A very worrying time for you dear, esp cos your in another country!!! I will be honest in my account dear, without meaning to upset or worry you xxxxxx
I gave birth early due to premature rupturing of the membranes!!
My LO was born at 33 weeks, my waters went at 32 weeks. I had two steriod injections to develope the lungs when i was first admitted to hospital (have you had them yet???), i stayed in hospital for three days and then was allowed home, they wanted baby to stay in me for as long as poss, but a week and a bit later i went into labour naturally!!
I had a natural birth with gas and air, but i do believe that many premmie babies are born by cesarean, because they have to be out quickly for many reasons.
Lo, was rushed away to special care, with no skin to skin etc, as they have to be put in an incubator. And unfortunatly they do have so many tubes everywhere and of course they are so small and fragile,
Lo was feed through a tube which goes in the mouth and the milk is poured in, most ladies express their milk for their LO's, as being born so early they cannot suck nor can they swallow (hence the tube), however expressing can be an issue as giving birth so early means your bobby is just not ready, so no milk. I didn't express (it was just all to much for me), my LO had a special formula for premmies!!
Benjamin was born 4lb 3oz and went down to 3lb something, but we only stayed in hospital for two weeks, which is a very short time period considering.
My friend who i met in hospital gave birth at 27 weeks her baby weighed around 1lb, he was born at the end of jan, and she has just got him home now!!
Its a very long, stressful and upsetting time having a baby very early,,, but you just have to been strong and try to keep yourself togther.
Lo is now around 10lb 4lb and doing fab.... there is light at the end of the tunnel honney.
Any questions just PM me chick, and i really hope what i have wrote hasn't upset you