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The earliest pregnancy symptoms include abdominal cramping that feels like menstrual cramps. This cramping is not, however, associated with menstrual bleeding. Instead of that, you might experience light vaginal spotting or mucus discharge. This very light bleeding occurs a bit earlier than your expected normal periods. The spotting is lighter in color than the normal menstrual blood, and doesn't last as long either. These earliest signs of pregnancy -- abdominal cramping and spotting -- are also known as implantation symptoms of pregnancy.
Increased need to urinate is a common early sign of pregnancy that occurs shortly after conception, and prevails for several weeks. Some pregnant women may also have difficulty in urination, and a few may experience discomforts with it. The reason for the need to empty the bladder frequently may be connected with the changes in the reproductive organs after pregnancy has become established. The supply of blood is increased to all the organs concerned with the reproductive process, shortly after conception. Partly because of this congestion, and partly because of the embryonic development, the uterus becomes altered in a number of ways. These early changes may irritate the bladder causing the increased need to urinate. All the bladder symptoms gradually disappear by the fourth month, but become prominent again towards the end of pregnancy.
hmmmmmmmmmmm xx