

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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geez! this is what im dreading most of all about having this baby. They were REALLY bad with my second baby but with my third they were like labour pains again (seriously) i asked for gas and air!!! Im really stressed at how painful they will be this time round.

Does anyone else remember their after pains? :( . Mine were at their worse after feeding baby. :(
I must admit mine wern't that bad. They were worse with my second but just like period pains. I have heard they get worse with every child, don't know if that true or not!
i would say its true. But i suppose it differs from woman to woman and if you breastfeed i suppose.
I'm only having 2 then :shock: I remember them being like bad period pains with Damien, especially after expressing It felt like bricks were being dropped on my stomach. They kept pumping me with paracetomol to take the pain away. Labour was worse but gas and air made it more bareable.
AFTER PAINS???????????????????????????????????????????????

What the hell are those?? Never heard of them, dont tell me I'm still going to be in pain AFTER the arrival of this one :shock:

NO FAIR :shakehead:
yeh i had them qiute badly too, especially with my 2nd child.
at least then you can take painkillers without worrying about the baby, unless you're breastfeeding i suppose.

gonna dose up again this time!!
it says in my book they get worse after every baby because the uterus has to work harder to get back to normal each time its stretched. and it hurts when breastfeeding or after because the uterus contracts when u breastfeed.
mine arent too bad just like mild period pain but they do hurt when feeding they're quite gripey i keep taking paracetemol.
the pain from my stitches is far worse though :(
OK excuse my ignorance here but can someone please explain what the hell AFTERPAINS are. Dont recall having had them with my daughter so why should I this stime?
its just like period pains where everythings getting back to normal and your womb is shrinking back down and everything. they're not too bad!

does anyone know how long they last though? i would guess till the lochia stops.
I didnt get any after my 1st baby, hope i dont get them, as if u dont go through enough pains and aches ur bloody body gives u more!!!

:x :x
I didn't have them either. How common are they?
i dont really remmeber havin them? but i was in hosp 4 nearly a month afterwards so i got painkillers on the dot no matter wot!!
apparently you dont get them on your 1st baby i had them after having jamie and they were horrific worse than the pain of labour :shock: had first one not long after having jamie couldnt move it was awful they lasted about a week but the worst ones were in first few days xxxxx
i didn't get them after my first and if i did i didn't notice them.
But they have got worse and worse with each child. Im dreading mine
I had them after Arianna and she was my first!! And they get worse?!?!?!?! Oh no!!!!!!!!!

Mines were worse after expressing or eating! I'm still not eating properly as it honestly feels like the food just goes "thud" to the bottom of my tummy. I'm eating plenty but only a little often as I can't face 3 proper meals.

S. xx
:x :x :x :x @ the whole after pains thing im in bloody agony! spent half the day crawling round the floor on all fours! :cry: didnt have any after having kurt they werent too bad after beth but now my god im not even going to say how i feel about them coz it wont be very polite :lol:
OMFG afterpains?!

is this a joke? no one ever mentioned these before, grrrr :shock:
omg, im so dreading the afterpains now, i thought the birth was going to be bad! but its the afterpains now ahahah

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