Advice please 30 weeks xx


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2010
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What should I expect from having my baby at 30 weeks ? She will be 2 weeks smaller than supposed to be due to pre eclampsia. Any info would be great ! I'm in hosp in Spain, unexpectedly taken Ill and told I have pre eclampsia and baby will be born here ! Any info on natural birth or c section. Breast feeding a premmie etc.

Thanks xxxx
hope someone can give you info soon hun i didnt want to read and run xx
my friend recently had her baby at 32 weeks hun, and her little man is fine, but was in neonatal for a good 4-6 weeks x
When I had Ella at 36 weeks she ended up in neonatal for 9 days but when she was in there there were 3 other babies who were born between 30-33 weeks and all were absolutely fine- just needed to stay in special care for a month or so to help them until they were strong enough to go home.

Good luck hon. xxx
A very worrying time for you dear, esp cos your in another country!!! I will be honest in my account dear, without meaning to upset or worry you xxxxxx
I gave birth early due to premature rupturing of the membranes!!
My LO was born at 33 weeks, my waters went at 32 weeks. I had two steriod injections to develope the lungs when i was first admitted to hospital (have you had them yet???), i stayed in hospital for three days and then was allowed home, they wanted baby to stay in me for as long as poss, but a week and a bit later i went into labour naturally!!
I had a natural birth with gas and air, but i do believe that many premmie babies are born by cesarean, because they have to be out quickly for many reasons.
Lo, was rushed away to special care, with no skin to skin etc, as they have to be put in an incubator. And unfortunatly they do have so many tubes everywhere and of course they are so small and fragile,
Lo was feed through a tube which goes in the mouth and the milk is poured in, most ladies express their milk for their LO's, as being born so early they cannot suck nor can they swallow (hence the tube), however expressing can be an issue as giving birth so early means your bobby is just not ready, so no milk. I didn't express (it was just all to much for me), my LO had a special formula for premmies!!
Benjamin was born 4lb 3oz and went down to 3lb something, but we only stayed in hospital for two weeks, which is a very short time period considering.
My friend who i met in hospital gave birth at 27 weeks her baby weighed around 1lb, he was born at the end of jan, and she has just got him home now!!
Its a very long, stressful and upsetting time having a baby very early,,, but you just have to been strong and try to keep yourself togther.
Lo is now around 10lb 4lb and doing fab.... there is light at the end of the tunnel honney.
Any questions just PM me chick, and i really hope what i have wrote hasn't upset you
Thanks so much. Does anyone know anything about steroid shots ? I've had 2 in 48 hours. Does this mean they will be inducing me in a couple of days? It's really hard to get a straight answer from someone who doesn't speak English :(
spelling error....
"means your body isn't ready""
Good that you have had the two injections, so that will mean its bringing on your LOs lungs.
I only had two steroid injections.
I really don't know chick, i would assume cos you have had the injections they will induce you soon. God its so worrying for you honey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks don ! Really helpful I info. Obviously I'm terrified but I jus want tO begin this long journey ahead of me now thT I know what is in store. I have had the shots. Thank god but they say she is two weeks smaller thanshe should be so I'm worries :(
Aww Hun I can't really add much. My Ella was born at 35+5 and had to spend 11 days in hospital. I only had one steroid injection as there wasn't time for me to have the second as I had gone into labour naturally. There was another baby in scbu who was born at 30 weeks and she was about 3lbs and had the kind of monitoring/care described on the Internet extracts above. I really wanted to bf And wanted to avoid formula but they explained that Ella needed to improve her blood sugar levels so they gave her formula through a tube down her nose and straight to her stomach. They showed me how to express and when my milk started coming in they used my expressed milk down the tube rather than formula. When she was strong enough she started bf as well. Now she is exclusively bf (unless I want to give her a bottle of expressed milk eg last feed at night from hubby). Best of luck - keep us posted and let us know if we can do anything like finding out what something means etc xx
i had 2 steroid injecions when i was 32 weeks because my lo stopped growing and they thought they might have to deliver me early i was induced at 37 weeks but it failed she then became poorly in the womb so was induced again at 38 +6 and all was fine she came out 4lb 3oz and remained at birth weight so she was able to stay with me and go home after 3 days.

good luck and keep strong xx
No info hun but I just want to wish you the best of luck and I will be checking up on you to see how everything is going xxx
Hi chick,
hope you and LO are ok, keep us posted if you can dear xxxx
Someone told me babies born too early are at more risk of brain damage and things :( Which I hope not! My sister was born at 33 weeks and she was just fine!

Is it someone speaking gobbledy-gook or is there any truth in this?

(Sorry if I upset or offend anyone, I really don't mean to, I just seek answers from experienced and well informed people!)
hiya hun, hope all is well.

Welllllllllllllllllllllllll brain damage is a bit strong, i dont think it makes much of a difference how early the baby is that it develops such things as brain damage, that only tends to happen when the brain is starved of oxygen, such as during a stressfull birth.

Do you mind me asking why you may be having the baby so early? I was told from 29 weeks that my baby could be delivered any day, they gave me steroid injections for her lungs and she was eventually delivered by c section at 32 weeks, 3lb 3oz and absolutely amazing. She didnt even need oxygen (however most babys do so its not a bad thing if they do) all im saying is she is now 11 months and is absolutely perfect in every way!

also a friend of mine had her baby at 26 weeks, he is now a year old and is absolutely fine. it isnt impossible for there to be complications, such as cerebral palsy etc but the chances of developing such things drop dramatacally once the baby has past 30 weeks gestation. Be brave, you and the baby will (fingers crossed) both be fine. special care is a difficult time but you barely remember it once its over.

Can't offer much advice hun but to give you hope my brother was born 27 years ago at 30 wks weighing under 5lb and is now 6ft 3ins and is very healthy and happy with kids of his own. My first was born at 36 weeks but weighed 5lb 5ozs and is now a strapping 14 year old. xxxxxxxxxx
My cousins baby was delivered at just under 25 weeks gestation due to pre-eclampsia and he is now a thriving 9 month old.

I think brain problems are more likely pre-24 weeks, which is why they say babies aren't viable until 24 weeks gestation. And that is because the of the development of the brain at that stage.

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