I think I might have posted this before somewhere, but I think it might be better in this thread...
I watched a programme about food and fertility in May/June. It recommended that
men have two fresh fruit smoothies every day. They are full of vit C which is an antioxidant and would protect sperm from the free radicals that attack it and make them less effective. (swim slower or loose tails etc)
They also suggested that men eat a serving of brazil nuts every day. I think these were full of zinc and selinium. This helped increase the man's sperm production.
We decided to give it a shot. My OH ate brazils every day (lucky he likes them) and had a fruit smootie every lunch time (wasn't fresh as we didn't have time). A month later we got a BFP
It may be a load of codswallop and a complete coincidence....but it was certainly worth a try.
One other thing, as others have said...try to relax if you can. The weekend we concieved, we were away in a lovely hotel for our anniversary. We slept, ate, drank, swam, walked and of course bd'd lots. We were having fun, we were not concentrating on getting preggers. It seemed to work
Good luck to everyone, I am sending oodles of baby dust your way