Am I ovulating? **NEW pics added**

We didn't last night cos I'm not well but hopefully will tonight. I'm a bit torn though cos one part of me doesn't want to BD in case we disturb an implanting bean but then I don't want to miss any opportunities. :confused: x x
I would say if you've got the energy hon do it - I wouldn't have thought you'd do the bean any damage x x
Just been to the loo and have still got pinky brown discharge, only when I wipe and not much of it. No idea what it all means! Will try and BD but still feeling sooo crappy. x x
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Sorry blonde question... Can you affect an implantation due to having more sex?? lol

I don't know hun, I know it can take a few days for the egg to burrow into the lining of the uterus and I worry that BDing would cause it to fail to implant properly. x x
omgosh more things for me to worry about lol. I wish google wasnt there sometimes ha! xx
Ohh darnit.. I never thought about that!!

Oh well.. Good job OH is away in Scotland until the weekend after all lol!

Implant little eggy!!

MJ could it not be implantation bleeding?????

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well i been to gym last night and tonight and been on a powerplate...!! hope it doesn't make little bean jump out of lining..he he...if my calculations are right, little egg should stil be travelling along my tube..xx
Louize - Hmm. Thought it was too early but who knows hun? Maybe it could be. Too early for AF so don't know what else it could be. Hey, it could be why I have a dark OPK? ;) Lol. x x

Samsgirl - Perhaps it had a positive effect and hurried it along! :yay: x x
you and your opks...he he.....the pinkish cm is very exciting though...........dark opk....hmmmmm....i wonder ;)

well i am 1dpo and my nose is running and so i'm thinking hmmm..ha ha..only kidding, it won't have even implanted yet....

Lol my opks have taken over my sanity. :wall:

I feel really, really relaxed about things though, I thought I'd be freaking out during the 2ww but surprisingly calm. Apart from wondering bout why they're darkening again. ;)

Sending everyone some :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

x x x
found this

The earliest pregnancy symptoms include abdominal cramping that feels like menstrual cramps. This cramping is not, however, associated with menstrual bleeding. Instead of that, you might experience light vaginal spotting or mucus discharge. This very light bleeding occurs a bit earlier than your expected normal periods. The spotting is lighter in color than the normal menstrual blood, and doesn't last as long either. These earliest signs of pregnancy -- abdominal cramping and spotting -- are also known as implantation symptoms of pregnancy.
Increased need to urinate is a common early sign of pregnancy that occurs shortly after conception, and prevails for several weeks. Some pregnant women may also have difficulty in urination, and a few may experience discomforts with it. The reason for the need to empty the bladder frequently may be connected with the changes in the reproductive organs after pregnancy has become established. The supply of blood is increased to all the organs concerned with the reproductive process, shortly after conception. Partly because of this congestion, and partly because of the embryonic development, the uterus becomes altered in a number of ways. These early changes may irritate the bladder causing the increased need to urinate. All the bladder symptoms gradually disappear by the fourth month, but become prominent again towards the end of pregnancy.

hmmmmmmmmmmm xx
Ah I just read this on the other thread about IB. CM has changed to v. pale browny colour and is thin and stretchy. Mild cramping continued today but disappeared again. How weird!! :confused:

OPK today had the dark half line again... :rolleyes:

BDed just incase..! ;)

Today.. well it IS past midnight ( ;) ) is 5DPO.. I think? Sheesh I'm lost already!! Was looking at OPKs and think CD41 is darkest, when I get a chance I will snap a piccie of them all for you girlies to mull over (thanking you kindly!! ;) ) am out all day tomorrow so will not have a chance to do my opk!! :( x x
i've lost count of how many dpo's I am x I've manager to steer clear of OPK's this month xx

Baby dust to all xx :dust: xx
Oh hun I don't know how you havent hit your head into a brick wall by now with all those pink lines, I certainly would have - would be driving me insane. Infact if i kept getting lines like that I think i'd be tempted to do a pregnancy test just to see (and hope)

Really hope the lines aren't going because theres something growing inside you ;) have my FX xx
Zozo - Prob the best way to be! All the best for this month hun. :thumbup: x x

Tinkerbell - I've come very close hun! :wall: I suppose curiosity gets the better of me with the OPKs and fear of seeing a BFN drives me away from HPTS! :rolleyes: Thanks hun. x x
Ahh i read from start to finish of this thread just to find out if you are PG and the thread stopped NOOOO!
Has AF arrived hunny? :)
Hey girls! :wave:

Well I am currently CD60 today! No AF so am 17-19DPO. Got a few signs but they're not very obvious - well I don't think they are anyway. :(

My longest cycle length was 66 days so for my hubby's peace of mind, he wants to go past that and then see where we're at so six more days to go before we test I think! :yay:

Had a dream last night that I went to the docs to get my pregnancy confirmed, hope it's all good signs!!

Did an opk the day before yesterday that turned out nice and dark, even with weak urine and 4 hours earlier than I normally test, so that looks good but I won't believe anything til I have two lines on a HPT.

How are you doing girls? x x

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