
I had no alcohol at all in Tri1. I'm not a big drinker at all anyway. The middle of Tri2 I nicked a sip or two of lager from DH. I don't normally drink lager at all don't really like it however found out that it tastes amazing during PG :shock:! So I've had the odd very very weak shandy. Literally 1/4 of a small bottle of beer with a can of diet sprite on top, even so you can count ob the fingers of obe hand the number if times Ive had one. Oh and I had half of a small glass of champagne at a posh do I was at 2 weeks ago. Nothing since. Already decided that I'm gonna have a really small dash of red with Xmas dinner.
not a single drop has passed my lips lol. then again my OH is teetotal and i only drank when i went out and i havent been out for more than 7 months anyway so its not really something i notice.
Im a all or nothing sort of girl so Ive not touched a drop since finding out cant say Ive missed it to be honest but they suppose not been in any social situations with drinkers or Christmas yet! XX
I've not touched any alcohol since i found out i was pregnant, but members of my family have said one alcopop wouldn't harm the baby but i just don't know guess its like giving the baby alcohol? xx
Over the last 30+ weeks I've had maybe 4 or 5 drinks. Having said that I'll fancy say a glass of wine an OH will buy me a mini bottle. I'll take about 5-6 sips then I've had enough and give the rest to him. My midwife said everything in moderation so the occasional drink is ok.

I'm not a big drinker and hubby doesn't drink so haven't had any alcohol but that's actually not unusual when I'm not pregnant. But one of my sisters likes her occasional beer with all four of hers and they're all perfect healthy children/ babies so I really think it's fine for 1 every so often so I really wouldn't worry about it. It's definitely a personal choice but not one that I think anyone would ever judge you badly for either way. Having said that I have been told to stop being so silly by various relatives/ friends and TO drink while I'm pregnant - kinda weird! lol
My personal choice has also been to avoid alcohol all together since finding out i was pg too. I watched a programme that said alcohol stays in your babys system three times longer then it does in yours. It's up to you hun if you want a drink, so long as you are sensible which it sounds like you are being.xx
2 glasses of Champagne last night to celebrate my partner's new business venture. Before that nothing for a few months. These are my normal drinking habits anyway. I did go to wee a fair bit more in the night but the champs was yummy mmmmmmmm

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