advice plz!!!im so worried


Active Member
Oct 2, 2007
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hi, im new to this forum and in urgent need of advice.
i am supposedly nearly 12weeks pregnant and on saturday i noticed some brown spotting, i went to the hospital as i was worried sick, i lost a baby at 20weeks in march and thought the sames happening again.
they checked me out and took my last period date which was 7th july.

however the spotting stopped and they booked me for early scan on sunday. the scan however showed no heartbeat and they said that the fetus was showing only 5weeks into pregnancy. they said this could be it has not developed yet to pick up on heartbeat yet and that i must of got my dates mixed. im so worried, they have called me in on the 12th oct to see if fetus has grown. it seems like forever for me. could the fetus have stopped growing? and why was there spotting? they gave me no answers.
im in bits because of what happened last time and im trying to be positive but how could i have got my dates wrong?
please if anyone has any advice please let me know.
thanks in advance
I had brown spotting at five weeks too. I think you've got your dates wrong... I will be thinking of you. :hug:
Yeah I agree with the above, and at 5 weeks you aren't likely to see a heart beat. I wish you all the best and try to relax.

i to agree lots of us get our dates wrong hun it happens
try to relax and wait for the next scan
manda xx
Maybe you ovulated later than you think, therefore your dates are out.
thanks for your replys feeling better.
you all could be right about the dates because when i didnt start my period on 7th aug i took preg test came negative until 18th aug. which was unusual as iv always tested positive a few days after missed period with previous pregnancies. but that would make me more than 5weeks surely? sorry just trying to make sense ewhy there wasnt a heartbeat.

I can't really offer any advice but just wanted you to know you are not the only one in this position so I know how you feel !

I've had 2 early scans due to some bleeding and a bit of pain. I keep being told to come back as there is still no heartbeat and the fetus is only about 4mm.

My last period was 8/8 so they said they expected to see more by now - I've had a bit of brown spotting too and keep freaking out. This is my first attempt at pregnancy so I feel very worried.

I really hope you get some good news at your next scan, I know it is awful waiting :(

Take care
i hope everything works out okay. couldnt they test your HCG levels to see if that is okay?

i too lost a baby - at 15wks - baby was only the size of 11 wks so must have died a few weeks prior. i had spotting on a couple of occasions.

this time too i have had bleeding twice - hoping that everything will be okay - am going for scan on tuesday.

fingers crossed for both of us!! xxxx

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