Am I pregnant? or just imageining it!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Thinking I'm pregnant is an extreme understatement, I've convinced myself in my mind "I am pregnant" :x

These are my symptons;
Randomly getting shooting pains in my right boob mostly but sometimes left too
I havent noticed an increase in the size of my boobs as I'm DD anyway so I don't think I'd notice that much.
It's brown around my nipple and also I've noticed its veinyier than normal.
CM- has changed over the last few days, 9dpo until 11dpo it was watery and radnomly like a creamy white colour and now 12dpo its quite sticky and clear-white.
Cervix position is currently hard high and closed.
Really bad backache!!
Little twinges in my side-stomach from time to time not much though.
Peeing abit more than usual.
Getting some stabbing pains in my sides sometimes too.
ALSO I've come out in extreme amounts of spots and I mean lots! It's like being 13 again!!

I'm meant to test 7th of April thats when AF is due! so it's 29 day cycle, so I'm on CD27

What do you all think? Could I be pregnant? or am I imageing these things I've seriously convinced myself I am though :sad:

LOTS OF BABY DUST TO YOU ALL :dust::dust::dust::dust:
You could well be Hun, it's worth trying a test now, if it's not positive then try again in a couple of days.

Good Luck!

Thanks for replying all!
I'm gona take your advice and take a test tonight, if negative I'll be gutted but I'll test again tomorrow and Thursday (when my AF is due) to see if anything changes.

Will keep you all updated x
I tested and it was a horrible negative- but I couldnt pee so ended up drinking lots of water to make me pee so OH said to test again tomorrow as he thinks me drinking soo much water would have tampered with the results!! :(

Good luck for tomorrow! If you're testing early it's best to do it first thing in the morning. Fingers crossed and lots of :dust:
Ahh took another test yesterday morning, still negative, forgot to take one this morning (today is when AF is due) will test later again, but it really isnt looking hopefull.

Checked my cervix it was soft high open and wet and it's now low closed and hard guess that means the witch is in on her way?

i had them randam shooting pains in my boobs before i found out i was pregnant i am now 10weeks :) test but from my experience leave it alsong as possible and when you have high symptoms! like when your boobs are really hurting! xx
Sorry to hear that but at least you know where you are now x

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