Alexander James Summers


Active Member
Apr 12, 2006
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Don't often post on here - more of a lurker really! but thought I'd bore you with my birth story anyway!
Wke up on Fri 22nd at 1.09am thinking "that hurt!" Tried to go bck to sleep as thought it was yet another B/H - had been having the all week and was convinced that baby wasn't coming before Christmas! Got another pain at 1.17, then 1.23 and thought I'd get up and wander around.I was booked for a homebirth so I went downstairs and got the sitting room ready - rolled back rug, put sheets down on floor and opened my hospital case (in case needed for transfer Put babygrows/vests on radiator and timed contractions again! Was bouncing like a lunatic on birth ball when I realised that contractions were3/4 mins apart. Woke dh who is home on leave from Iraq, he only got back the night before so he was exhausted anyway and rang m/w. By now it was 2.30am!
Midwife said she would be round right away - cue frantic tidying from me whilst dh was trying to find my CD of relaxing sounds for birth! Could only find Take That :oops: and Love Songs by Westlife! :oops:
M/w arrived at 3.00am - did an internal and said that she could feel his head and that I was 8/9cm dilated and my waters were about to go!
Still managing pain on birth ball (about this time I remembered to shut the blind as anyone who walked past could see in!)
Waters broke with a gush at 3.58 and felt the need to push straight away! Baby was finally born - after 3hours and 10 mins of labour at 4.22am!
What really upset me was that I completely forgo about the gas and air and so had a drug free labour! Baby breathed and cried straight away and was absolutely perfect! I, however, needed stitches as I tore - so got some gas and air then!! Best bit! :D
Woke up dd1 (aged 10) at 5.00am to introduce her to her baby brother - she was sooo happy (and hasn't wanted to leave him alone since!)
So: Baby Alexander James, born 4.22am 22.12.06 weighing 6lb and 15oz!

Will try somepics - if it works!


Oh what a great story, it sounds like it went really fast and well for you. Congratulations. :cheer:
congratulations and well done, he is gorgeous!!!! :cheer:
Congrats :dance:

If only every labour was that swift, wonderful :D

He's beautiful.
What a lovely birth story, welcome little man. Congratulations to you all
Oh my goodness, I hope my birth story will sound like yours! Congratulations.
what a brilliant expreince u had and he is so lovely hun well done :hug:
Congratulations! :cheer: What a brilliant birth story, it gives me some hope.
Ooh I just noticed the name Summers, I have Summers in my family, we could be related. :lol:
Congratulations :) hes so cute
sounds like the type of labour i hope mine is
Aaaaawwwww what a cutie!!!! Congratulations - I'm glad it all went quickly & smoothly for you :cheer:
Fantastic birth and a beautiful baby you must be so proud! Don't lurk anymore, come join in the fun :hug:
so gorgeous and what a lovely labour you had!!! good job your DH was back aswell!

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