

Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2011
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What are peoples thoughts on the safe recommendation for drinking alcohol when pregnant? I've been out for a meal tonight and had 1 alcopop. It was only 1.1 unit of alcohol and i know that doctors usually recommend no more than 1-2 units a week. I feel absolutely fine but have had a few alcopops during the pregnancy (all on different occasions and no more than 1 a week). I'm starting to think that it's just better not to drink at all...i only got one because i fancied the taste of it but i know some people think that avoiding alcohol altogether when pregnant is the best way xx
Hi Hun, I can only give a personal opinion but I don't touch alcohol I wouldn't give my baby a glass of wine when it's here so i don't have any now.
I thought drs were now saying no alcohol!
It is personal choice though x x
My personal choice has also been to totally avoid all alcohol. I thought this would be difficult as I always used to love a glass of wine of an evening, but now I hate the smell and wouldn't want a glass even if I was forced. Like Sleepy Sue says, I won't be giving my baby alcohol, so wouldn't want to do so now. Having said that though, my midwife told me that a glass of red wine would be good for my iron levels! It really does come down to personal choice.
I haven't touched a drop since ive been preggers. It is probably fine to have the odd glass though but I've chosen to wait and have a glass of champers when Chip arrives into the world. X
I've had the odd glass of wine, I always do feel guilty but my o/h go's mad and say drug addicts have healthy babies every day one glass of wine a month can't do anything. Each to there own, my mw also said it was fine if that's all it was xxx
I've also had a couple of glasses (on separate weeks) since being pregnant. These were both special occasions and small glasses.

It's def a personal choice. I know some people avoid it totally and I also know people like me. It's certainly not something I'd do every week (purely cos the enjoyment isn't as much when o know I can't have any more!!)

Don't get hung up about it xx
I had lots of wine for 5 days when I was 5-6 weeks cos I was on holiday! Jen I found out and havent touched a drop since.

I dont drink anyway (apart from holidays) so it's not made a big difference. Pip is all good too so I'm hopin I got away with being merry for 5 days. Do feel guilty tho cos I wouldn't have done it if I knew I had Pip on board :(
I haven't had a drink, though I really want one. I don't believe that having a small glass of wine very occasionally will harm the baby but I do think I'd feel bad about it afterwards so for that reason I'm not going to bother.
I don't drink at all since I found out in my first pregnancy that the alcohol goes straight to the placenta! in my mind that cannot be a good thing.
i have not touched any, mainly as my oh has had a drink problem (as had his parents etc) so i worry it will give them a taste lol. but i know that is silly as if it is in them to be that way, then it is programmed so nothing i can do.

i have fancied some this wk but have not done it- mainly coz i dont need it, and i dont want to start getting into the habit of wanting it - but i may have one glass on xmas day, depends how i feel by then!
I've nor had any at all, its a personal choice I don't see the harm in 1 glass on a special occasion as long as its not a regular thing. I may have a small glass of champers with my dinner on xmas day but that will be it for the whole pregnancy for me. Xx
i've opted for non alcoholic lager, it tastes the same but without the effects :) curbs my craving for alcohol anyway lol! xx
since i found out i havent touched a drop, i did get drunk on more than 1 occassion before i knew which worries me but if you dont know you cant do anything about it.

with my first baby my dr said it was fine to have the odd glass of wine as if you were relaxed so was baby x x but this was 16 years ago x x
I think the recomendations are the same 1-2 units per week but at my booking the midwife said that she often just tells people none as people get very confused as to how much a unit is and therefore end up thinking its ok to drink more than they should, I guess everyones glass of wine may be different measurements especially if you are pouring it at home. A 250ml glass of wine for example has more than 2 units in it.

Since finding out, not touched a drop of it. Think it's just personal preference isn't it.
Cos there's guidelines there saying what you're allowed and what's deemed as safe, so it's your choice if you do that or not.
Thanks ladies, interesting views. I haven't touched anything stronger than alcopops and i've never had more than one a week since finding out i was pregnant. Before i knew i'd been out a few times and got drunk which really upset me when i found out, but my midwife said that people do it all the time and there's no point worrying about something that you didn't know about. I think i might just stop altogether, i don't believe that 1 alcopop can harm baby as it's well within the 'safe guidelines' but it just seems a bit pointless xxx
I've had a few small glasses of red over the last few months when at a special occasion etc. Haven't really worried about it that much to be honest as I know that when my mum was preggo with us 3 she was prescribed 1/2 pint Guinness per day for her iron levels later on in her pregnancy!! I didn't have any til after 20 weeks though.
I had a Baileys and Ice last night as we have family over and just fancied the one, Had 2 glasses of wine on seperate occasions over the past few months but wouldnt have any more than 1 , I was told it was completly fine to have the odd one on the odd occasion by my doc but guess that comes down to doctors opinions too. Like most people I had a skin full before finding out I was pg as I got pg on my honeymoon so was drinking every day for 2 weeks straight so was very worried but MW assured me it wouldld not have done any harm

As everyone else said it is personal choice :)
It is a personal choice. I have had two alcoholic drinks since while pregnant, a 'reverse spritzer' (a glass of fizzy water with a dash of white wine) and i had a glass of champagne on my birthday (I was only going to have one drink so i made it a really nice expensive one :)). I dont think the odd glass will do any harm and I did read somewhere that its more in the early stages of pregnancy that you should avoid alcohol (while the baby is developing its organs etc) than in the latter stages. But to be honest, i was so sick up until about 19 weeks, just the thought of an alcoholic drink made my stomach turn! x
defo personal choice if the OH has a beer and i can smell it then ill have sip just for the taste and im happy. however i think with xmas and new year i may have A small glass just to toast maybe watered down with lemonade. and in feb when im 7months its my 21st and would really like to toast that aswell :s xxx

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