Am I pregnant or imagining things


New Member
Sep 6, 2016
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Warning of possible TMI

I had my last period around the 10th of August and finished my pill on the Tuesday the 16th. My first unprotected sex was the 21st then again on the Tuesday then nothing until the Monday after bank holiday as we were away. We have since then been having regular.

I was due on this week and am three days late. I'm getting slight cramping but not the kind I would get when coming on. I feel like my cervix is kind of stingy/throbbing.

I tried checking it it seems high and closed and kind of like a fruit that is ripe.

Every test is coming back negative I don't know if I'm being impatient how long should I wait to re test. Or has maybe coming off the pill knocked out my period. Surely I couldn't have ovulate and got pregnant that quick.

I'm so hopefully but feel like I'm going to be disappointed. No other symptoms other than mild cramps and back ache but all very minor
Maybe you should wait a couple of days. Like when you are a week late, then test again. Maybe you could be pregnant or maybe your body still needs some time adjusting to your hormones. Good luck Shibby!! :)
Happy period day to me it has finally reared it's ugly head but at least I know!
Oh that witch... :witch:
Best of luck for the next cycle!! :hug:
Happy period day to me it has finally reared it's ugly head but at least I know!

Sorry but one time, I was actually on my period. Having a period. I took a urine test with my friend for emotional support. She was pregnant. I took one just to make her feel not alone. It turned out positive. I had no other symptoms. Never trust periods or pee tests alone. :shock:

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