sure :/
And to add I bleed with this baby all the way up to 12 weeks and now I've just hit 3rd tri!
Gp didn't think it was nesserary tho cos of my low numbers. I think I am just wishing it maybe?
test hun x or go to docs if bean is there u need to know about it i really hope this is miracle baby for u xx
Mrsc I think you should test just to put your mind at ease .. Your only going to keep wondering otherwise! X

Don't feel as if you are being stupid hun... maybe best to test and find out for definite just in case you still have a little bean (FX) and you need to get yourself seen to regarding the bleed?
I feel stupid I will test it will be bfn and prove I am actually insane
Your not insane Hun .. Your just listening to your body!! If anybody else had been through what you have and now has a few symptoms , they would wonder the same thing you are right now!

Go on ... Put yourself outta your misery! Pee on a stick xxx

but the doctor did tell you to do another test hun! get urself down to asda :)
I don't think you're silly or insane... I think what you're thinking is perfectly normal giving the circumstances and symptoms... I think you should do a HPT just so you know either way but here's hoping you have miracle bean giving you all those symptoms FX x x
You have to test! Good Luck! Keep us updated!
You need to test or go back to doctors for a scan. Your little bean may have hung or, or you may not have cleared everything out and had a partial MC. So you need to be checked out to be safe hun. x
your not going insane, without trying to upset you, perhaps it was twins and there's still a little bean fighting strong? Or it might be a phantom. I've got my fingers crossed for you hun and deffo think you should do another test x x
your not going insane, without trying to upset you, perhaps it was twins and there's still a little bean fighting strong? Or it might be a phantom. I've got my fingers crossed for you hun and deffo think you should do another test x x

I thought this too, have you tested yet hun? x
Hi Hun, I think you need to test, it's the only way to know, fx though x
Not tested gonna give it a few more days to settle down it could just be my hormones all shot away.

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