am i having a miscarriage?

Hope everything goes ok for you. xxx
Good luck hon!!

The best way to tell would be to do bloods to see if they are increasing...

Kepp us informed Ill keep my fingers crossed for yah
just come back from hospital, they checked blood pressur, took blood samples and urine sample. the urine sample confirmed im still preg. and they told me to wait 24 to 48 hours for another scan. they didnt offer me one today im disapointed. from what they can tell they aint to sure thremselves until they scan me.
im even more confused than before coz i was hoping for an answer and they didnt give me one. so gotta wait another few days for scan.
i guess what i really wanna know is am i going to miscarry?
awww hun
im sure if they thought the worst was going to happen they would scan you
the best thing you can do is take it very easy
feet up relax dont do anything if you can help it
manda xx
I only got the one scan hun , the rest they figured out from the blood test results, it was the longest 48 hours of my life hun so i feel for you on this one

Just try and and relax there isnt anything more that you can do or find out now until you get your blood tests back

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks for your replies really appreciate it.
just wanted to know what exactly does a blood test show? and what could the stringy clots be?
The blood test measures the amount of pregnancy hormone, they will take a blood test again in a couple of days to ensure the hormone is rising. If it is this is a good thing and it shows the pregnancy is progressing. If the hormone level has dropped then im afraid this is would indicate a miscarriage.

I hope it turns out positive for you, :pray: ing for you x x x
The blood test measures the level of pregnancy hormone called HCG in a healthy pregnancy this will go up every 48 hours usually it doubles or thereabouts

If it is ectopic or not a healthy pregnancy it will increase by only a little bit at a time

If it is a misscarraige it will go down mine went from 423 to 203 in 48 hours but my first test was when i was already about a week after i started spotting which was why the level was so low

I had stringy bits in mine and i think they said it was the uterus lining which sheds

hope this helps explain things hun
thanks for your reply.
im thinking thats exactly what the string bits are..the uterus lining.
does it mean im probably gonna have a misscarriage? im clutching at straws here but could the stringy bits be part of old blood from previous period? if the uterus lining is shedding will the baby have any chance?
any reply appreciated
Aww sweetie, what a frightening situation to be in :hug: :hug: I really can not comment on your bleeding even though I have had two m/c, yours does seem different to mine, so who knows, maybe that is a good thing, but I honestly do not know :(
I am thinking of you honey, I hope and pray everything will be ok for you.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
For me unfortunately hun it was the beginning of a miscarraige and very similar to the stringy bits i get during AF

Is there a chance that you got your dates wrong? thats what they said to me but i knew there wasnt as we had only BD'd 4 times that month and therefore it had to be 6 weeks so therefore should have shown up

I know how hard it is hun really hope for a good outcome for you x
just got this thread

thinking of you hun

must be on tender hooks,,,,lots of people have bleeds and go onto to have healthy babies, I think just keeping positive until you know one way or the other, I know it is so hard pet.
I've had similar symptoms to you leading to two miscarriages but also similar brown stringy stuff leading to three healthy babies - hope the wait til Friday is short and the scan shows what we all want to see - will be thinking of you :)
hi, i got back from scan yoday they decided this morning to give me one early.
at the hospital they gave an internal scan and sadly it showed that pregnancy has ended. i feel numb coz i lost last pregnancy at 20weeks in march and at least i saw my little boy but with this i dont.
they offering my 3 diff procedures. one letting nature take its course, second inserting pesseries and thirdly d&c. dont know which to go for? any advice appreciated. many thanks for your support and replies.

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